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Comprehensive Comic Book Catch-Up Guide

(Main Series) Friendship is Magic #1-4 The Return of Queen Chrysalis (Major Storyline)
Main Characters - Mane 6, CMC, Chrysalis
Summary - Queen Chrysalis has returned, replaced all the citizens of Ponyville with changelings, and kidnapped the CMC. Will the our heroes be able to stop her before it is too late? Or will rising tensions between the friends spell out their doom?
Quick Review - A worthy introduction to the comics with some fun character moments. Any comic drawn by Andy Price is worth checking out for the art alone. Chrysalis literally throws a kitten at a wall and it explodes into blood. 6/10

FiM #5-8 Nightmare Rarity (Major) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Rarity, Mane 6, Luna, Spike
Summary - Rarity is overcome by insecurity and the fear that she doesn't provide enough to the group, and allows herself to be corrupted by Nightmare. As her friends rush to save her, Luna must overcome her own guilty past in order to defeat it again in the present.
Quick Review - Nightmare Rarity's design is superb. So are the moon denizens. Katie Cook's writing style can lean into the absurd sometimes, but she knows how to do an emotional moment. We see how Luna earned her flowing mane. Spike saves the day. Trixie gets a few lines. 8/10

FiM #9-10 Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Big Mac
Summary - Big Mac has to find nails to fix his gazebo during the Summer Wrap-Up festival. But the world has other plans for him.
Quick Review - Big Mac plays a wonderful comedic straight man. Seriously, the comic is hilarious, the art is amazing, and Big Mac is a chad. Dude has to fight off like four different mares fawning over him, including Luna. He just wants to repair his gazebo, for god's sake. 9/10

FiM #11-12 (Neigh Anything)
Characters - Cadance, Shining Armor, Biff Tannen
Summary - Discover the romantic tale of how Cadance and Shining Armor came to be. Can Shining Armor prove himself worthy to Cadance? Will she choose him over High School Gigachad Buck Withers? Probably.
Quick Review - I enjoy it. Not much to say. Shining Armor belts out some Oingo Boingo for Cadance, and lord knows there is nothing more romantic than singing about how much you love little girls. (6.5/10)

Annual 2013: Equestria Girls (The Fall of Sunset Shimmer)
Characters - Sunset Shimmer, Celestia
Summary - Sunset Shimmer is a magical prodigy. But Celestia will not further her teachings, because despite her prowess, the young sorcerer has much to learn. Sunset believes otherwise.
Quick Review - To everyone clamoring for a proper Sunset backstory and motivation I am proud to announce that this is not it. It's unbelievably vague and generic. It pains me as a massive Shimmerfriend. Also, all the human designs look like ayy lmaos. More so than the show. Hopefully they pick it up in the next EqG comic... (3/10)

FiM #13-14 (My Little Pirate)
Characters - Fluttershy, Mane 6, Hoofbeard
Summary - Fluttershy has become too attached to a fish she rescued, and regrets letting it go. So when a dangerous pirate arrives looking for a crew, she take it is an opportunity to reunite with her fish. Also a pirate adventure thing, Hoofbeard seeks a treasure behind a perilous journey.
Quick Review - Utterly forgettable. I really cannot be bothered to reread it for a review. It was okay I think? (5/10)

FiM #15-16 (The Book Worm)
Characters - Twilight, Mane 6
Summary - A magical bookworm begins devouring his way through Twilight's library. That wouldn't be such an issue (except to Twilight), if the characters from to books didn't begin popping up in the real world. Now Twilight and co must take down the bookworm in it's own domain: The Realm of Books.
Quick Review - I like Pinkie's fantasy world. Another just okay one. Lotta references to other media. Marvel, LoTR, Disney shlock, you get the idea. The void had some solid character moments for Twilight and Rainbow. (6/10)

Friends Forever #1: Pinkie & Applejack
Characters - Take a guess
Summary - In the issue, Applejack and Pinkie Pie enter a baking contest, and culinary hijinks ensue.
Quick Review - Rough start for FF. Predictable and silly. Art here is really not good. However, it does have Guy Fieri pony. (3/10)

Friends Forever #2: CMC & Discord (Highly Recommended)
Characters - CMC, Discord
Summary - Discord takes the crusaders to increasingly dangerous dimensions in their search for a cutie mark.
Quick Review - This one is super sweet. Some of the best Discord showing in the series. The CMC being some of the only ponies to understand and show gratitude towards Discord for his effort is so damn heartwarming. (8/10)

Friends Forever #3: Celestia & Spike (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Celestia, Spike
Summary - Spike wants to get Twilight something nice for her birthday, but the gift he settled on turns out to be slightly hard to come by. He enlists Celestia's help in getting the gift for her student, a gift found deep in the dangerous Crystal Mountains.
Quick Review - By far my favorite portrayal of Celestia. Lot of nice and touching dialogue between her and Spike, and some insight on Celestia's mindset as a ruler and teacher. Shame they went further down the "Celestia is an incompetent and petty klutz" route later on. (8/10)

FiM #17-20 (Reflections) (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Mane 6, Celestia, Starswirl, Sombra
Summary - Celestia has been secretly visiting another dimension for quite some time. A world where good is evil, and evil is good, and she has fallen madly in love with the benevolent King Sombra. A world where she and Luna are villains threatening to take over both dimensions. And it's all her fault.
Quick Review - This one is super polarizing. For me, it's a collection of great ideas utilized poorly. The mirror dimension is a very interesting concept that I wish would be re explored. And i'm content with all the characters. But the climax, touching as it maybe, kinda dampens this one for me. Still, (7/10)

Friends Forever #4: Twilight & Shining Armor
Characters - ^^^^^
Summary - Twilight Sparkle is worried her and Shiny have drifted apart since their foalhoods. An opportunity presents itself to rekindle when her and Shining Armor team up to catch a ghost that haunts the Crystal Empire palace.
Quick Review? - Turns out, there are a lot of FF comics, and a lot of them are pretty inconsequential. There are only so many times I can say, "It was cute. I liked it." before that gets redundant. So unless I have something more to say, i'm gonna reduce these to just Rating and Summary. Pretty good tho. (6/10)

Friends Forever #5: Fluttershy & Zecora
Summary - Fluttershy and Zecora try to figure out why Fluttershy can suddenly hear her animal friends talk. Spoilers: It was Discord. Go figure.
Rating - (4/10)

Friends Forever #6: Rainbow Dash & Trixie
Summary - Rainbow Dash is called upon by a newly crowned Queen Trixie to perform for a kingdom of Diamond Dogs. Turns out being Queen isn't all its cracked up to be.
Rating - I mean, it's got Trixie. (6/10)

FiM #21-22 (Manehattan Mysteries) (Recommended)
Characters - CMC, Babs, Trixie, AJ, Rarity
Summary - Doesn't need one. Trixie and Babs are in it. Go read it.
Quick Review - The relationship between Babs and Trixie here and they parallels they draw from each other are pretty great. I always love those kinds of strange character interactions. (7/10)

Friends Forever #7: Pinkie & Luna
Summary - Princess Luna seeks Pinkie Pie's help in making ponies laugh so she can participate in a Royal Event.
Rating - (6/10)

Friends Forever #8: Applejack & Rarity
Summary - Typical Rarijack episode, road trip edition.
Rating - It introduces those stupid bull cowboys. For that (4/10)

FiM Issue 23 (Pets to the Rescue)
Characters - Angel, Winona, Opalescence, Owliscious, Gummi, Tank
Summary - When there owners are nowhere to be found, the pets team up and must set out to find their owners and assist them in whatever magical conundrum they may have found themselves in.
Quick Review - I think the villain here would have been really interesting in almost any other scenario. Other than that, minimal dialogue, and the art isn't exceptional, so (5/10)

Friends Forever #9: Granny & The Flimflam Bros
Summary - Granny Smith helps Flim and Flam patch things up after they have a falling-out over a mare.
Rating - This one is pretty wholesome. (7/10)

FiM Issue 24 (Discord in Time)
Characters - Discord, CMC, Flutters
Summary - Discord take the CMC and Flutterbutter on an a journey through time to show them some animals. Hijinks ensue.
Quick Review - Another really nice Discord issue. He isn't use to having all these friends and watching out for them in his chaos, so he drags them along in his dangerous adventures. He then immediately forgets this lesson. (7/10)

Friends Forever #10: Fluttershy & Iron Will (Major)
Summary - Fluttershy helps Iron Will with has marital problems.
Rating - (6/10)

Friends Forever #11: Rainbow Dash & Spitfire
Summary - Rainbow Dash helps Spitfire overcome her greatest fear: Children.
Rating - Art style is cute, but super jarring. (6/10)

FiM #25-26 (The Good, the Bad and the Ponies)
Characters - AJ, Mane 6, Bulls
Summary - Doesn't matter.
Quick Review - Don't read this one. Seriously, it's bad. Nothing really makes sense. Applejack has some sort of brain defect. Twilight arbitrarily cannot use her magic on Equestrian citizens. Even when they are dangerous criminals, apparently? (1/10)

Friends Forever #12: Pinkie & Twilight
Summary - Twilight tries to help Pinkie overcome her harrowing cocaine addiction. When that fails, Twilight starts doing coke herself to make the guilt go away. Pinkie stops doing coke for like five minutes, and Twi considers that a success.
Rating - (4/10)

Equestria Girls Annual 2014: Holiday Special
Characters - Humane 6, Sunset Shimmer, CMC
Summary - The holidays are nearing, and Sunnybun is feeling pretty down in the dumps. The girls try to cheer her up by inviting over for a few nights of debauchery. This cheers her up a bit. So, the Humane 5 go home on the shortbus and Sunny walks home, finally content with herself. Meanwhile the CMC decide that Sunset is keeping them from spending time with their sisters(?) and start a social media account in her name, called Anon-A-Miss, which they use to spread explicit photos of their sisters from the "sleepovers" and frame Sunset. Everyone in the school begin to tragically suffer from severe mental deficiencies and buy it immediately. Because the chick who just saved all of your sorry asses from soul sucking harlots like a week ago is going to post shit about her friends with her fucking face attached to the account.
Quick Review - I really wish I could shit on this more, but I got quite a bit to get through. (-3/10)

Friends Forever #13: Rarity & Babs Seed
Summary - In the issue, Rarity must entertain Babs Seed when Sweetie Belle falls ill. Turns out Babs idea of entertainment is different than Rarity's.

FiM #27-28 (The Root of the Problem) (Major)
Characters - Mane 6, Bramble, King Aspen
Summary - The Everfree spontaneously begins protruding into Ponyville. At the root of this problem, the druid-esque Deers who wish to reclaim the parts of their forest that were lost.
Quick Review - The Deer are really neat, and having them be the night elves of Equestria is a fun concept. But the deer people kind of get the shaft, and most of the story focuses on the avaricious minotuar Well-to-do. (6.5/10)

Friends Forever #14: Luna & Spike
Summary - In the issue, Princess Luna enlists Spike's help in solving a dragon problem in Fillydelphia.
Rating - Luna and Spike spend three pages together, and the rest of the story is focused on an annoying pink fangirl dragon. (4/10)

Friends Forever #15: Applejack & Mayor Mare
Summary - In this issue, politics are boring.
Rating - (5/10)

FiM Issue #29 (Ponymania XXIX)
Characters - Cheerilee, Cherry Blossom
Summary - Cheerilee reunites with her twin sister—one of the most famous wrestlers in Equestria. But when Cherry Blossom gets injured, Cheerilee is forced to take her place in the ring.
Quick Review - As with most Jay Fosgitt's stuff, cute, but a lot of fluff and not much to carry an interesting story. (6/10)

FIENDship is Magic #1: King Sombra (Major) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Sombra, Radiant Hope
Summary - Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance discover King Sombra's diary and learn of his rise to power. But before that, how he was a sickly outcast, a troubled young amnesiac whose only friend was the equally strange Radiant Hope, who still had imaginary friends.
Quick Review - Much needed backstory for Sombra, and very well done at that. His connection to Radiant Dawn feels genuine, and his corruption by way of shitty crystal ball is absolutely tragic. My dude just wanted to go the Crystal Faire ): Also Princess Amore fucking dies. (9/10)

FIENDship is Magic #2: Tirek (Recommended)
Characters - Tirek, Scorpan, Sendak
Summary - Tirek, young and ambitious, sneaks out of his royal families castle to visit the unhinged sorcerer Sendak to learn more about magic. Scorpan is worried about his brothers ambitions.
Quick Review - Doesn't add much character depth to Tirek, but it's suitable. Presents a lot of cool ideas not explored as thoroughly as they could be. Leaves a lot up to interpretation and head canon. (7/10)

FIENDship is Magic #3: Sirens (Non-Canon)
Characters - The Dazzlings, Starswirl
Summary - The fate of the world is determined by a music battle, and if the Dazzlings win, all is lost. This is not Rainbow Rocks.
Quick Review - Not a single character acts in character, and while the other Fiendship issues are take themselves pretty seriously, this one is drastically different tonally and opts for comedy. Which really sucks, because I wanted actual backstories for the Sirens. Humor falls flat as well. (2/10)

FIENDship is Magic #4: Nightmare Moon
Characters - Nightmare Moon, Nyx (Not that Nyx)
Summary - A recently banished Nightmare Moon attempts exacts revenge on Princess Celestia through the world of dreams. The Nyx, the keepers of the dreams, will not allow it.
Quick Review - I much prefer Nightmare Moon as a manifestation of Luna's negative emotions over depictions a corrupting parasitic entity. Story is serviceable, a bit sad, nothing noteworthy. (6/10)

FIENDship is Magic #5: Queen Chrysalis (Major)
Characters - Twilight, Chrysalis
Summary - The Mane Six visit the imprisoned Queen Chrysalis, who recounts her past exploits.
Quick Review - Case of unreliable narrator here. Chrysalis implies that changelings are made of pure dark magic, which is an idea I actually quite like, but having them reform like they did would say otherwise. Story is sorta all over, like a Chrysalis anthology short. (6/10)

Friends Forever #16: Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon
Summary - Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon compete against the Cutie Mark Crusaders in a scavenger hunt.
Rating - Smokin' hot goth pony makes an appearance. (7/10)

FiM #30-31 (Ponyville Days)
Characters - Rarity, AJ, Twilight
Summary - Civil War over a land dispute or something, can't really be bothered with this one.
Quick Review - As far as I remember, this is one of the issues that gives everyone in Ponyville a crippling case of "has to wear a helmet while outside". Dumbing down characters to make a story work is obnoxious. (3/10)

Friends Forever #17: Twilight & Big Mac
Summary - Twilight takes a trip into Big Mac's brain to learn how to focus as well as he does.
Rating - (7/10)

Friends Forever #18: Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy
Summary - Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy go to their flight camp reunion.
Rating - Pretty adorable. (7/10)

FiM #32-33 (Night of the Living Apples)
Characters - Mane 6, Spike
Summary - Apples take over Ponyville. Our heroes turn into bats. This is not a crackfic.
Quick Review - Batpony designs are pretty damn cool. Story is whatever. (5/10)

FiM #32-33 (Night of the Living Apples)
Summary - Rarity gets carried away when she goes into business with Mr. and Mrs. Cake.
Rating - (6/10)

Friends Forever #20: Luna & Discord (Recommended)
Summary - Princess Luna helps Discord when he has trouble sleeping.
Rating - Neat character dynamic. Good stuff for Luna and Discord. (8/10)

FiM #34-37 (Siege of the Crystal Empire) (Major) (Non-canon) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Sombra, Mane 6, Chryssi, Umbrums
Summary - A mysterious new villain brings several of the series' past antagonists together to attack the Crystal Empire.
Quick Review - I want to keep my gushing about this one brief. The umbrum design and lore are some of the best things to come out of the comics. This Sombra is infinitely better than the one in the show. I definitely didn't cry at the end because i'm a big boy. (9/10)

Friends Forever #21: Spike & Zecora
Summary - Spike and Zecora save Ponyville from a disease, and only they are immune.
Rating - (7/10)

Friends Forever #22: Celestia & Pinkie
Summary - Princess Celestia tasks Pinkie Pie with making the perfect cake for Princess Luna's birthday party.
Rating - Barely any Celestia. (4/10)

Friends Forever #23: Applejack & Fluttershy
Summary - Applejack and Fluttershy become involved in the search for a legendary creature called the Pigasus. They must keep its existence a secret.
Rating - No Kirin (5/10)

Friends Forever #24: Rarity & Gilda
Summary - Gilda enlists Rarity's help in designing uniforms for a new sports team in Griffonstone.
Rating - (6/10)

FiM #38-39 (Don't You Forget About Us)
Characters - CMC, Diamond Tiara, Snips, Snails
Summary - The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Snips, and Snails become lost in the mountains during a class field trip. AB and Diamond Tiara are forced to learn how to work together.

Friends Forever #25: Rainbow Dash & Twilight
Summary - Rainbow Dash seeks Twilight Sparkle's help after her wings mysteriously vanish.
Rating - Weird body horror. (7/10)

Friends Forever #26: Shining Armor & Prince Blueblood
Summary - Shining Armor is forced to work with Prince Blueblood on a diplomatic mission to Yakyakistan.
Rating - Holy shit they made Blueblood redeemable. (8/10)

FiM Issue #40 (Twilight meets Spike)
Characters - Twilight, Spike
Summary - You know, it's exactly how it sounds.
Quick Review - Very cute. (7/10)

Friends Forever #27: Pinkie & Granny Smith (Recommended)
Summary - Pinkie Pie offers to help Granny Smith after she breaks her hip right at the start of cider season.
Rating - Precious. (7/10)

FiM Issue #41 (Rainbow Dash and the Very Bad Day)
Characters - Zecora, Rainbow
Summary - Rainbow Dash is being a c**t, and enrages literally everybody else in Ponyville. In other words, they captured her character just right in this one.
Quick Review - I like rhyme schemes, but I hate bluefast. (4/10)

Friends Forever #28 Princess Luna and the Cutie Mark Crusaders
Summary - The Cutie Mark Crusaders assist Princess Luna during a foal slumber party at Canterlot Castle.
Rating - I like bone pony. (6/10)

FiM Issue #42 (A Pinkie Pie Story That Pinkie Pie Kinda Sorta Remembers) (Recommended)
Characters - Rarara, Ponker Po
Summary - Pinker Pop, still cooling off from her ten month long cocaine binge, tries to help Rarity make a gift for a friend very special to her.
Quick Review - Very cute, very funny, cried. (8/10)

Friends Forever #29 Rarity and Maud Pie
Summary - Rarity assists Maud Pie in her rock science interests and helps her discover her inner enthusiasm.
Rating - Nice Maud character development. (7/10)

FiM Issue #43-45 (Ponies of Dark Water) (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Mane 6, Luna, CMC, Spike
Summary - The Mane 6 bathe in cursed waters and become distorted versions of themselves. Pinkie Pie becomes a domestic terrorist.
Quick Review - I like the part where Pinkie bombs a movie theater potentially killing dozens of ponies. Hilarious. (8/10)

Friends Forever #30 Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance
Summary - Twilight Sparkle helps her sister-in-law Princess Cadance when she suffers from an unexplained lack of self-esteem.
Rating - I quite like this little arc for Cadance. (7/10)

Friends Forever #31 Rainbow Dash and Little Strongheart
Summary - Little Strongheart seeks Rainbow Dash's help in finding a legendary creature called the Rainbow Crow.
Rating - Little Strongheart, where ya been for six years dude? Beautiful art. (7/10)

Friends Forever #32 Fluttershy and Daring Do
Summary - Daring Do enlists Fluttershy's help in uncovering an ancient treasure. She must also face her arachnophobia.
Rating - Better than the actual Flutters/Do episode. (7/10)

FiM Issue #46-47 (Election)
Characters - Twilight, Mayor Mare, Donald Trump
Summary - Mayor Mare struggles in her bid for reelection, against definitely not Donald Trump guys I swear.
Quick Review - Haha I lied, but like I totally got you though right? Like it was super subtle? I bet you didn't even catch on. (5/10)

Friends Forever #33 Applejack and Cherry Jubilee
Summary - Applejack learns the secret history of Cherry Jubilee.
Rating - Cherry Jubilee is pretty hot. (6/10)

FiM Issue #48-50 (Chaos Theory) (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Discord, Starlight, Mane 6
Summary - An astronomical event causes Discord to transform from a creature of chaos to a being of pure order. But not all is at seems with the newly minted Accord.
Quick Review - Starlight gets one arc throughout all of these comics. luckily it's pretty good. She gets some good character growth. Accord is pretty god damn terrifying. Actual sound logic is used to best the villain, which is pretty rare. (8/10)

Friends Forever #34 Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Summary - Pinkie Pie and Cheese are eaten by a possessed party house. Seriously.
Rating - (6/10)

Friends Forever #35 Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer
Summary - Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer's attempt to organize the books in the Castle of the Two Sisters turns into a battle of egos.
Rating - This would have been much better is not illustrated by Fosgitt. It doesn't suit this more weighty type of story. (7/10)

Friends Forever #36 Rainbow Dash and Soarin (Recommended)
Summary - Rainbow Dash follows Soarin to a remote location to help him with a dangerous mission.
Rating - Great Soarin and Spitfire moments. (8/10)

Friends Forever #37 Rarity and Trixie
Summary - Dude, it's got two of the best pones. Read it.
Rating - (7/10)

FiM Issue #51-53 (From the Shadows) (Major)
Characters - Mane 6, Donut Steel
Summary - The edgiest OC to ever exist begins to erase Equestrian history from books and minds, in fear of his heritage catching up to him.
Quick Review - Super interesting villain motivation, terribly generic villain design. (7/10)

My Little Pony: Deviations
Characters - Prince Blueblood, Mane 6, Nightmare Moon
Summary - Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Prince Blueblood was sent to Ponyville instead of Twiliight? No? Too bad, dude.
Summary - I would have loved to have gotten more deviations. Read about Blueblood being an arrogant prick for half an hour. It's fine. (6/10)

Friends Forever #38 Princess Celestia and Princess Luna (Recommended)
Summary - Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's minor squabbling escalates just before they plan to participate in the Sisterhooves Social.
Quick Review - Friends Forever Finale. Andy Price outdoes himself yet again. Hilarious and Heartwarming. (8/10)

FiM Issue #54 (I Didn't Read This One)
Summary - No seriously, didn't read it. Fosgitt, Fluttershy, fluff, the three F's of i'm going to be fucking bored. Maybe it's a masterpiece. I'll never know.

FiM Issue #55-56 (Wings Over Yakyakistan)
Characters - Rainbow, Rutherford, Ember, Spike, Pinkie
Summary - When the dragons invade Yakyakistan over an ancient treaty, it's up to heroes to defend the Yaks and try and diffuse the situation. Spike doesn't like the idea of fighting his own kind.
Quick Review - Let it be known that I would have been totally cool with the Yaks getting destroyed. Typical let go of the past, look to the future stuff. Rainbow's parents are here, and they are fun, and Spitfire gets a bit of extra love, so (7/10)

FiM Issue #57 (Apinkalypse Now)
Characters - Pinkie, Mane 6, Discord
Summary - Pinkie Pie accidentally becomes trapped in Discord's realm. If you wanted to see more of Chaos Pinkie, then here you go.
Quick Review - I really like the how the chaos dimension is shown in the comic, in that adapts to the current owner if they themselves can't be turned. You'll notice by this point the writers will do whatever in their power to make sure Starlight can be written out somehow. (7/10)

FiM Issue #58 (The Vines That Bind)
Characters - Twi, Flutts, Zecora, Cattail, Aqua Vine
Summary - Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Zecora follow the notes of Mage Meadowbrook search for a flower said to cure any ailment. The search soon becomes an obsession for Twilight, determined to get her name in the history books.
Quick Review - Dude, Twilight, you already saved the world at least seven times. That Magenta Bloom shit would just be a footnote. Overall pretty forgettable. (5/10)

FiM Issue #59 (Pie in the Sky)
Characters - Rainbow, Pinkie
Summary - Jesus Christ Pinkie she doesn't fucking like pie. We had a whole episode about just this. We didn't need a comic to teach the same lesson. That's a;lso your review. (3/10)

FiM Issue #60 (The Stars on Our Ponies)
Characters - CMC, Gilded Lily
Summary - The Cutie Mark Crusaders help a filly who doesn't want to follow in her family's footsteps. But she is scared to disappoint them if she does pursue her own interest.
Quick Review - Gilded Lily's design is absolutely adorable. She also looks like she tastes pretty good, like Oranges n' Creme. Solid one-off. (7/10)

FiM Issue #61-62 (Convocation of the Creatures!) (Major)
Characters - Twilight, Raven
Summary - Twilight Sparkle makes a discovery during the largest assembly of creatures in history that threatens to redraw the map of Equestria.
Quick Review - Glenda canonically has a stutter, making her best changeling. Good bit of overbuilding in this one, without falling into the common trap of making the convocation feel too modern. (7/10)

FiM Issue #63 (All in Marederation)
Characters - Twilight, Pinkie, Temperance
Summary - Ponyville gets swept by an anti-sugar movement that threatens to put Sugarcube Corner out of business.
Quick Review - MLP's thinly veiled take on the Temperance Movement. Another one where all of Ponyville is turned into exceptional individuals. (4/10)

FiM Issue #64 (Everything Old) (Recommended)
Characters - Rarity, Fluttershy, Coco Pommel
Summary - Fluttershy and Rarity travel to Manehattan, where Rarity discovers that old, ugly fashions are back in style.
Quick Review - I absolutely adore the message here. Things you made when you were younger that you maybe embarrassed of now don't have to be cast aside and forgotten. Rather, look to them to see how you have improved and how you can still improve. Coco is a QT. (8/10)

My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Annual 2018 (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - The Pillars, Pony of Shadows
Summary - The Pillars of Old Equestria face a new danger that tests their skills as a team. One that they may find feels a bit like a deja vu.
Quick Review - I really like the relationship between Stygian and Rockhoof here. I wonder if Starswirl was always meant to be a dickhead? Green Pony of Shadows looks badass as fuck. Also, Somnambula is cute as hell. (7/10)
Edit - Consider there are twelve of these. I am not awake enough to add them all. Read' em. They're pretty good lore stuffs.

FiM Issue #65 (Queen for One Less Day) (Recommended)
Characters - Celestia, Scarlet Petal
Summary - Princess Celestia disguises herself to live among ordinary ponies for a day. But when her magical necklace is stolen by a thief, she may lose the ability to turn back into herself for good.
Quick Review - I love this comic. Shows off the best parts of Celestia's character. I'm running out of synonyms for heartwarming, so just go read this one. (8/10)

FiM Issue #66 (Applewood Follies)
Characters - Mane 6
Summary - Twilight Sparkle and her friends discover that a film is being made about them. But when the director hands them the reins, they discover it's harder to make a movie than they thought.
Quick Review - I'm really not a fan of more modern tech in Equestria. I don't mind it at all if it's used as a background gag, but here, where it's the plot of the comic, I just find it obtrusive.

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 1
Characters - CMC, Nurse Redheart
Summary - "Welcome to a new series of mystery and intrigue! The Cutie Mark Crusaders discover their inner detectives and solve crimes nopony else can! Will they be able to discover who is stealing supplies from Ponyville hospital and get their schoolwork done at the same time?"
Quick Review - None of these are particularly engaging, so I won't review the rest. When I figure these mysteries out all by myself like the grown man I am I feel particularly proud, like I just solved a crossword puzzle they have on those Kiddie menus at iHop.

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 2
Characters - CMC, The Dude
Summary - "There's a major mystery at the... bowling alley? Ponyville's team is set to break a bowling record, but the alley keeps being ransacked by a mystery criminal! Will the Cutie Mark Crusaders be able to set the pins right and solve the caper?"

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 3
Characters - CMC, Old People
Summary - "The Cutie Mark Crusaders must solve a dangerous mystery at the Ponyville Retirement Village before it's forced to close! Is one of the curmudgeonly residents to blame or could it be a villain from their past?"

FiM Issue #67-68 (Tempest's Tale) (Major) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Tempest, Cadance, Glitter Drops
Summary - Tempest Shadow travels across Equestria to learn more about friendship and comes face-to-face with her past.
Quick Review - These issues do wonder for Tempest's previously scarce character. If your a fan of Tempest, or especially if your not a fan of Tempest, check these out. Smug Cadance is best Cadance. (8/10)

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 4
Characters - CMC, Applejack
Summary - "The Cutie Mark Crusaders are trying to solve the case of the missing spa water! But what happens when all signs point to a member of a Crusader's own family being the culprit?"

FiM Issue #69 (Magical Apple)
Characters - Pinkie, Mane 6
Summary - Pinkie gets god powers. Again. Didn't we do this already?
Quick Review - Oh, Pinkie, maybe someday somebody will figure out how to write you well again. (4/10)

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 5
Characters - CMC, Rarity
Summary - "The Crusaders have their biggest case yet when a priceless artifact belonging to superstar Songbird Serenade is stolen!"

FiM Issue #70 (Extreme Bingo)
Characters - Golden Horseshoe Gals, Rainbow, AJ
Summary - Grannies Gone Wild 2!
Quick Review - Grannies Gone Wild 2! (5/10)

FiM Issue #71 (Happy Haunts)
Characters - Student 6
Summary - Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship students experience Nightmare Night in Ponyville for the first time. Things don't exactly go as planned.
Quick Review - I hate this issue. Not because it's bad, but because we are teased with infinitely more interesting stories. I want to see the princesses on Nightmare Night, like the cover! I want to see Shim and Glim's NN, like on the first page! Fucking cocktease. (4/10)

FiM Issue #72 (Pie in the Sky, Again)
Characters - Pinkie, AJ, Pear Butter
Summary - Applejack discovers an old Apple family pie recipe and seeks to recreate it for Granny Smith. Along the way, they meet ponies who her mom has touched in her life. I wouldn't mind being touched by Pear Butter.
Quick Review - Standard. Wholesome. Sweet. (7/10)

My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights (Major) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Luna, Stygian, Trixie, Capper, Tempest, Daybreaker, Eris
Summary - Princess Luna assembles a team of former villains to face a new threat to Equestria.
Quick Review - I cannot recommend this arc enough. Every single character gets a chance to shine. Stygian gets much need development. Eris and Daybreaker make a menacing evil duo. The villain casino makes a great setting. Sunset Shimmer gets a cameo. (Even though her and Starlight are once again shafted.) Capper absolutely steals the show. Tempest is a bit more brutish than she usually is, but as we don't know much about her anyway, that's a very minor gripe. (9/10)

FiM Issue #73 (Copycats)
Characters - Fluttershy, Twilight
Summary - A magical amulet causes Fluttershy to become more animalistic.
Quick Review - I have no idea what the fuck what went on in this issue or why. It's a mess. (3/10)

FiM Issue #74 (On the Mane Stage) (Recommended)
Characters - Zephyr, Fluttershy, Silverstream, Pixie Cut
Summary - Fluttershy's brother Zephyr Breeze attends the All-Equestria Mane Styling Conference.
Quick Review - Even Zephyr Breeze can snag a qtπ hairstylist gf. There is hope for us yet, bros. Could you tell i'm down a third of a bottle of Grey Goose by this point? (7/10)

FiM Issue #75-78 (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Cosmos, Twilight, Discord, Fluttershy
Summary - The Mane Six's quest for the fallen stars of a missing constellation puts them on a collision course with their most galactic adversary yet. Discord's clingy ex wife who still hasn't received any child support.
Quick Review - They don't even bother to write Starlight out anymore. She just doesn't exist. Cosmos isn't as fun of a villain as Eris or the Storm King, but she's serviceable. I do like her design. Discord puts his past behind him for good physically and metaphorically. (7/10)

FiM Issue #79 (The Ponyville Anniversary Spectacular) (Highly Recommended) (Major!)
Characters - Sunset Shimmer, I don't know I don't remember the rest
Summary - Fuck you it has Shim Sham.
Quick Review - Sunnybutt jams out on a guitar at the end. (11/10)

My Little Pony: Spirit of the Forest
Characters - CMC, Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, Mayor Mare
Summary - Something about a forest mystery?
Quick Review - Lackluster follow up to the amazing Nightmare Knights. Stop giving the CMC mini series you hacks. (4/10)

FiM Issue #80 (Live-Action Role Pony!)
Characters - Mane 6, Bulk Biceps
Summary - The Mane Six play a live-action role-playing game. The usual Pinkie hijinks ensue.
Quick Review - I'm so use to using LARP as an insult now, it's weird to see it in an endearing manner. Fun little adventure issue. (6/10)

FiM Issue #81 (Pretty Fly)
Characters - Scootaloo, Rumble, Rainbow, Wind Sock
Summary - Scootaloo and Rumble learn about the only Earth pony to become a member of the Wonderbolts.
Quick Review - Heartwarming. Seriously, someone get me thesaurus. (6.5/10)

FiM Issue #82 (Dog-Dog-Dogged Determination)
Characters - Rarity, Mane 6, Celestia, Cerberus
Summary - Rarity is tasked with giving Cerberus obedience training after he leaves his post at Tartarus again.
Quick Review - Dude, Rares, never change. (6/10)

FiM Issue #83 (The Strange Case of Silver Blaze)
Characters - Twilight, Spike
Summary - Twilight Sparkle and Spike investigate when a famous racing tortoise goes missing.
Quick Review - Less Sherlock Holmes and more Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. This is a good thing. (6/10)

My Little Pony: Feats of Friendship (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Student Six, Swift Foot
Summary - Come one, come all, to the School of Friendship's very first sporting event-the Feats of Friendship! As Sandbar, Smolder, Gallus, Ocellus, Yona, and Silverstream prepare for the new competition, they realize they're going to need one more pony to round out their team. Enter Swift Foot, a mysterious new exchange student! But will she help strengthen the Young Six's bonds of friendship-or just drive them apart? Jealousy threatens our favorite youngsters in this brand-new miniseries!
Quick Review - This is by far and away my favorite Student 6 depiction in the franchise. It shows off very well how far they have come and how well they work together as friends and individuals. Swift Hoof makes for a great antagonist, trying to plant seeds of resentment but realizing that it doesn't work on the students and realizing her own faults. Dom Athenian Warrior waifu also included. (8.5/10)

FiM Issue #84 (Identity Crisis)
Characters - Ocellus
Summary - Ocellus struggles to complete a big project for the School of Friendship midterm.
Quick Review - Man, I wish my problem was that I was so booksmart I had trouble fitting it all into my creative outlets. What a fucking struggle that would be. But I understand wanting to be a perfectionist, and that sucks. Amazing insight as usual by me. (5/10)

FiM Issue #85 (Apple Bobbing)
Characters - AJ, AB, Big Mac
Summary - Applejack teaches Apple Bloom the meaning of courage by telling her the story of how she conquered her fear of the water when she was little.
Quick Review - A whole lot of touching moments between AJ and AB. A very cozy little story if you ignore the giant spider. (7/10)

FiM Issue #86 (Marble and a Hard Place)
Characters - Maud, Marble Pinkie
Summary - Pinkie Pie and Maud Pie help their sister Marble make friends by helping her throw a party.
Quick Review - I love the Pie family, dude. The chemistry between them is something we don't get to see often enough. (6.5/10)

FiM Issue #87-88 (The Fast and the Furriest)
Characters - Big Mac, Rainbow, Angel
Summary - Rainbow Dash and Big McIntosh take part in the Draytona Breach 500, which an antiquities dealer uses as cover to smuggle a priceless artifact.
Quick Review - Meh. (6/10)

I can finally pass out now.
submitted by CoopertheCamper to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

Everything we know about Persona 5 Royal so far (April 24th to June 28th). SPOILERS for the base game!

NOTE: A new "Everything We Know" post is up, containing everything we know! Check it out here!
Disclaimer: I'm trying to cram two months' worth of info in here, so please let me know if there are any important details or links I've left out. Thank you in advance for your time!
This post will summarise everything we know so far about Persona 5 Royal. I've been using this as a master thread until now, but with it getting a bit cluttered (and also because some of the theories there have already been dis/ proven) I'm writing this to be a clean slate and starting point for future analyses. This also means that I'll try to be a bit more 'clinical' with the following write-up and keep the theorising to a minimum until the end, unless I feel there's enough evidence to make a strong case for a particular idea. If you want the unabridged run-down of everything, feel free to check out that link!
I'll be dividing this post into four main sections, which will have their own subsections. Let's begin!
There are at least two new characters being added with Atlus confirming there will be more: Kasumi Yoshizawa and Takuto Maruki:
Kasumi Yoshizawa
Kasumi is a first year at Shujin, meaning she joins at about the same time as Ren. She's a rythmic gymnast who made a name for herself even in middle school, meaning Shujin Academy also has high expectations for her. She is represented by the Faith Arcana, which comes from the oldest known version of the Tarot, the Visconti-Sforza deck. It doesn't match any of the existing Arcana, which is why its in-game graphic has no number. While she acknowledges that the Phantom Thieves are good people, the first thing we learned about her (in the March teaser trailer) was that she disagrees with their methods; she instead thinks people should be responsible for changing themselves in order to truly make a difference. That said, she still works with the Thieves, though Atlus says she does so to reach her own ends.
As a Phantom Thief, she wields a rapier (which Atlus points out is a weapon used for duelling, i.e. fighting foes honourably) and a lever action pistol. Her Persona is Cendrillon, the French version of Cinderella, and uses Bless and Phys Skills - we know for a fact that she can use Heat Wave and Kougaon. While her Persona may be the exact opposite of Arsene in looks and abilities, her Thief outfit was intentionally designed to resemble Joker's, hence the longcoat, gloves and red/ black colour scheme.
As for her Confidant, we know from her trailer that one of her Ranks is set in the Yongen-Jaya batting cages while her Rank 4 ends outside a clothes shop in Kichijoji and unlocks the Chaines Wire ability (named after a gymnastics manouevre and allows long-range Ambushes). While her Confidant appears to cap at Rank 5, the fact that this event ends with "I feel a strong bond of trust from Kasumi" instead of "I have a deep bond of friendship/ I share a special bond with Kasumi" tells us Rank 4 is nowhere near the end. More likely is that the second half of her Confidant will unlock later in the story, e.g. after she ("truly") joins the Thieves, OR that her Arcana will transform for the second half as in P4G. Maybe the reason Rank 6+ have been hidden is because unlocking them is optional and you can only trigger an Arcana transformation through certain actions (and/ or which Arcana she changes to depends on how you treat her)? This incoming change may also be why her card appears damaged, which doesn't occur for anyone else - i.e. it's incomplete until your relationship with her heals/ fills in the gaps. (One suggestion is that the damage indicates her Arcana has been reversed, which in turn implies she represents having faith in the wrong things at the start of the story.)
Personality-wise, she's described as being stoic/ closed-off but is quite open around Ren, even playing around with him in Hawaii. She's also quite cheeky in the Metaverse, winking while performing a Follow-Up attack and having very relaxed poses when in combat, but admits to being nervous around and wanting to impress her senpais (this was also implied by her cosplayer emoting the exact same way at the end of both performances at the Persona Concert). She also has a massive appetite as shown to humourous effect in the Kasumi trailer and despite her gymnastic talent seems have slow reflexes if the batting cages event is any indicator. Her awkward posture with the bat suggests that not only is this her first time at the cages, she has no idea how baseball even works - which raises the question of what else she's been left ignorant of (either because she was too absorbed in her own activities like Makoto, or because she was never given the opportunity to try new things).
In terms of the story, she introduces herself to Ren on May 30th (though the May 9th Morgana Report suggests we'll encounter her at least once beforehand). We know from screenshots that she isn't in Futaba's Palace but IS in the Casino. She also complains about the public turning their back on the Thieves in the reveal trailer, which only happens after Okumura's Palace. I shared my thoughts in more detail here, but I believe Kasumi will get her Persona on September 6th (the day before the Hawaii trip) and make an alliance with the Thieves upon their return from Hawaii.
For a bit more speculative talk: Kasumi can mean "mist" while Yoshizawa is the surname of the inventor of origami folding, which could be a reference to the illusion/ wish-fulfilment theme suggested by the reveal trailer (she wouldn't be the first character to be named after a literary or historic figure). Meanwhile, Ren (Joker's canon name) means "rain," so having another wet weather-based name may be a further thematic link between the two. Also, she says she has fond memories of the aquarium in Kichijoji when you take her there as shown in the May 9th Morgana Report (and as mentioned above, Kichijoji is where her Rank 4 event ends), which implies she lives in or near the city.
Takuto Maruki
Takuto is a part-time counsellor who's hired by the school after the incident with Kamoshida, and is introduced to the students on Monday, May 9th (for context, Kamoshida confesses on May 2nd and exams start on May 11th). He will take some classes such as on the 16th, where he displaces a question you could answer for free Charm points with a lesson on the (most likely emotional) heart. He will have the Consultant Arcana, which is the El Gran Tarot Esoterico version of the Magician (which tells us he'll act as a guide/ close companion to Joker, as Morgana does). His Confidant can be advanced in the After School time slot and is stated to improve negotiation skills. He was designed to counterbalance the "teens good, adults bad" message of the core story though this hasn't stopped anyone from suspecting him to be the new big bad of the game. Of note is that Ryuji and Ann are explicitly called out as benefitting from interacting with him, though we don't know if this is purely because of their baggage with Kamoshida or if they'll continue to grow through him throughout the game.
What we've seen of him suggests he's quite clumsy - he bumps his head against his mic after his introduction - and casual immature. The latter is suggested by his unbuttoned jacket and upturned collar, along with him wearing sandals to school and a seeming fondness of apple juice cartons if his official render is any indication. However, the students are said to like him because he's a good listener and "gives tactful advice," so clearly his skill makes up for his outward appearances. The image on his Tarot card shows figures looking to an elderly sun for guidance, which helps drive home this aspect of himself.
Speculation: His card shows people seeking "him" for aid, but also shows the people above the sun falling or being upset. This could either be part of Persona 5's more cynical interpretation of the Tarot or a hint at some sort of superiority complex (i.e. anyone who considers themselves as above him are wrong/ doomed to fail).
Plot Additions/ Changes
The biggest draw is that there will be a third semester added to the game (i.e. January to April), which means Joker doesn't get arrested in this version of the story. We're also told that the Metaverse will be around "in some way," meaning it isn't destroyed for Christmas.
Stepping back a bit, we know there's a new event on May 30th where Makoto runs an event to clean up Inokashira Park that Ren, Ryuji, Ann, Mishima and Haru attend (this is also where Kasumi introduces herself). There's also a voiced scene at a pancake shop in Kichijoji with Ren, Kasumi and Akechi, which is where the dialogue in the teaser trailer comes from. Morgana Report 2 implied there would be more Akechi scenes too. As far as fluff is concerned, we know Kasumi will be in Hawaii too (however, she's in a tracksuit, which implies she's either dedicated to fitness or is just there for a gymnastics event instead of a school trip).
In terms of the main plot, not only will Kasumi be in the Casino, we know she and Joker will be alone for a segment of it, which implies the getaway sequence (and possibly the prologue) has been rewritten. Of course, for her to even be in the Casino means there's a scene inserted into the main story for her to get her Persona, which we see in her trailer. Said trailer also included a voiced scene of Ren treating her to a meal where she confesses to having "performance troubles," possibly setting up her own Palace/ story arc.
The reveal trailer also suggests there's now a stalker the group has to deal with, with the English dialogue heavily implying it to be Kasumi (i.e. Morgana asks "Isn't she acting suspicious?" while Kasumi is on-screen, though admittedly this could just be trailer misdirection). This trailer also showcases a different version of the "Akechi shoots Ren" cutscene, though since Ren snaps into/ out of a vision it could just be a warped recreation of the original event. However, not only does the trailer spoil his role as the traitor but Akechi looks much more malicious on the boxart too, which implies he/ the story will be much more open about his true intentions. (His character trailer will be very interesting!)
Coming back to the completely new material, we have the ominous threat from the trailer that Kasumi "crushed [a] dream" along with screenshots of a human Morgana and alive Wakaba, with the Ryuji trailer ending with members of the track team - who seem much friendlier with him than in the original game - telling him he's been scouted by a university. This all leads to a popular theory right now that some or all of the third semester is just an illusion that the cast has to break out of.
Onto more definite details however, among the new story content is a shrine visit on January 1st featuring all the Thieves including Kasumi but excluding Akechi. There will also be a new Palace for the end of the game, and eagle-eyes viewers of the reveal trailer spotted Black Mask!Akechi's sleeve in a shot set here, suggesting he'll be returning after his ambiguous demise in the Cruise Ship.
In addition, Joker has the line "Did you know? We can all change ourselves...if we just believe." at the 1:55 mark of the reveal trailer (it's easier to identify him in the Japanese version). He rarely talks more than one sentence at a time in anime cutscenes and the tender tone of his voice in both languages suggest he's trying to soothe someone - which implies a teammate(s) is on the receiving end. What's telling is that he's paraphrasing Morgana's line about cognition post-Yaldabaoth, but given the trailer has Ann and Makoto asking about changing people's cognitions, it's possible this aspect of the Metaverse will be introduced sooner than it was in the original story.
Finally, Atlus has stated that while Kasumi will be around from the beginning of the game, she won't impact the original story too much. That said, the English reveal trailer implies she'll at least have a cameo in the Kamoshida arc as he can be heard warning someone about Ren and Ryuji (and who else would he talk to than a pretty girl who's new to the school?)
School Life
The biggest change to the overworld half of the game is the addition of Kichijoji which Atlus has hyped up as being a huge new region to explore with lots to do. You first visit it on June 5th (the day Madarame confesses) with Ryuji as you look for Penguin Sniper, the place where you play darts and billiards (Ryuji is specifically looking for the former in this instance). This isn't an ordinary hangout spot, as you will be able to invite multiple teammates: we've seen Ren invite the full team sans Kasumi and Goro to play darts and also invite just Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke to play billiards (all in the reveal trailer). We don't know if the player invited everyone possible in both instances, if there's a hard limit to the number of invitees to each game, or if there's an option to invite specific members (for example, maybe Kasumi and Goro were left out of the first group to avoid spoilers), nor what the benefits of doing so are.
Kichijoji also has the aforementioned aquarium, which functions as a hangout spot for single Confidants, and an old temple - presumably where the shrine visit takes place. There's a new theme park with a Disney-styled castle too, though it's unclear if this location is new or just a new region of the existing Destinyland.
Speaking of this new locale, the twins can now be taken outside of the Velvet Room (like Elizabeth in P3 FES) and this is one of the places you can take them, Big Bang Burger being another. We don't know if this replaces their Confidant from the base game or if these are part of a separate series of requests (again, as with Elizabeth).
There seem to be some customisation options for Ren's appearance in the overworld this time around, as we've seen him with gold (such as in the scene with Kasumi and Goro) and brown (in the Ryuji trailer) versions of his school bag. For confirmed customisation options we have guns, which can now be modified to increase their individual stats (ammo count, damage, accuracy) OR gain elemental effects/ the ability to inflict technical damage at the cost of ammo capacity and damage. Morgana Report 2 also showed Makoto as able to inflict technical damage with her melee attack, though it's unknown whether you can now mod melee weapons or if it was Makoto's own Skill that let her do so, since she's the Nuke member of the team and Nuke is the only element that can inflict Technical Damage (save Wind getting a bonus against burning enemies). We also don't know if Iwai can mod weapons other than his own, so I'd greatly appreciate anyone fluent in Japanese looking at the footage we have and letting me know! To facilitate this added utility, ammo will now be replenished between fights. Have fun with your new tools, everyone!
The School Life half of the game has also had a QoL mechanic added in the form of the Play Assist system. Not only can you check what actions other players took as before, the game will now list available Confidants and places to boost your Social Stats, let you fast travel to them and can give you recommendations on what to do. The example given by the developers is the game noticing Charm is your lowest Social Stat and advising you to visit the bathhouse (complete with a fast travel prompt).
We have screenshots of Ren having lunch with Kasumi in the school cafeteria on at least two separate occasions. While these could be plot related (Kasumi's made lunch for Joker in the former and is confessing to being uncomfortable around her senpais in the latter), they could also indicate the return of the ability to have lunch with your Shujin-based Confidants, a feature cut from the original game. The dialogue for those were generic unlike the Kasumi examples though - and considering how small this subset is, quite unfair to the other Confidants - so take this with a huge grain of salt.
Thief Life
The Thieves now have grappling hooks (referred to as Wires) for use in traversal and the aforementioned long-range Ambushes, with this new tool deemed important enough to be used with the game's logo both times it appeared in the reveal trailer. The screenshots accompanying the reveal also confirmed the addition of new stronger enemies called Kyouma (devils) in Japanese that appear as early as the Castle. These take the form of Shadows from the current Palace covered in shadows and have the chance to immediately counter any attacks directed at them. However, defeating them causes them to explode and damage surrounding Shadows, which gives an incentive to defeating them first despite the risk. Doing this also unlocks one of the new trophies for P5R, "Let's get flashy".
Another new mechanic is the addition of Ishis, sets of three skull-shaped items hidden in each Palace. Collecting all three combines them into a new accessory; for example, the Castle trio forms the "Chromatic Crystal" which lets the user cast Dia. Incidentally, we know the general locations of two of the Ishis in the Castle: one in the underground prison area and one atop one of the castle towers. The name can mean both "stone" and "willpower," so I'm unsure how the English version will translate this (or if they'll even bother adapting the wordplay).
There are now more Shadows to fight in the Metaverse. Jatayu, a fusion-only Persona in the base game, appears as a new enemy in the Casino (so far we've seen it in the Joker and Kasumi only sections) while Byakhee (who last appeared in Persona 2) and Macabre (who has only been in the mainline SMT games until now and was first seen in Ryuji's trailer) appear in the new Palace(s). Byakhee also doubles as the Shadow Kasumi Awakens in front of, though her ability to land Critical Hits on it makes me wonder if it really is a mini-boss (if anyone can confirm whether or not you can do so and launch AoAs on them, I'd again be very grateful).
The Phantom Thieves have new ways to fight too. Futaba gets an All Out Attack, though we still don't know how to activate it, and the Thieves as a whole now have Unison Attacks as seen in P4G and PQ2. Thankfully, each party member has multiple options for Unison partners like the latter game (the three examples we know of so far being Haru/ Morgana, Ryuji/ Makoto and Ryuji/ Yusuke) and these are unlocked by interactions between the characters in the real world. The Ryuji/ Yusuke example we saw was voice-acted and took place without Ren's presence, so these could be unlocked automatically as the story progresses (though I suspect it's related to how much time each pair spends together at hangouts like Penguin Sniper).
Third Tier Personas are also back from P4G. So far we know of only Ryuji's, William, whose birth is visualised as a fusion between Captain Kidd and Seiten Taisei. The Ryuji trailer showed him alone at home when William was formed, which suggests these new Personas may be locked behind story beats as in Persona 3 (or, if they're unlocked by hanging out with your teammates after reaching Rank 10, after a short delay). That William is a modern reimagining of Ryuji's first Persona implies the other Tier 3s will also be updated versions of one of the owner's prior Personas, though presumably we'll have to wait for subsequent character trailers to confirm or deny this.
Baton Passing has been buffed as well. Not only do buffed characters get a flame aura around them depicting the strength of their boost (red for Level 1, yellow for Level 2), the characters also maintain the boosted status after taking an action. The example we saw had Joker passing to Ryuji who attacked right after, yet retained the red aura on his own turn and could still pass on the Level 2 boost to Morgana. This also confirmed that either Morgana unlocks Baton Pass during the Kamoshida arc OR that you can now Baton Pass to Thieves who don't have the Skill for themselves.
The Velvet Room has seen a change too: at certain points it can go into high alert, during which Persona Fusions require "greater effort". We don't know what this means (either Fusions now get additional EXP boosts or accidents are more likely) or how it occurs, but it may be related to sending Calling Cards, since Palaces also go on high alert when this happens.
Mementos has also been changed. There is now a bright yellow counter on the side of the screen as you traverse the tunnels. We don't know what this is (maybe it counts the number of items picked up?), but the counter is the same colour as the plinths that can be found in new rooms there. Furthermore, at some point streamers appear throughout Mementos. Makoto comments on this so we know this isn't the new default look of the place, but the cutscene we saw has her do this only after Haru and Kasumi - but not Goro - have joined the party (note that this could simply mean the player only visited new!Mementos after recruiting both). Finally, there are now white lines that appear in the corners of the screen when roaming the Metaverse that become kaleidoscopic patterns at certain points (such as in the aforementioned plinth room and this automated segment of Okumura's Palace). However, these patterns are absent from cutscenes and combat encounters.
Smaller tweaks include a new, more jagged text box for Shadows. However, Palace Rulers don't get this effect until after they transform into their boss forms as seen with Kamoshida. Also, a new song - Take Over from the Kasumi and Ryuji trailers - will play during Ambushes while Last Surprise will be used for regular combat encounters.
In terms of QoL changes, Atlus has confirmed that it's now easier to level up. Also, it was recently confirmed that Dream Needle has been changed from a Phys Skill to a Gun Skill, which opens the door for other changes down the line - possibly all of them converting Skills to the Gun "element" since there are only four of those in the original game.
While we didn't see it in action, Morgana Report 2 confirmed that an event/ cutscene viewer would be added to the game. We also know that there are over 20 new music tracks in Persona 5 Royal, covering both vocal (like the new theme Colors Flying High and the aforementioned Take Over) and instrumental pieces such as the track heard during Takuto's introduction and the end of the teaser trailer.
Atlus has said that the game has been revamped to a greater degree than other releases like P4G, but this means that you will be unable to transfer save data from the original game. However, having a save from the game will unlock a bonus that will "help you early on" (PS3 players can upload a save to the network and get the bonus that way). The changes also extend to the trophy list, which has been almost completely revamped as well. You will be able to access the DLC you already bought for the original P5, but will have to pay a 10 Yen handling fee per item (which equates to ~£0.07 and $0.09).
The game is being developed exclusively for the PS4 and is PS4 Pro enabled, but this also means visual improvements for owners of the original console. For example, character models are more detailed with more intricate body and facial animations - such as how Kasumi's eyes dart left and right while being accosted in Shibuya Square and how her head twitches after missing each ball in the batting cage at the start of her trailer. As seen at other points in that trailer, each character's face can now match the expression of their current sprite art as soon as it appears too.
There's more activity in the background of events too. For example, we can now see cars moving about in the background of cutscenes - such as when Kasumi is accosted - and backdrops of locations while using the train. The cars in the first example seem to be 2D images, but you'd only notice it if you were actively looking at them and it's still impressive stuff regardless!
THEORIES (including information from the June 28th update) are provided in this comment due to a lack of space in the main body of this post.
Thank you again, everyone! And again, let me know what I can add and improve!
submitted by Theroonco to Persona5 [link] [comments]

(June 6th) Kasumi Trailer Summary, Analysis and Speculation (spoilers for the main game)!

Edit X, 7th June 17:22 UTC: I made a ton of changes to this post that wouldn't fit, so check them out HERE once you're done! As always, let me know what else I need to add or fix!
Another trailer, another analysis!
I already uploaded an imgur album with preliminary translations and analyses that I'll be touching on, so check that out here!
I'll also be touching on some of the details/ theories mentioned in this master post. There's a lot to unpack there though, so I'll do my best to summarise the relevant stuff as best I can.
Finally, after posting my album u/LoliHunterXD posted a translation of the trailer, covering both spoken and text dialogue. They claim their Japanese isn't very good, but it's certainly better than mine and so I'll defer to their translations if they ever disagree with mine. Thank you, Hunter!
With the prerequisites out of the way, let's begin!
The trailer starts with a pretty intimidating line from Kasumi to pair with her intimidating walk:
Today, I'm saying goodbye to the me that is in-debt to anyone
Almost like she wants to make a clean sweep of anyone she's ever befriended (i.e. she sees friendships as debts). Thankfully, her last line casts this in a much more positive light, so we'll pick this up when we get there. The scene in question is in the Casino Palace (check the stickers on the walls and door behind the Shadow, who is also the guard-type from the Casino), where she walks past Joker to retrieve the rapier embedded in an enemy with a very stylish twirling kick. The bulk of the trailer starts once she grabs it, with the shot lingering on her hand as if to show her determination.
After the title card showing her name and VA, we get a much more pleasant scene of her and Joker at the batting cages (and we know it's just those two because we can see in Picture 3 in the album linked above that Morgana isn't in his bag - it looks quite hollow without it!) ...however, we can't say this is the batting cages anymore since this looks far more professional than the ones in Yongen-Jaya (the baseball fan outside it in the base game even comments on this if you talk to him). Are there two sets of cages now, with this being the more "advanced" one? We also know that P5R is getting a revamped trophy list: will the original "Get a home run" trophy now be replaced with a "Get a home run in [new location]'s batting cages" instead?
And where is this? As I said, the cages look far more professional than the old set and we already know we're getting a new location - Kichijoji - that's said to be a massive hub with many things to do, so I think it's safe to assume that's where this is taking place.
And what are the two of you doing here? There are multiple camera angles and the activity in question seems too involved to just be an ordinary hangout, so I believe this is a Confidant event: you've brought Kasumi here so she can try something she's always wanted to but never got the chance to try (like taking Makoto to the arcade and Haru to Leblanc) and the reason you're here and not Yongen-Jaya is because Kasumi lives in Kichijoji as implied in her dialogue in the aquarium hangout spot (tl;dr: because she "remembers" going there in the past) so likely asked you to take her to a spot she's always passed by but never had the time or courage to go on her own. (As for where Kasumi would live, I assume she's in one of the apartments of the complex you see in the background at the start of the P5R reveal trailer when Joker's on his phone.) I'll touch on this motivation later on so keep it in mind.
As for the scene in question, it's pretty clear that this is Kasumi's first try. She seems nervous at first if her referring to herself in the third person is any indicator (unless that's just how she does things in which case, d'aww) and despite her enthusiasm...doesn't even see the ball fly past her. Twice. Meanwhile Joker just sits there not emoting at all. Poor thing xD
From a technical standpoint, it's remarkable how well Kasumi's model is animated: her face changes from determined to shocked perfectly in sync with the scene and her sprites and she even looks back and forth quickly after missing the first ball and is just stunned silent after the next! ...however, the balls she misses disappear as soon as they hit the net, though there are already two balls on the ground when she starts, so the scene either ends here or she gets the third one - possibly after you give her some advice (of course, if you give her bad advice, she'll do it on her own and you won't get any affinity points. Meanie.)
This scene does two things. First, it reveals that Kasumi is utterly adorable. Second, it confirms that Kasumi will be in Hawaii (something I didn't realise until I took a closer look, myself).
How do we know this is Hawaii? The shop is called Aloha and most of the shoppers are Shujin students (which makes sense since they're tourists and would probably flood any nearby shops) and there's a palm tree on the right. Admittedly this could all just be a themed shop - complete with fake tree - in Kichijoji (which is what I initially thought myself), but the left side of the shop shows that they're also selling hawaiian shirts, sandals, sunglasses and hats, all of which would be very useful on the beach. The biggest giveaway however is the trio of caucasians on the left side - a man leaning on the sunglasses rack and the couple looking at flip flops. You don't see so many of those in one place anywhere else in P5!
So why is Kasumi here? If this were Kichijoji, I'd assume she was out for a jog and popped in for a drink, but Hawaii's quite the trek. Since she's an accomplished gymnast, it's possible that she's here for some sort of competition/ exhibition, hence the tracksuit (she could either be on her way to/ from a performance or exercising/ jogging). As for Joker's lack of reaction, it's possible he already knew she was here. Either they met on the day they arrived (or the second arrived, if they came to Hawaii at different times) or he knew before they even left. After all, Kasumi is clearly friends with him at this point so would absolutely let him know that she was going on a trip (or vice versa) and for them to realise they'd be there at the same time.
...but seriously, not reacting at all? I guess going to the Metaverse would make real world surprises less impactful. He can at least play along with her though: one of the options is "I'm surprised/ You surprised me", though since it isn't said with any punctuation I have to assume it's a very dry/ sarcastic response. (Also, Futaba will probably be very upset if she already knows Kasumi at this point since they're the same age, but it'd give her another reason to go back to school, so yay!)
Edit*7: Of course this serves the narrative too, since this way Futaba focuses entirely on parsing Sae's data and Morgana has nothing to do, which leads to his feelings of inadequacy by the time the team comes back from their trip. And to those of you who hoped Kasumi would be worked into the Hawaii trip, now she has! And since Joker and the others wouldn't care about any sports events happening near them, it makes sense that it wouldn't be brought up in the base game too! Also, if we're spending more time in Hawaii - or at least stopping by a store and maybe seeing Kasumi's performance/ competition - we have more opportunities to bump into Haru too!
Back in Japan, this scene is set in the cafe and also marks the first time we see Kasumi in truly "casual" clothing (since the other "casual" outfit she was in was a yellow button up shirt), which makes for a nice change. The polka dots make for a more childish appearance too, could this represent her feeling more free after spending time with Joker?
In any case, the scene starts with Kasumi thanking Joker for the meal. Considering she has three large plates, a small plate, a bowl and what appears to be a platter on her side of the table while he only has a cup...I feel sorry for his wallet! Joker even sweats about her eating so much and has the option to say the food was terrible, but doesn't (probably wise since Kasumi clearly liked it :P)
What's strange is that there's a cut in the conversation (the camera clearly cuts back to is default position) as Kasumi says her mind and body are fully recharged...only for her stomach to growl again. Cue the awkward silence, and just look at the wide open eyes on her face in Picture 13! :3
But that begs the question, is this just a running gag, or does she eat a lot because of all the activity she does? Could she also be comfort eating (though hopefully not with the vomiting sometimes associated with it)? While this could be a story event given the cut (which could have been to avoid revealing important character and/ or plot points), that you have the option to say something she'd disagree with (about the quality of the food) makes me wonder if this is a Confidant event instead.
This scene is very interesting for a number of reasons, as we'll get into. This part of the trailer starts with Kasumi's Awakening, but I want to discuss the enemy she's Awakening against first: as noted in this thread by u/zatifiend, the Shadow is Byakhee. What's interesting here (as explained incredibly well here by u/Questionable71) is that this is one of the henchmen for the main villain of Persona 2, Nyarlathotep, and an enemy-only Persona to boot. What's notable about this is that Nyarlathotep is the overarching villain of the entire Persona franchise (though he admittedly hasn't appeared since P2). I'm sceptical of the chances of him returning (though he'd be a logical next step after Yaldabaoth if the new Semester of the game intends to ramp up the stakes), but P5 already brought back Bless/ Curse non-instakill Skills and the Gun/ Psy/ Nuke elements from P1 and 2. Either Byakhee being here is a continuation of that "let's bring back old elements" mentality (for example, that he's fully yellow may just mean he's the Principal's Shadow or lackey, since he too wears all yellow and some people wanted him to have a Palace), or the returning elements were a sign that "we have plans for the old stuff".
Moving on, where is this taking place? It looks like the back vault at first glance, but there's way too many new elements for that theory to hold. The lighting during her Awakening looks like it comes from spotlights while the floor is marble, with floor lights outside of the darker regions. Do the lights indicate this is a performance hall of some kind, meaning this is indeed Kasumi's Palace and she's rebelling against the expectations put on her (which the lights could be symbolic of if they're not simply there for dramatic effect to signify this as her Awakening scene) as a gymnast? I initially thought her Ruler would be her parent(s) as with Hifumi, but if it's indeed the Principal taking him out would also bring closure to everyone he hurt by only caring about his reputation, e.g. letting Kamoshida and the mafia have their way because he didn't want to get his hands dirty (keeping the kids quiet is probably the only reason he hired Takuto, now that I think about it).
In any case, we already knew Kasumi was a Thief by the Casino at least (since we had a screenshot of her there) and even got a clip of her there in this trailer, so we know for a fact that this Palace has been inserted into the main events of the game. The biggest stretch of time in the base game for such an addition would be In Summer. Perhaps her Ruler kept compelling her to compete or perform even during the break and this pushed her over the edge? And if it is the Principal and the Palace is the school again, it'd be interesting to see the same place warped in two different ways!
Back to Kasumi herself. As shown in Pictures 16 and 17, while she's initially angry when getting the mask, she smiles when pulling it off and is perfectly poised when doing so to boot. Even Haru only posed after summoning Miledy! Why is this so easy for her? We already know from the teaser that she's strong willed, is she so strong willed that she can smile through the pain, or is she smiling because she knows she's in the right/ now has the power to make things right?
You may remember the theory in the master post that Kasumi already tried changing hearts in the past and failed, which is why she keeps her head down (and maybe why she moved away since - again - she says she remembers the aquarium in Kichijoji from a seemingly long time ago). If that theory is true, maybe she smiles since she's just RE-Awakening a power she locked away in the past and so there is no pain? She could also be getting a new Persona to replace the old and she doesn't feel the pain because she's already "Awakened" before and is either immune to the pain now or expects it. And hey, if her first Persona represents her true beliefs (that happily happen to match the Thieves') it could even return as her Ultimate Persona (unlike with Goro, who got Robin Hood separately while already having Loki)!
Anyway, she Awakens to her Persona, who turns out to be Cendrillon, the French name for Cinderella. There's quite a bit to discuss here, so I'll give her her own section later and dive into combat now. Kasumi's and Cendrillon's models are incredibly well detailed here though - the Pros of only having to develop for the PS4 - and we may even reach the point where the in-game cutscenes look better than the anime ones!
In the gameplay footage she uses the Physical skill Heat Wave, a skill in the base game that inflicts Heavy damage to all foes at a cost of 20% of the user's HP. She has 379 HP after using it which puts her max HP (in this clip at least) at 474 when rounded to the nearest whole number. That's a lot of HP, so were we right in assuming she's indeed a Physical damage dealer?
Back to the combat. Byakhee is immune to Bless, Curse and Psy attacks and resistant to everything else in P2.*2 If that's true here, then Kasumi's Critical Hit was the only way they could have knocked it down for an AoA. Again, ATLUS could have fixed her crit rate for this shot (and she has the Death Glare to justify the trickery) but all three shots of her in action have resulted in her getting a Critical Hit. Could she simply have Apt Pupil (and Fortified Moxy, though it wouldn't help in this boss battle) instead? Maybe even an upgraded version alongside it?
*2 Kasumi deals 306 damage with her Critical Hit and this is enough to deplete half of Byakhee's health. While this may again be part of some technical wizardry or plain overlevelling on Joker and Morgana's part to make the footage more interesting (and Kasumi more powerful) it could also mean Byakhee isn't as powerful as he was before. Of course, this seems to be a boss version, and those have tweaked resistances anyway (though I don't remember anyone ever losing immunities/ resistances).
Anyway, we see that her pose when using Skills is just as fanciful as her others and his grace extends to her AoA, which is preceded by an extended animation a la the Twins', which features her ribbon dancing before the Finishing Touch screen - a nice way to confirm that she does indeed ribbon dance as her cosplayer did at the Persona Concert! As an aside, her pose in the prelude to the AoA is very similar to Joker's in that they both hold their right hands to their heads with fingers splayed (and having matching hai eye colours). Their outfits are similar, as are their Personas (as I'll get to later) so them mirroring each other even in the little things makes sense too!
The quote in her Finishing Touch is "Beauty is Devotion". What does this mean, since she doesn't seem shallow enough to think beauty is everything? Is she referring to the grace of her movements? In my character analysis I pointed out evidence to suggest she enjoyed gymnastics despite the pressure people put on her as a result; does this quote also mean she takes pride in her form and the work she puts into maintaining it? It would explain why she poses so extravagantly in battle (and when ripping her own face off)!
Also, she holds the end of her ribbon in her mouth as you would a rose while actual roses and rose petals adorn the screen. Does this mean anything or is it just an aesthetic - and coincidental - choice? Maybe her code name is indeed Rose? Let's not forget she has a silver one at her hip too!
Before we touch on the closing line of the trailer and Cendrillon, let's think about how this situation comes to be. While the stats could be inflated and other characters could have been removed from the cutscene to prevent spoiling anything, I'm going to take them at face value for this and assume that Joker and Kasumi stumble into a Palace at some point (incidentally, the fact that Joker can't simply leave and fetch the Thieves means this is a fixed sequence as with everyone's Awakenings save Yusuke). Also, the high stats for everyone means this must happen in the late game?
However, ATLUS has confirmed they're making it easier to level up, so I don't think we can make assumptions and use character stats as more than a vague metric for the current point in the game, so this could just as easily be in the mid-game (and indeed In Summer as suggested earlier). It's possible that Kasumi calls Joker out to talk through her problems with him and happens to mention the keywords for whoever's causing her problems like Ryuji did, and they wander into the new Palace (and get trapped inside, so they can't simply turn around) by accident. Cue the "here we go again" meme from Joker.
Long story short, Joker and Morgana transform as soon as they enter and are outed as Thieves and Byakhee corners them when they try to escape. Obviously Kasumi has recognised signs of the person she hated while they traversed the Palace and Byakhee's taunting/ mocking pushes her over the edge and she decides to finally stand up for herself and any other victims, which Awakens her Persona. (By the way, Morgana seems shocked that she's Awakening. Is this just for dramatic tension, or did he and possibly Joker genuinely want to keep her safe, so seeing her "become a fighter" is upsetting to them?)
Going back to the Palace itself, Pictures 20 and 21 show a better view of the area where the Awakening and boss fight happen. There's a grand staircase as with a ballroom, but the floor is wooden with couches and a poster promoting good health on the right as you'd expect in any room you'd go to for exercising/ fitness classes - both things that would be relevant to Kasumi*3! Is it a mere coincidence that she Awakens in such a fitting area, or is this entire Palace all about her and thus its Ruler someone who has it out for - or tries to control - her specifically, like a parent? Considering most of the early game Palaces are about saving a specific victim with the Ruler's defeat simply helping others as a result (e.g. Kamoshida to avenge Shiho, Madarame to save Yusuke, etc.), having a Palace just to save Kasumi from being oppressed makes perfect sense and would fit in perfectly with the rest!
*3And combined with the ballroom staircase, maybe this room could symbolise some sort of (performance) hall for gymnastics events?
And finally, maybe the shot of Kasumi checking her phone at sunset in the April trailer is related to this? After all, Joker seems happy to see her and Morgana doesn't try to hide himself, which suggests they're both friends with her at this point. What if Kasumi is trying to see if their Change of Heart worked at that moment? They seem to be outside the school at the time, which would fit nicely with this theory if I was right the first time about the new Palace also being Shujin Academy :)
As the Finishing Touch ends, Kasumi ends her narration from the start of the trailer ("First of all, let me introduce myself") with:
I've received a lot of help. Someday, I'd like to return the favor with the help of my sword. I can promise you that, so please don't forget!
This sounds like something she'd say to Joker, possibly right after Awakening given the reference to her sword. What if Joker's helped her many times (we saw them talking on at least two occasions outside the train station in May's trailers) even before helping her survive her Palace, which is why she makes such an earnest vow? And what if this help includes her Confidant events, if they're all about taking her to try new things in new locations? You'd have to know about those locations beforehand via books or other characters, but what if instead of receiving a Mementos Request you end up in a mini-Palace instead?
For example, Kasumi's talking about whoever wronged her and Joker asks for their name so he can tell the others, but doesn't realise his MetaNav has turned on and it sends them to a Palace right away? The marble floor in Kasumi's Awakening scene matches the white aesthetic of the new Mementos rooms, so maybe this will be our chance to see what a fledgling Palace looks like (assuming Joker, Morgana and Kasumi are able to complete it themselves)? Of course for this theory to work, Kasumi would have either already sent them a Calling Card equivalent or asked that the three of them deal with the target on their own (as with Futaba and her uncle) so that the others don't get involved. In other words, her Confidant's Rank 8 event would be much more elaborate than any other, but in return you'd get a full-fledged teammate instead of just a new ability! Maybe the screenshot of the full team in Mementos' entrance is when she's introduced to them?
That last line a sweet sentiment, but it may tie back into the very first scene of the trailer where she says she's "saying goodbye to the me that is in-debt to anyone". We all know the Palace ends with Joker using himself as bait to unravel the conspiracy, but what if Kasumi disagrees with this and - when the group scatters to avoid escape - she goes after him? There's a screenshot of the two alone in the Casino Palace fighting a Jatayu to corroborate this theory. What if the scene at the start of the trailer is Joker running into a Shadow and Kasumi (who has yet to catch up to him) throws her rapier ahead of her*1 to kill it before it attacks him, telling Joker she's here to become a better person and pay off her debts as she retrieves it? This starts a small segment of the Palace where it's just the two of them and maybe Kasumi ends up captured alongside him as a consequence of her nobility? Or maybe even captured instead of him (though this would mean changing the prologue)? If my theory that she's an optional party member is correct, this would be similar to Marie in P4G: you have until a certain date to finish her Confidant and unlock an extended ending, otherwise you experience the original ending. Of course I could be entirely wrong about that part and Joker does simply help Kasumi out a lot in the base game, since they clearly have many scenes together - they have at least one scene together with Akechi that I haven't even mentiond yet, for example!
*1 On closer observation, Kasumi's shadow still has the sword at her hip as she walks, but the camera angle changes just as it pans up to her hip so we can't tell if this is the case on her actual body too or just an animation bug. I still think the entire opening clip is part of the same scene though, only trimmed down to fit the length of her line. If she indeed has her sword with her at the start, it just means the quick cut to her kicking it back into her hand skipped the scene where she actually stabbed it to prove she was committed to seeing Joker home safely. And the Shadow was too stunned by her entrance to move, which happens a lot in Persona 5. And understandably so!
Edit*8: For another opinion on this scene, look no further than this comment with a quote from u/Yeulia and their thoughts on what it could mean. Perhaps instead of being caught by the police in Joker's place, Kasumi could use the similarities in their Thief forms to act as bait if something goes wrong (and she's convinced to go along with the original plan)? And maybe this is the moment - especially the thought of Joker, someone she's no doubt very attached to and maybe even has a crush on at this point (or an actual relationship if you can get to her Rank 9 by this point and choose the romance option and no, that isn't a "well, duh" option for everyone, even if most of this trailer is adorable moment after adorable moment) letting himself be arrested and subjected to who knows what for the greater good - that convinces her to side with the Thieves for good? Maybe this is also the point where she decides to hijack the Metaverse for their sake, or whatever it is that incites the strange events in the final three months of the game? After all, those changes may even start while Joker's still in the interrogation room; it's fitting that she'd act then, since that's when Joker's at his most vulnerable! It'd be very interesting if the "you need to max her Confidant before the Casino Heist" theory is correct because it means we'll see major divergences from the main story right away (maybe acting that particular moment is also what influences Akechi to work with them again?) And as mentioned in Edit 6 below, this may be part of the reason we don't know her Arcana yet. What if it signifies that she does indeed have such game changing power?
As stated before, Cendrillon is the French version of Cinderella. Already there are similarities between her and Arsene as a result, just like their other selves! Both are French and dressed in high class attire - Arsene in a suit and cravat, Cendrillon in a dress and gem in her chest - and both are humanoids with very slender builds and realistic proportions. Lore-wise, the Cinderella story is actually incredibly old, with the earliest version of it - Rhodopis - originating sometime between 7 BC and 24 AD. This version tells of how a Greek courtesan's sandal was picked up by an eagle and dropped in the lap of the Pharoah in Memphis, who "stirred both by the beautiful shape of the sandal and by the strangeness of the occurrence, sent men in all directions into the country in quest of the woman who wore the sandal". She was found, brought to him and became his wife.
A very simple and bizarre story.
With a story that old, there are understandably many, many, many variations of it, too many too list! So I'll stick to Cendrillon herself from Cendrillon ou la petite pantoufle de verre, by Perrault. It was written in 1697 and introduced most of the elements we associate with the story today such as the Fairy Godmother and pumpkin carriage. The strange thing is that one of the morals of this version of the story was quite cynical:
without doubt it is a great advantage to have intelligence, courage, good breeding, and common sense. These, and similar talents come only from heaven, and it is good to have them. However, even these may fail to bring you success, without the blessing of a godfather or a godmother
Thankfully, Kasumi of course already has an answer to this in the form of her Persona (who happens to be Cinderella herself, funnily enough), who gives her the power to stand up for herself and fulfil her own version of justice.
As for the rest of the story, it's easy to draw parallels if we assume the theory about her being forced to compete for her family/ school is true. Society (the step-family) oppresses and forces her into a role she doesn't want, but in her darkest moment her Persona (Fairy Godmother) appears and gives her the chance to explore a whole new world and be herself/ do what she wants and thinks is right (the Metaverse/ royal ball). Going to this new world also gives her the chance to bond with someone who likes her for herself and through him can experience the things she never could on her own (Joker and her Confidant events like playing baseball/ the Prince and freedom). There's even a part in the initial reveal trailer where she dances in the middle of a crowd with all eyes on her, just as Cinderella had all eyes on her at the ball!
As for her Ultimate Persona? Well, it'd have to be a female mythological figure who escaped an oppressive life, while also being known for being a trickster. Any ideas?
Edit*3: The Morrígan/ Mór-Ríoghain is an Irish Goddess of war and fate - even called "the Phantom Queen!" - and may be a candidate for the first criteria since she's also known for her trickery (such as tricking the hero Cúchulainn into healing her injuries by disguising herself as an old woman). In fact, Morrigan is already a demon in the core SMT series, so we know ATLUS already knows about her (or were, at any rate). Another is the similarly named yet unrelated Morgan le Fay from Arthurian Legend. Morgan's character has been in a lot of flux throughout the ages, going from being a fairy to Arthur's sister to being good then evil and back again. However, she is both a trickster and - depending on the interpretation - was wronged by her family, though this also made her a traitor to Arthur. But this is also the version of the story where she returns to being on his side again and carrying him off to Avalon upon his near-death, which may mirror Kasumi betraying the group (with good intentions) and coming back to them - after all, they kept Akechi around! He may even be the one to point out that they'll take her back no matter what she's done - though hopefully won't mirror Arthur's death by killing off Joker.
The new song is a mystery for the most part, but the first and last lyrics are "You actually thought you could get away? Ah [...] don't think so!" and "I can change the world." Assuming this is Kasumi's theme song, it hints that she's very confident in her own abilities. This could just be the cockiness every Thief feels when they work, but could it also be an indicator that Kasumi is confident in her "real world" life too? Maybe even outside her skill in (and qualms with) gymnastics? And is this an innocent detail, or a sign that she already knows what being in the Metaverse is like (especially with "You actually thought you could get away?") or even that she has ulterior motives? Both lines are threats, after all! Even if she's saying she can "save the world" instead, it doesn't necessarily mean her definition of "saving something" is a healthy one! Remember how the original trailer started with her "taking everyone's dreams"? I admit it'd hard to see someone this goofy and sweet as a villain though. Konichi...wa!
Thank you all so much for reading! Please let me know what I missed or need to fix and I'll do my best to update this as soon as I can in my own time as well!
June 6th
Edit 1, 12:35 UTC: Added the OTHER section, added a correction to "CONNECTION TO THE OPENING SCENE" and added a mention of Kasumi's head twitch (d'aww) in "SCENE 2".
Edit 2, 12:46 UTC: Fixed the second lyric from "'Cos" to "Ah [...] don't think so!" and added a note about Byakhee in "SCENE 5".
Edit 3, 13:58 UTC: Extended the end of the correction in Edit 1, Added two candidates for Kasumi's Ultimate Persona and added an alternate interpretation for the place Kasumi Awakens to her Persona (...and making the assumption that Byakhee is a boss only Persona and won't appear as a regular enemy, huh) in "SCENE 5: HOW/ WHERE DID IT HAPPEN?"
Edit 4: In this comment. 14:03 UTC. (And Edit 5 in the same comment. 14:19 UTC.)
Edit 6: Added two notes to the "OTHERS" section above and some blasphemy to SCENE 5 ("and we may even reach the point where the in-game cutscenes look better than the anime ones")! 15:38 UTC.
Edit 7: Added a paragraph to "SCENE 4". 15:52 UTC.
Edit 8: Added theories based on u/Yeulia's (as quoted in the comments). 16:101 UTC.
Edit 9: Added an Akechi mention to a theory in "OTHER"'s Edit 6! 16:17 UTC.
June 8th
Edit 11: Added some screencaps of her lightning fast 360* flip at the start of the trailer to the end of the album and on top of being an amazing flash of awesomeness from someone who already oozes it as much as she does adorableness, here's why I think it matters! Also, MysticDistance shared a rough transcription of the lyrics in the trailer. While I got everything the ending completely wrong, I still think the song is a huge case of Kasumi (and maybe the Thieves as a whole) boasting about how she completely dominates the opposition, so I think the rest of my commentary on the lyrics still holds water! 00:01 UTC.
June 9th
Edit 12: Added a short list of interesting details I and others have noticed, along with some speculation. Maybe they'll be relevant! 11:32 UTC.
submitted by Theroonco to Persona5 [link] [comments]

I Ran Kingdom Hearts in FATE: Recap and Discussion

I Ran Kingdom Hearts in FATE: Recap and Discussion
Hey folks. I’m pretty new to reddit and I haven’t seen a post like this on this subreddit yet, so I hope I’m not violating any unspoken norms, but here goes. A little while back, I ran a FATE Core game based on the premise of the Kingdom Hearts video game series. It ran weekly for about a year, a total of around 40 sessions around 3 hours apiece. I’m feeling an urge to talk about it, so I thought I’d post a debrief-style summary of the game here. I’ll start with a quick rundown of the way the game was constructed, then a (admittedly probably pretty long) summary of the game itself, and then finish up with what I learned from the experience and hope to apply in the future. I’m presenting this for a moment’s entertainment, inspiration, constructive criticism and suggestions. And of course, for vanity. Always vanity.
This post is going to be a monster… it has taken about five hours to write and is sitting at around 12 pages on the google doc that I wrote it in, and I can’t find an option for collapsible spoiler blocks. So… sorry about that? TL;DR: It’s okay if you don’t want to read it all. We’re cool.
I may also crosspost it on other sites, because it was a lot of work. Haven't decided yet.
Constructing the Game
For a bit of background, this was a game I ran offline for three friends. It was our third game as a group, our second with me as the GM. I’ve been running games for a long time, mostly D&D but some White Wolf as well. I had never used FATE or really anything like it before, either as a player or GM, so it was pretty much all new to me. I chose FATE for this game because I wanted a generic roleplaying system that could encompass fantasy, sci-fi and realism-esque scenarios without too much modification. I was also looking for a rules-light system because my experiments with more complicated generic systems like GURPS and BESM had showed me that it was hard to maintain any kind of balance when players have different levels of experience and optimization ability.
The Kingdom Hearts video game franchise by Square Enix and Disney was, as I mentioned, the basic source for this game. If you’re not familiar with it, this post might not be of much interest to you, but I’ll give you a quick summary of the series anyway. The main characters travel between different worlds (most of which are based on Disney films like Aladdin and The Nightmare Before Christmas), meeting the characters of those worlds, exploring the settings, and battling an invading force of darkness (called the Heartless) while trying to find their friends and solve the mystery of the Heartless. Obviously there’s more to it than that, but that’s the basic premise.
The player characters in this game were meant to be the last survivors of worlds that had already been invaded and destroyed by the Heartless. The players were given the instruction to create an original character from an existing fictional or fictionalized world. I told them to imagine a certain level of power (think more Spider-Man and less Superman), but counted on the game system to keep all the characters balanced regardless of what their supposed power level might be. The game proper was to begin with their first meeting, after the destruction of their home worlds.
(As an aside, a world in this concept is essentially an entire separate universe with its own physics, technology and magic, but it’s really only as expansive as the story that gets told in it. So a world may be as large as a galaxy or as small as a building.)
As you might be able to tell from the setup, I was abandoning some of the central devices used in FATE and creating FATE characters. Since the characters had lost their home worlds and were going to be travelling between worlds, skills like Contacts and Resources didn’t really apply. Likewise, since they were meeting for the first time and all came from separate worlds, using tools like the Phase Trio to come with aspects also felt like a poor fit. So I made some modifications to the base system. These are presented as they actually happened, both ideas that worked out well and the ones that worked out poorly. So take them with a grain of salt.
For the player characters (as well as major helpful NPCs they met along the way), I set aside the usual ways of devising aspects and set the up like this. In addition to the High Concept, one aspect was devoted to the character’s World of Origin. This seemed like a good idea, because it could be invoked or compelled when a character was in or out of their element (so a character from a low fantasy world could invoke it when they were in a low-fantasy world to be familiar with the tropes of that genre, but it could be used against them if they’re in a futuristic space opera surrounded by technology they know nothing about). Instead of a Trouble, each character had a Darkness and a Light. This was a reference to one of the themes of the Kingdom Hearts franchise, the idea that every Heart has both light and darkness, and we are defined by what we choose to follow. In practice, these looked a lot like the World of Darkness’ Virtue and Vice traits: the best and worst aspects of the character’s nature. Because the first four aspects were pretty narrowly defined, the fifth aspect was left open for the player to use as they liked.
For Skills, I dropped Resources and Contacts for the reasons I mentioned above, and made a couple other alterations to suit a game that hops among vastly different universes. I changed Crafts to Tech (a more-or-less purely aesthetic change) and split Lore into Magic and Science. I think I also added Expression, as the skill of creating art. These weren’t really great moves-- Science (as distinct from Tech) and Expression were pretty much wastes of space as no one ever really used them. The Magic skill on its own would allow characters to understand and use magic that they encountered in their travels, and specific effects (i.e., casting spells) required stunts.
I also renamed Fate Points to Heart Points, a purely cosmetic change that brought the game a little closer to its Kingdom Hearts inspiration.
One of the other fundamental premises of FATE was also dropped: player collaboration in the creation of the world. I’m not a monster, and of course when players had suggestions about things they wanted, I would do my best to make them happen, but ultimately I was making all of the decisions about where they were going and what they were doing. Realistically, this was a pretty railroady game, but it was fun so I don’t think the players minded much.
One of the centerpieces of the game was a set of modular equipment that the player characters obtained around the end of the second session: the Keyblade that is emblematic of the Kingdom Hearts series, as well as a Magic Shield and Magic Staff. Each of these granted one stunt and one aspect (for example, the Keyblade could unlock things at the cost of a Heart Point, and had the aspect “A Sword of Terrible Destruction”). In addition, each of these items could be modified by attaching a Keychain, which altered its name and in-game appearance and granted either an additional aspect or (more often) an additional stunt. Each player started with a single Keychain representing their world of origin, and additional keychains were earned as story rewards, a new one each time the players defeated a boss and completed a world. In practice, this was represented by three envelopes with holes cut into them in different places so that different parts of an index card showed through depending on which envelope they went into.

Basically this.
I definitely made some alterations to the Kingdom Hearts premise as well. The Keyblade wielder was not automatically the central character of the story; all three characters got to share equally in the glory. I dropped Gummi Ship travel and Summoning, and most of the way magic worked. I also expanded the range of world options well beyond Disney films, as you’ll see in the summary. I retained a lot of series’ premises and conceits as well, like meeting an ally and teaming up with a native of each world. Some of the retentions were really poor choices in hindsight (notably, to the irritation of all you true FATE afficionados, I retained the combat focus of the video games, getting the player characters into Win-or-Die combats almost every session) but more on that in the “what I learned” section at the end.
The premise of the game, hopping around among different fictional worlds, allowed me a lot of opportunity to have fun with players. Sometimes they got to explore worlds they were familiar with and sometimes I got to introduce them to a new property they had never encountered before. I got to build in little jokes, in the names of aspects and stunts for NPCs, and use lots of media like music and pictures to set the appropriate tone (at one point, I even got to use a short excerpt of an audiobook). I even got to use my fairly meagre photo-editing skills to create some fun images (usually, transforming familiar villains into Heartless). I’ll include one of the cooler images in the summary below.
Also I got to do impressions. A lot of impressions.
Game Summary
For this summary, I’ll cite the many sources that I drew on in parentheses and italics.
To begin with, the characters that my players came up with were, in no special order:
Meky, an Ork Mekboy from the world The Grim, Dark Future (Warhammer 40,000). Meky’s backstory included that he had been created in an Eldar Lab with some sort of cognitive enhancement, such that he was moderately less of a mindless killing machine than most of his Ork brethren.
Imara, a guardian angel from the world of Innistrad (Magic: The Gathering); and
Rhiannon Blackwell, a young Ravenclaw student witch from the world of Hogwarts (Harry Potter series).
World 0: The Ocean Beyond Space and Time (Marvel’s Exiles comics)
After the destruction of their individual worlds, the characters fell through the space between worlds for an indefinite time, before suddenly appearing over an infinite ocean and landing in a little yellow life raft. After getting their bearings, discovering the mysterious Keychains they are each holding for some reason, and meeting each other, they spot a kitchen floating on surface of the water. Traveling to it, they meet the enigmatic Timebroker who explains that each of their worlds was destroyed when the Heartless consumed its heart, but they were saved from destruction because of their strong hearts, and he brought them to this Ocean outside of time and space to send them on their important mission. Before they can begin, however, they need to retrieve the treasures of this realm from another whose strong heart brought him to the Ocean after his world was destroyed, the pirate king Captain Bloth (The Pirates of Dark Water). He also gives them the Tallus Card, an artifact that will help him to guide their travels.
The PCs infiltrate Bloth’s pirate ship, fight the monstrous Constrictus in the hold, and ultimately kill Bloth and retrieve the treasures: a Key, a Rod and a Disc made of green crystal. By attaching their Keychains, they transform the treasures into the Keyblade (Meky), the Magic Staff (Rhiannon) and the Magic Shield (Imara). Meky also claims the gigantic pirate ship as his own, but he doesn’t have any time to enjoy it because the Timebroker’s magic whisks the group away to their first real world.
World 1: Monstropolis (Monsters Inc.)
The team appears in a bathroom stall. They encounter a furry blue monster, Sully, who is trying to find the creature he accidentally let into his workplace while working late. He is doubly freaked out when he sees Rhiannon, since she’s a child and children are toxic to monsters. After sorting out that mess, they search the building together and find the creature: one of the Heartless! They dispatch it, then retreat to Sully’s apartment to plan. They learn that the monsters of Monsters Inc. use special doors to travel to the human world to harvest the screams of children to power their city. Imara is not at all comfortable with this, but Rhiannon, who is used to magic working in strange and macabre ways, is weirdly OK with it.
Along with Sully’s roommate Mike, they infiltrate Monsters Inc. in disguise to look for a “special door” that will take them to another world. On the “scare floor” they battle a group of the Heartless along with the invisible evil monster Randall Boggs, which causes the rest of the monsters to flee and quarantine the floor. Using the Tallus Card, they make contact with the Timebroker who calls up two doors to other worlds, instructing them to travel to each world, defeat the Heartless there, and use the Keyblade to open the path back to this world. Mike and Sully stand guard as the PCs enter the first door.
World 2: Frank (Osmosis Jones)
The team arrives in what they quickly determine to be a colossal human mouth. They meet Osmosis Jones, a white blood cell charged with serving and protecting the world of Frank. Realizing that the Heartless are probably looking for the heart of Frank, they travel to his actual heart. There, in what is essentially a giant highway interchange, they do encounter the Heartless in the form of three viruses: Fever, Chill and Weird (Dr. Mario). They defeat the Heartless, but in the process do significant damage to the structure, getting all the PCs and Jones in trouble with the Mayor of Frank. They pretty promptly get out of trouble when the Heartless attack City Hall (a clever move by a player invoking one of the game aspects: “The Heartless are invading!”). The PCs finally find the Heartless leader, an original creation of mine called Opprobrius, guarding the world’s exit in the filthiest slum of Frank, the rectum. The combat is appropriately hilarious and gross, but the PCs prevail and destroy Opprobrius, opening the way to leave and try the second door.
World 3: Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, duh.)
They players arrive in a jungle. Searching around they find a triceratops being set upon by tiny Heartless dinosaurs. In the midst of battle, they have a tense encounter with a velociraptor, but ultimately it helps them to defeat the Dark Compsognathi. They carefully befriend the velociraptor, whom Meky names Red Shredda. Along with Red Shredda, they explore the island, avoiding most of the big dinosaurs, and finding the remains of human structures but no evidence of people. They locate food and get the computers and security cameras up and running, and locate where the Heartless are thickest. Meky takes the time to soup up a gas-powered jeep and they charge into battle, Meky at the wheel of his jeep, Rhiannon riding on Red Shredda and Imara flying above. They defeat the leader of the Heartless, another creation of mine called the Idolasaurus Rex, and move on again.
World 3.5: Back to Monstropolis
Back in Monstropolis, they meet Roz, a high-ranking government official. She informs them that the owner of Monsters Inc., Mr. Waternoose, is in league with the Heartless and has barricaded himself in another scare floor. The PCs agree to take out Waternoose in exchange for some supplies and unlimited use of the scare floor. They break into the backup scare floor and encounter Waternoose, empowered by the Heartless and backed by a couple of flying Heartless called Screamers. It’s a tough battle, but they triumph, earning the right to continue using the scare floor as long as they need it. Obligingly, the Timebroker retrieves two more special doors for them to use to access other worlds.
World 4: Hyrule (The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time)
The PCs arrive in a dark, spooky subterranean temple. They work their way through some puzzles, face some monsters, and learn that they are in the Shadow Temple (whatever that is). They encounter Navi, the fairy, who informs them that she was here with her ally Link, the Hero of Time, but that he was snatched up by a powerful Wallmaster (floating grabby hand). As they proceed through the Temple, Rhiannon also gets snatched up by a Wallmaster and finds Link trapped in a hidden chamber. Together they defeat the Wallmaster and work their way back to the others. More puzzles (basically, they just played through the Shadow Temple as in the video game, with a few of the less interesting puzzles removed), and face Bongo Bongo, a malevolent ghost that has been powered up by the Heartless. Defeating him, they unlock the path out. Rhiannon develops a teensy crush on Link, which Imara blows way out of proportion and never lets her forget about.
World 5: Royale-les-Eaux (Casino Royale)
The team comes upon a scene of destruction after a bomb has gone off in a French resort town. They battle the Heartless and rescue one of the bombing’s victims, a suave Englishman who introduces himself as Bond. James Bond. (This included one of my favorite moments in the game, when after the combat James approaches the angel Imara saying “My God, were you hurt? No, I don’t mean in the fight… I mean when you fell from Heaven.”)
I suppose it’s worth mentioning that another convention that I kept from the Kingdom Hearts series is that folks are pretty flexible about the weird strangers showing up in their midst.. Like, in the original games, no one seems particularly distressed by a giant anthropomorphic duck suddenly being a thing in their world. In this world, which is so like our own real world, no one was really troubled by the giant slavering green ork… they just figured he was “probably American.”
Anyway, the PCs team up with James Bond to take down his foe, the evil Le Chiffre. They learn to play baccarat, don appropriate evening wear (Meky modified his tuxedo to shoot a smokescreen when required), and take on Le Chiffre in a game of Chemin de Fer baccarat. They lose badly, partly because none of the players really understand baccarat yet, partly due to bad luck, and partly because Le Chiffre cheated with the help of the Heartless. On the way home from the humiliating defeat, they encounter two more Heartless foes in the form of the White Spy and Black Spy (Spy vs. Spy comics created by Antonio Prohias). They defeat the Heartless (or rather, trick them into defeating each other) and regroup. CIA operative Felix Leiter fronts them the money for another go at Le Chiffre (“It’s the least I could do, for a fellow American.”)
Thanks to some good luck and slightly less cheating on my part, the group manages to bankrupt Le Chiffre. At that point, a blonde woman in a pink dress offers to empower Le Chiffre with the power of the Heartless, and then disappears while Bond and the player characters take on the powered up gambler. They win, unseal the path, etc. etc.
World 7: Red Dwarf (Red Dwarf)
Back in Monstropolis, the Timebroker provides them with only one door and insists they must hurry as he senses the next world is on the brink. Arriving in a spaceship corridor amid an inky black haze, the PCs encounter first an Eldar warrior, then a Planeswalker and finally the great Harry Potter himself. The three inform the team that the Timebroker had made a mistake and they were never supposed to have been sent on this mission. To punctuate the point, they magically steal the characters’ magic weapons and abandon them in this empty world where they will be “safe.” The PCs explore the world, finding that it is a vast, empty spaceship with nothing to do, nothing in the vending machines but sprout soup, sprout salad and sprout surprise, and no company but a senile computer.
Gradually they are able to put together that they are being affected by a hallucinogenic toxin and find a way to counteract it. Together they rouse the other occupants of the ship and lead them into battle against the Heartless Despair Squid in the ship’s water supply. Another victory! Back in Monstropolis, the Timebroker provides them with two more doors, but cautions that in these worlds, the Heartless have been at work for some time and are rather entrenched.
World 8: Etheria (She-Ra, Princess of Power)
(For what it’s worth, this game ran before the She-Ra reboot was even announced. I was drawing inspiration entirely from the classic 80s Filmation series.)
The characters find themselves in a fantasy world that has been occupied by a Heartless army called the Horde. They take on a squad of troopers with the help of a princess called Adora who is a leader of the rebellion against the Horde. Together with Adora and another surprise ally, She-Ra (who is weirdly never seen at the same time as Adora. Weird.) they raid the fortress of the evil witch Shadow Weaver and her Heartless allies to rescue the rest of the rebellion. Then they lead the rebellion in a raid on the Horde’s headquarters in the Fright Zone, and clear another world of the Heartless menace.
(I know it reads fairly quickly, but this world took at least five or six sessions of game time as the players explored, roleplayed interesting encounters, built and repaired equipment and strategized their battle plans.)
World 9: Beach City (Steven Universe)
This time, the PCs arrive in a quiet beach town which is largely abandoned because it’s been under siege by the Heartless for some time. The usual defenders of the town, the alien Crystal Gems, are nowhere to be seen. The team meets young Steven Universe, a ward of the Gems, who explains that the Gems disappeared into their temple weeks ago and have not been seen since. Together, Steven and the PCs navigate the temple and find the Gems generating a shield to protect the heart of the temple (which is also the heart of the world) from Heartless attackers, led by the blonde in pink that they saw in Royale-les-Eaux (who has switched her dress for a bodysuit). The PCs square off two original creations I called Onyx and Obsidian. Just when victory seemed assured, Onyx and Obsidian fused together into Black Diamond, and the fight started over (this was my first use of the multi-stage bad guy trope (THIS ISN’T EVEN MY FINAL FORM)). Anyway, tough as Black Diamond was, the good guys won, although once again the woman in pink slipped away.
Instead of earning a Keychain with this victory, the heart of the world expressed itself in a different way: Each PC was embedded with a gemstone that allowed them to fuse together. This was a combination of the fusion used in the Steven Universe series and the Drive Formes from Kingdom Hearts II. Basically, how it worked was that any two PCs could spend a Heart Point each and combine together into one body. Each new form (every possible pairing of the three characters) had its own character sheet with a description, new aspects and better skills, and all of the two characters’ stunts plus a special superstunt. For example, Meky and Rhiannon combined into the Curiosity Forme, a four-armed giant who can use magic and technology interchangeably thanks to a stunt called “Clarke’s Third Law.” The major drawback is that the players both have control of the combined Forme and need to stay in synch: if they disagree too much, or if one player takes too much control, they automatically break apart. This was a fun mechanic to play with.
World 9.5: Back to Hyrule
Upon returning to Monsters Inc., the PCs learn that their ally Link is about to raid the fortress of the leader of the Heartless in Hyrule: the Great King of Evil, Ganondorf! This one played a little like the Shadow Temple, only the heroes had to navigate six chambers with different kinds of challenges before facing Ganondorf. There were riddles, a platforming challenge (being chased by a wall of fire!), and that sort of thing. They also faced off against not only a Heartless Shadow Link, but Shadow versions of Imara, Rhiannon and Meky as well. As those who have played Ocarina of Time might well imagine, Ganondorf was also a two-stage boss, first facing the Great King of Evil then the Heartless-empowered Ganon. At the end of this fight, having already gained the Keychain of this world the last time they were here, they got a power-up from the Triforce itself, earning the ability to fuse all three together into the completely badass Master Forme.
World 10: Dead Manhattan (Marvel Zombies)
They find themselves in a city that has been torn apart, with apparently no one left alive. The PCs are attacked by cannibalistic zombie versions of Angel and Beast of the X-Men, realizing to their horror that these creatures aren’t being influenced by the Heartless, they’re just the awful inhabitants of this world. They destroy Angel and decapitate Beast, keeping the helpless but still animate head of Hank McCoy as a fun prop for the rest of this world. Proceeding through the city, they meet the Black Panther, protector of a small handful of human survivors hiding out beneath the city (again, for what it’s worth, this campaign was run before the global phenomenon that was the Black Panther movie. I chose the character because he featured in the Marvel Zombies comics, and because he’s the best Marvel hero (Fight Me)). Getting back to the survivors, the PCs meet the mutant Forge, but also realize that they have led Zombie Spider-Man and a gang of Zombie Heartless right to the survivors. There follows a brief and bloody battle, and then the team heads off to raid Avengers Tower.
There, with help from Forge and Black Panther, Meky modifies one of Spider-Man’s tracer beacons to work between worlds. Afterward, on the top floor, they encounter the woman in pink. She’s weirdly calm and gracious as she introduces herself as Dr. Blight (Captain Planet and the Planeteers) and tells them that she has been working as an agent for the Heartless ever since they helped her destroy her own planet. The reason she’s so chill now is that on this world she has created her ultimate weapon, and after it’s gone she’ll just keep moving it from world to world consuming as she goes. She leaves, but not before they plant the interdimensional tracer on her, and not before she sees the arrival of the ultimate consumer of worlds… a Heartless Zombie Galactus.

Modified from an image I found on google. Unfortunately I can't find an artist to credit. Anyone know who did the original?
The players have to scramble to create some kind of weapon capable of neutralizing Galactus, but after an epic battle with the help of Black Panther and some surprise help from Zombie Hulk, they bring him down. And then they get the heck out of that blighted and terrible world.
Back in Monstropolis, the Timebroker informs them that the tracer has worked and he knows where Dr. Blight is based a world called The Universal Library. Trouble is, like the Ocean Beyond Space and Time, it’s “not a real world,” and they can’t travel to it by means of the doors. They finally come up with a plan so crazy it might work, to travel to a world that is on the brink of destruction, and then let it fall so they can travel to the Library through the space between worlds. The trouble is, they would have no way of getting back to Monstropolis. Hmmm.
World 11: Fantasia (The Neverending Story)
This world is presented as one where the Heartless have already succeeded in consuming its heart, and it exists now only as a few stones spinning through space until they finally disappear. The PCs spot a gleaming white tower and make their way to it, and they meet the last survivor of this world, the Childlike Empress. She explains that she can give them a tiny fragment of the heart of her world, and that it is the seed from which the world can be made again. She extracts a promise that they will find a way to make her world anew, then gives them the seed which transforms into a Keychain. This is, incidentally, a big step toward resolving some of the lingering mysteries of the game-- the Keychains are a piece of the world’s heart, and any piece of the world’s heart can be used to make the world anew. So the characters have been carrying around the means to rebuild their worlds from the very beginning. Pathos!
Then the last of Fantasia disappears and the characters spend a little time floating melancholically in space. Then, Meky’s pirate ship from the beginning of the game sweeps in to conduct them to their final challenge. (Soundtrack:
World 12: The Universal Library (original-ish)
So, after breaking through the Heartless defenses around the Universal Library, the characters navigate a maze of bookshelves and have some book-related encounters (Rhiannon finds a copy of the Monster Book of Monsters from her own world, then they fight a Heartless version of the Library Ghost from Ghostbusters). They first take on Dr. Blight and her evil computer M.A.L., then press past her chamber to find the real mastermind behind it all. He introduces himself as Gehn (Myst series) and explains that using his power he created all of the worlds the characters visited by writing them into his special linking books. Determining that he is evil and insane, the team takes on Gehn. To achieve his second stage, Gehn draws on the power of the books he has written and combines himself with bosses that the characters already faced, the Idolasaurus Rex, the Despair Squid and the evil gems Onyx and Obsidian, to become Giga Gehn. He was an impressively powerful baddie, but the PCs pulled out all the stops and combined into Master Forme with carefully selected Keychains on all their weapons, and basically thrashed him easily.
After the defeat of Gehn, the characters encounter the true master of the Universal Library, the old wizard The Pagemaster (The Pagemaster). He explains that the books can be used to travel among worlds as easily as the doors (“For what is a book, besides a doorway to another world?”), and then explains that the process of restoring a world from a Keychain-seed is different for every world. He helps them to restore Fantasia by giving the Childlike Empress a new name (to my eternal shame, I didn’t write down what name the players chose, and I cannot remember it), and helps Rhiannon to restore her own world. He tells her that she can return to her world now and give up the quest, but she decides she can’t go home until she’s helped Meky and Imara restore their worlds as well. Thus endeth the game.
Secret World 13: Who-Ville (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)
The Christmas season after the game ended, my players and I got together with our partners for a Christmas party. Had a nice dinner, played some board games. Y’know, the stuff mature adult nerds do. As a special treat for the players, I read out a poem I wrote for them featuring their characters battling the Heartless in the Seussian world of the Grinch. It was mostly for laughs, making good use of the in-jokes we developed over the year, but it deserves a mention here because I declared it canon and gave them a Keychain at the end. Basically, they harass the Grinch and then fight a giant Heartless using the power of Christmas. If you’re curious, I have the whole thing in a google doc.
What I Learned, and Will Hopefully Apply If I Run It Again or Run a Sequel Game
So, yeah, that was the game. The door has been left intentionally open for a sequel, but there are some bugs I need to work out first. The game was tremendously fun, don’t get me wrong, but there were some issues of ill-fit between the system and the way I was trying to use it that became annoyances and I’m hoping to address those before I venture back in.
I don’t mind that I abandoned the collaborative world-building elements that are typical for FATE. Taking charge of what worlds they were entering allowed me to surprise and delight my players and challenge them to think creatively in ways that I think would be more difficult if they had more input into where things were going. Moving forward, I would like things to be a little more open-world(s) where they’re not just following rails through the story, but I’m still putting thought into how to achieve that.
The biggest issue I could perceive in the game was the issue of frequent combat. This is largely my own fault for basing it on a game where combat is the main gameplay element, and in which the collective enemy is explicitly a force bent on the mindless destruction of everything that exists. That made it really hard to escape from Win-or-Die combats occurring at almost much every major plot event. Add to that that the most interesting feature of this game is modular weapons, and deathmatches felt pretty inescapable. Although probably the right answer is modifying the premises of the game and universe such that combat is a less central feature, most of the thinking I’ve been doing around it has been how to keep the combat and fix the other issues.
As far as I have been able to tell, the most fundamental problem with frequent Win-or-Die combat is that it gets boring. Although the way conflicts are run in FATE makes for combats that are narrative and cinematic, tactically there seems to be very little difference from one to the next. I did my best, especially later in the game, to provide settings and bad guys that required the players to think laterally rather than just charge in swinging (several of the later bosses like Ganondorf and Galactus were technically invincible, so the players had to find ways to bend the rules in order to win), but the mechanics of the game are so simple that this is hard to achieve mechanically. I like the idea of incorporating sets of rules for more tactical combat, so I’m interested in suggestions around this. I’m also thinking about ways to engage in conflicts beyond the physical and mental, like having to take someone down in a financial conflict in a world like Royale-les-Eaux, or a music-based world where the enemy is defeated with the Power of Rock.
Relatively early on, we stopped using Boosts in conflicts. I like the idea of them, but when combat takes up a significant percentage of your play time and you have to come up with ideas for a dozen boosts every session, it gets either very repetitive or very frustrating, or both. Instead, I just introduced the idea of Momentum where, if you would gain a boost instead you gained Momentum which gave you +2 on your next roll. You can’t stockpile Momentum, you use it on the next roll whether you need it or not. It’s simple, it’s straightforward, it’s way less creative but quicker and easier.
Another issue that came up from the combination of frequent combat and regular worldhopping is this: the only real consequences that the players had to deal with long-term were the ones that they carried with them. An injury travels from world to world, but if you mess up something in the world, you can just move onto the next and forget about it. As a result, my players hoarded their Heart Points for more or less exclusive use in combat. The best I’ve been able to come up with to address this issue is to have separate pools of points for battle and non-battle purposes, although now that I think of it, it would probably also be a good idea to move away from the trope of hitting each world once. If the characters actually have to revisit worlds they’ve already messed up, they might have more investment in making sure things go smoothly outside of combat too.
I also would probably switch to a model where refresh happens at story points rather than at the start of each session. At least once (maybe more than once?) I can recall the players saying “Let’s stop here for tonight. I want to refresh my Heart Points before the next scene.” And I’d rather avoid that being a thing.
A final issue that I noticed with the frequency of conflicts (and also exacerbated by worldhopping lack of consequences, I guess) is the fact that certain skills wound up being a LOT more useful than others. Meky and Imara had nearly identical skill pyramids by the end of the game, and the only real difference for Rhiannon was emphasizing Magic instead of Fight. If I stick with frequent combat in future iterations of this idea, I’ll probably want to subdivide some of the more combat-relevant skills so that at least each one is less obviously more important than the non-combat skills. Coming up with combat uses for non-combat skills is also on my drawing board, probably as one piece of introducing more tactical rules.
Another thing that I noticed in running this game was that aspects weren’t working quite the way I expect them to. There was very little compelling of aspects-- it came up maybe ten times over the span of the whole campaign. I think partly this was the lack of investment in any given world, but also I probably wasn’t encouraging the players to generate aspects that were sufficiently double-edged. I certainly wasn’t giving the NPC’s interesting enough aspects… to be honest, I mostly used their aspects as a chance for wordplay and referential jokes. The players didn’t really invoke aspects outside of combat either (see above re: hoarding points), which led them to go for mostly combat-relevant aspects. I suppose using separate pools would be one solution to this, but I’m open to ideas for others.
So, that’s the story. If you actually read the whole thing, I am both grateful and impressed. I warmly welcome any questions and constructive comments. Destructive comments I will welcome less warmly, but I’m pretty easy-going so feel free to rip me a new one if that would bring you joy.
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June 14th Morgana Report Analysis!

Here's the translations of the dialogue/ text in the trailer!
Here's the translations of the screenshots posted to the website!
The text on the website as far as I can tell just summarises the contents of the video, so I'll be focusing on the latter for the analysis. As always, let me know if I missed something from there.
And now, let's begin!
The trailer begins with a scroll of the scene where you save Kasumi and Takuto waiting for Ann to show up for their counselling session, but the last screenshot is interesting (Picture 1) as it shows a shot of Kasumi and Joker alone in the Casino Palace. We already knew they'd be alone together at this point since one of the first screenshots we saw was them fighting a Jatayu, not to mention the start of Kasumi's trailer from last week, but this shot compounds the evidence by showing them fighting Jatayu (a newcomer to this Palace) alongside two Oses (who's a regular).
The next shot shows the two having lunch together in their summer uniforms (we see Kasumi's skirt in the next scene, confirming this is the case - meaning her blue polka dot dress is her only casual outfit so far). We know they "properly" meet on May 30th, which is about the time everyone switches uniforms, so that sets this scene within a few months after their meeting. Kasumi is saying she cooks her own meals to get what she needs for her gymnastics, which made me think she lived on her own until she later mentions this is her first time cooking for someone outside her family. It's possible that she used to live with her family and now is on her own, but why did she need to cook for them? Were her parents deadbeats? Perhaps I'm reading too much into this and she just helped with the cooking now and then, but it still begs the question of why she needed to feed herself (and why she lives by herself now if that's indeed the case). Assuming this is early in her relationship with Joker, maybe you'll learn more about her home life later on and whether or not there's some trouble there?
On a happier note, she goes onto say she's made lunch for Joker as a thank you. Could this be a thank you for saving her, placing this right after their introduction? D'aww.
I theorised in April that Kasumi was fiercely loyal to her friends and the next scene (Picture 7+) supports that theory. We're in Kichijoji at the moment (the two are standing two shops down from Penguin Sniper) and she's apologising for messing up a performance because she wanted to do her best for her senpais, which suggests she's met the other Thieves at this point - unless she's just talking a general group who turned up to watch her dance. Of note, she danced in the reveal trailer in her winter uniform; could this be related to that in some way (e.g. as a warm-up to a "real" performance at the school festival)? Anyway, it's the fact that she's apologising for trying so hard that really indicates what kind of person she is to me - and hey, this is the first time we've seen her blush! (This also supports the theory I've had for a while that Kasumi is from Kichijoji, though admittedly the two are simply in front of a shop right now.) From a technical perspective, this shot also confirms that (at least this section of) Kichijoji will have a free moving camera as we can see the other side of this street for the first time, showing an antiques shop, what appears to be a small set of flats (in the middle of the city though?) and a view of the street as a whole and the background.
In any case, this moment is revealed to be a Confidant Event, specifically her Rank 4. This Rank also unlocks the "Chaines Wire" perk (a reference to the Chaines turn in ballet/ gymnastics#Cha%C3%AEn%C3%A9s)) which allows for long range ambushes as shown later in the trailer. To jump ahead a bit, we see Joker using this ability as early as the Bank (which would take place just after meeting Kasumi), which makes me think Chaines Wire is an ability you can carry over into NG+ if you maxed Kasumi's Confidant in a playthrough - unless the player just spent all their time getting her to Rank 4 before doing the Palace, of course.
Speaking of maxing out, what's interesting is that Kasumi's Confidant only has 5 Ranks! I doubt this is all there is to her though (especially since Joker's thought bubble isn't "I feel a strong sense of friendship from he we have a special bond"); many people have suggested her Confidant would be locked at a certain point until she joined the party; perhaps this is what that indicates? Hiding the second half of her Confidant wouldn't be a spoiler either, since unless you've ignored all the marketing you know she joins the party eventually! Another possibility is that she'll go the P4G route and her Arcana will change once you get to Rank 5, and it will be this new Arcana that levels up from Ranks 6 to 10.
With that segue, let's talk about her Arcana! Kasumi's is "Faith," from the oldest known Tarot in existence, the Visconti-Sforza deck. Of note is that Faith doesn't correspond to any Tarot from the sets Persona usually pulls from, meaning it's wholly unique to the series. (FWIFW, the only other Tarot to use Faith is Minchiate deck, where it also has no parallel to the sets we know today). Of note is that the Japanese word used is Shin'nen, which can also mean conviction - a word used in Colors Flying High and appears to be a theme with Kasumi herself.
Anyway, here's what the Faith card represents (thank you u/Andivari!):
Normal: Faith. Religion. Belief. Self-belief. Self-assurance. Self-confidence.
"The Faith card represents belief in others and belief in the self. [...] It advises the questioner to have faith in themselves and their beliefs, and to have faith in others too. The questioner is second-guessing themselves to their own detriment."
Reversed: False faith. False idols. Belief in untruths. Overconfidence. Misplaced trust.
"Reversed, the Faith card indicates that the questioner is placing too much faith in something or someone who does not deserve their trust. The questioner is advised to step back and assess the situation rationally, without listening to their gut instincts, as their gut instincts may be wrong."
Given the card appears torn (and features a skeleton and imps, though this may just be part of P5's cynical interpretation of the Arcana), it's possible her Arcana is Reversed. If so, does it indicate that her opinion that people should be responsible for themselves is flawed, or that she's trusting something that doesn't deserve it? This doesn't necessarily have to be a person, of course; she could be clinging to a bad experience instead that Joker and the Thieves help her through.
So, what happens post-Rank 5? If the turning point of her arc is her Awakening (and thus choosing to stand up for herself), it's possible her Arcana will flip back to normal. If the turning point is her choosing to trust in the Thieves, it may transform entirely. For example, it could become another theological virtue from the same deck, Charity which represents a willingness to help strangers, as is the Thieves MO. Morgana's narration states that she joins the Thieves as part of a deal and not as a committed member as speculated before, which may lend credence to the latter (minus the speculation of her Arcana). Maybe her deciding to aid Joker is part of her deciding the Thieves are just, and not just her wanting to repay her debts to him? Whatever the case, thankfully we have an extra three months to play around with to get her up to Rank 10!
In any case, this segment of the report ends with Kasumi landing yet another critical hit on an enemy, this time deep in Mementos given how vivid the blood vessels are. Morgana explains that she uses Bless Skills (to round out the party) and Physical Skills as we've seen before. I suspect the latter will be her focus though (like Ryuji and Yusuke) given her HP/ SP ratio.
There's a brief interlude to answer questions, which confirms a cutscene viewer (Yes!) and new outfits, which gives us a shot of Joker with Haru in Akihabara in their Winter outfits. Why would she come to Akihabara though? Is this part of a new story point or has her Confidant been tweaked? If so, maybe they're here to buy a coffee brewer?
From this point on, we move onto talk of Metaverse changes, starting with the new enemy type. Morgana calls them devils (I don't know if this is an official name for them or just a descriptor) and explains that there's a chance that they will counterattack when hit, showing Norn using Ziodyne to knock Joker down after he hit it with a melee attack. This tells us that these devils won't simply reflect hits, so you should be careful if you know they have Skills effective against you. But still take damage, so it may be worth the risk if you use Hassou Tobi a Skill strong enough to kill them quickly.
Though perhaps "kill" is too strong a word, as Picture 17.5 shows that when defeated the game simply says that the devil "flew away." Whatever happens, it explodes and deals damage to the other enemies. The visual effects in this clip match those in this screenshot from the Castle, which also earned the player a trophy. Does the trophy unlock for killing a devil, or for killing surrounding enemies with it? It's also interesting that the numbers are black with red outlines here, instead of black with white outlines as seen elsewhere. This could just be a visual indicator of the damage dealt/ taken by devils, but this also differs from the trophy image. Maybe the latter used an earlier build of the game?
In any case, Morgana says you get special items for defeating these enemies and Norn drops its protective gear, which I assume is the item in question. If so, there may be unique items from each type of devil, with Norn dropping a gear because it takes the shape of a giant clock.
The next shot is also about rare items, specifically the skulls we've seen before. Here they're confirmed to be Ishis - with a bit of wordplay involved since Ishi can mean both "stone" and "will" - and we're told there are three in each Palace that when combined will form a special item - the Castle's is the Chromatic Crystal, which lets the user (Skull, in this case) use Dia. The view outside the door in Picture 18 seems to indicate this particular Ishi is found in the beginning underground area (though you presumably can only pick it up once you begin the infiltration in full since at the time you have no idea what's going on). We know another Ishi is found at the top of one of the Castle's towers from the end of May's Morgana Report, but the one from last week's Thief Life update was called "Overcooked red salmon" instead of something simple like this one's "Amorous blue Ishi". Could the naming conventions mirror the Palace Ruler (so the other Ishi here could be called "Lustful" and "Prideful")?
(Edit 2: Something else I forgot to mention: also note the light patterns on the sides of the screen, that appear in other Palaces too (but not in battles). This feature isn't just exclusive to Mementos then, but what could it mean; is it just an indicator that you're in the Metaverse, or could it be a hint at the (new) overarching plot?
We see some snippets of the wire/ grappling hook in action, including the aforementioned long range Ambushes (as also shown by Picture 5 in the screenshots album). We also see it used to get past a booby-trapped chasm in the Pyramid. As I stated in the description of that picture (#20):
Interestingly, there's already a similar puzzle where you need to place Anubis Orbs with the right statues to deactivate a spike trap in a hallway. Perhaps this is the same hallway and this is a replacement for that puzzle?
The last thing we see is an upgrade to weapon modifications, where Iwai can now imbue your guns with elemental effects. Picture 6 in the screenshots album shows the three options you get for Joker's gun (presumably every character and/ or gun gets a different set of perks):
  1. Long Barrel (LB): increases accuracy.
  2. Electricity (E): imbues the gun with electrical effects BUT reduces damage and ammo.
  3. Ice (I): Same as above, but for ice.
(Edit: I forgot to mention this, but ammunition now refills between battles! So you can feel free to apply status effects and the like whenever you get the chance. Thanks for the reminder, u/aohige_rd!)
As much as I like Iwai, I never used gun customisation, so hopefully this makes him more worthwhile! Of course, the question now is if he can mod any gun or only those that he least "best weapons" lists will be more diverse in the latter case, maybe?
...but before this, we see a shot of Makoto at the start of a battle and she can deal Technical damage to an enemy. But Technical damage can only be dealt to a unit already afflicted with an elemental status and because this is the start of the fight the enemy is in pristine condition! We see later that characters can inflict this damage with guns, but this is something she can do with her melee attack - can Iwai upgrade everyone's melee weapons now, or is this trait inherent to Makoto? After all, Nuke is the only element that can afflict Technical damage to any elemental status, so she is the right character for the job in that regard.
The final shot of the video is Yusuke launching an AoA thanks to his new gun. While the final art is much shinier, he still uses the same animation in the build up to it, so presumably everyone else's animations will stay the same as well. I don't mind personally, but this does mean Akechi, Kasumi and Futaba will be the only teammates with the fancy ones :)
Thank you so much for reading! As always, let me know what you think and what I need to add or correct. While there's a lot there now, newcomers may also like to read this masterpost from April that lists most of the news we've gotten since then.
In any case, thanks again! Until next time!
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