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Top Stories - Friday, Sept. 25, 2020

Most sectors higher with tech, healthcare among the leaders:
August durable goods orders missed though revisions and capital goods orders more positive:
Democrats working on another stimulus bill but no signs a deal with Republicans is imminent:
High-frequency indicators suggest recovery stalling:
Novavax's late-stage trial in UK caps busy week of coronavirus vaccine headlines:
Big outflows from risk assets:
Popular trades hit as inflation expectations get dialed back:
Swing-state polls tightening into first debate:
Fed's Brainard seen at top of Biden's Treasury Secretary list:
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Cross country road trip, part 4

For those of you who haven’t read any of my posts, I lost my other half of 10 years on august 23rd, my 29th birthday. Before she passed, I told her that I would scatter her across the country everywhere that I thought she would love. I miss her so incredibly much, but I’m doing my best to keep pushing forward while doing so. Each day, I take a log of who I encountered, what I saw, and what I did while I was there. This is part 4 of my story.
Day 1: Blackwater Falls, West Virginia
My life has turned into a weird Groundhog Day spin-off. I’ve gotten my pack time down to about 5 minutes when staying in an Airbnb or Hotel. Everything has become such a routine that I scarcely worry whether or not I have forgotten something by now, I know I haven’t.
After a gorgeous drive to West Virginia, I find that I was not so lucky with my traveling skills at the start of my journey... I cannot find the tent poles. I am beyond furious with myself. I have messed up in a big way. It was a borrowed tent and I just feel like such a jerk. I remember the mania of trying to pack everything up to get out of Hocking Hills, but this is inexcusable. I call Hocking Hills campground to see if someone happened to save the poles and thank god, they had. I quickly realize that now I must plan on my feet. I can pick up the poles on my way back home, so that’s no problem, but the predicament exists with what to do tonight. Do I buy a tent, sleep in the car, or rent a nearby room?
As I research whether or not there is anywhere nearby that I could perhaps book a room at, it starts to dawn on me that I have already paid for this site and that it is likely non refundable at this point and that I will probably be staying at a campground sometime in the future anyways. I decide to search out a place to pick up a tent. If it costs too much, I can always sleep in my car. I head to the nearest camping supply store, which is somehow an hour away.
It has been a full hour of driving and I am still just so upset with myself. It seems that I have always been dangerously absent minded with the simplest of things. Katie balanced me out in that way. She was always prepared with a checklist and never seemed to forget a thing unless she was confident enough that I would remember, which she generally knew better than to trust. Whenever I have a list of things to remember, it’s like trying to memorize an overseas phone number while a room full of people recite the digits of pi. It just can’t be done.
After driving to the closest Walmart, I discover that they are out of every tent that was designed for 6 or fewer individuals. This is an issue. I quickly decide that I am unwilling to spend over 100$ a 7-8 person tent for just myself. I vow to crash in my car for the next 2 nights. While I am extremely frustrated, I have no one to blame but myself. On the upside, at least my car seats are very comfortable.
As I stopped into a gas station right by the campground and spot a 2 person tent for 50$. I’ve been such a roller coaster of emotions over the last 24 hours that at this point, I’m not even phased that I just drove 2 hours for nothing or that I didn’t think to check the only store near the campground in the first place.
I spend the next hour setting the tent up in the dark. I am thoroughly not enjoying myself. The ground is too hard for these stakes to pierce, so I am stuck improvising by weighting down the tent with things from my car. I finish and it’s only 8:16, but it’s completely black outside. Basically my whole first day was just a pain in the butt here, but I’m trying to hold out hope that tomorrow will be better and that my tent won’t blow away or collapse anytime soon.
Day 2: Blackwater Falls, West Virginia
As I sit at a parking overlook, I cannot believe the vastness of what’s in front of me. While in Michigan, we have a beautiful fall, this does not even compare. Stretching out for miles in front of me, you can see an ocean of color splashing onto every tree differently as the change in the seasons begins. As a strong breeze rolls in, you can see the branches below respond accordingly as though they are sounding off in a line. It creates an almost wave-like effect that pleases me greatly. The view is so endless that I have difficulty gauging how far I am away from the horizon. Is it 10 miles away or 100? I honestly couldn’t say. It’s as though, after a few centuries of human expansion in the area, nature put up one final stand that mankind could not refute. Try as I might, I can find no evidence of humanity aside from the road that I am standing on and the cars resting upon it.
The abundance of wind is one of my favorite things about West Virginia. Whether I’m cold or warm, there is nothing that I love more than a strong breeze blowing back my hair. Since I have arrived I have noticed the strongest gusts blowing at a constant pace. While driving, it would blow me about so vigorously that I thought that something was wrong with my tires. Now I know better. This place is made for sweaters. It may be some of my favorite weather that I have ever encountered.
I spend roughly half an hour in my car, waiting for my phone to charge so that I can take more pictures as I go. I realize that I have a rapid charger, but I will need a place to plug it in, so I head to the nearby lodge to find an outlet in the visitor center. I quickly work out that I get an increase in charge by 1% for every 30 seconds. If I let it charge for 5-10 minutes, I should be alright for my hike.
I began at Elakala falls. The trail passes over 1 portion of the falls and heads onward into the woods for another few miles. I did not come here to see the trees. I came for the best possible sights. Like a grizzled Tarzan I start grabbing branches and trees as I swing from step to step as I go further into the deep. At this point I am slightly terrified, but determined to follow this for as long as possible. As the trail continues, it hits me that this is my favorite type of hiking. I love having tree branches to use as a safety net while I step down 3 feet at a time. I test the branch before swinging from it. If my feet slip or I misjudge my landing, I’ve got a strong piece of elm to keep me from meeting the same fate as the water running next to me. Rather than rely on the strength of your footing, using branches and trees allow you to rely on your upper body as you move downward at relatively impressive rates. It’s a nice break from relying entirely on my feet and calves to maintain the journey ahead of me. It also makes me feel like a monkey, which brings a potent euphoria to the child in me. If there was a hike that you could trek through entirely by climbing trees, I’d make a trip every year. I might even move there. There is a shortage of opportunities for a grown man to climb a tree without being looked down upon.
As I continue down my chosen path for roughly 3/4 of a mile, I decide that I cannot safely go further without crossing through the river in front of me. While the current is slow enough to manage, there is a great amount of moss leading up to it and I worry that I may fall if I continue on this course. At this point I’ve passed at least 3 waterfalls that I never would have seen if I had stayed on the course. I pick my favorite fall and sprinkle a small amount of Katie’s ashes in the center of it. I watch as she drifts down effortlessly through the current. 100% worth the 30-45 minutes it took and so much more fun than sticking with the straightforward hike! So far, this is by far my favorite part of hiking on my trip. I continue on the trail for around an hour, but I see nothing that is overly exciting.
I continue on to my next hike, Blackwater Falls. There is a catch and release river that fisherman seem to enjoy a great deal. I decide not to bring Katie’s ashes, as I’m not expecting anything special out of this hike. I get sidetracked at some point and discover that if I am creative, I can stay along the path of the running water for quite some time. I find a lone set of stones that lead out to the center and take a seat for some time while I close my eyes and listen to the sounds. I open my eyes and there is something mesmerizing about the constant motion of the water. It’s the same deep primal feeling that comes with staring into a campfire late at night. My legs are scratched up, but it’s gorgeous here and I’m grateful that I continued. I feel this incredible calmness roll over me as I sit. This is a place that I should scatter her. She would like this. After some debate over whether or not to go back out to the car to get her ashes and then to return to this point, I realize that is the sole purpose of my trip and that I would not forgive myself if I did not return to spread her here.
I walk a mile or so back, hopping on stones all along the river as I go. I feel like a little kid here. It reminds me of summers in Canada with my father, 2 lifelong friends, and their father. Almost as though we were caught dancing in a beautiful flow, we would step on particular rock formations at the perfect angles to project ourselves onto the next one. Muscle memory kicks in and I’m flying. I’m not missing a step. I’m dodging all the suspicious rocks as I go. I pause while I take time to analyze my next movements and discover that I must return back to land for a bit.
As I step through the brush to get back to a safe spot to walk, I see an abrupt movement out in the woods. I get startled... is it a bear? No more than 10 feet from me there is a deer staring right at me. Our eyes are glued to one another, neither taking a step back or forward. As time continues, the deer takes a few steps towards me. I don’t want to scare it off, but I also want to try to pet it so badly. I have to remind myself that if a deer can bite through a carrot, it can probably bite through my finger. I decide to just stay and maintain the stare down in admiration for this beautiful animal. We sit for a good 10-15 minutes with the deer slowly moving towards me as though it wants to be friends. Her ears are perking up independently of one another in response to far off sounds. I want so badly to move towards this deer, but I resist myself. Eventually, she scampers off into the woods and I have a quiet chuckle to myself. Katie would have loved that. She also would have lost a finger trying to pet her. I continue on to my chosen spot and take a seat for some time until spreading a small amount into the fast moving current.
I only made it a total of 6 miles today, but I had a blast. I decide to head to a hole in the wall burger spot for a cheap burger and a cheaper drink while I write out my account of the day. This was the perfect level of exercise for me. I was getting a little down for the last couple days, but this is exactly what I needed to charge me to continue forward. I think I’ve got at least another 3 weeks in me at this point, but only time and my bank account will tell at this point. After finishing my burger and beer, I decide that it’s time for a fire. All around, this has been an awesome place to explore.
Last day: Blackwater Falls, West Virginia/First day Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
I wake up around 2 AM to the icy grips of a late fall night. As hard as I try, I cannot get warm enough to stop shivering without sleeping inside of a cocoon of blankets and a sleeping bag. I’m incredibly uncomfortable and can feel my body starting reject the hard ground underneath me. After an hour of trying to get comfortable, I abandoned my tent in favor of just sleeping in the car. I probably only got a total of 5 hours of sleep, but I’m glad I finally got up and moved. I woke for the day around 9 PM and was packed up by 9:15. Thankfully, I remembered the poles this time. I decide that I need to start making some serious miles if I ever plan on making it to all of the places that I’d like to scatter Katie at. I set my sights for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and spend the next 8 hours or so on the road.
Somewhere in Virginia, I pulled off the highway and onto what I thought was another highway. I was doing 65 and got pulled over. He wrote me a ticket for doing 20 over and sent me on my way. A real shot to the bank account, but had I been doing 5 more over, he told me that it would have been reckless driving and that I would have had to appear in court. I’m very frustrated with myself for not spotting a speed limit sign, but given how little I slept last night, I guess it’s not hard to imagine that I missed it. I’m trying not to beat myself up over this. I try to remind myself that it was just a mistake and that I will be more careful in the future.
I pull over to fill up my gas tank once I hit South Carolina. I stop in to use the bathroom and immediately smell what seems to be a small scale farm. Out back they have feed for a large variety of animals. There are 20 people in the store and nobody’s got a mask. I hear the accents of the people there and fight the urge to giggle. I had hoped to hear Frank Underwood and instead got Foghorn Leghorn. I quickly remind myself that this is a silly way to view the world and that, while the midwestern accent sounds normal to me, people do comment on it the further south I get.
After 500+ miles of driving, I am beat, but also starving. Out of a desire to get here at a reasonable hour, I haven’t eaten more than a bag of chips all day. My stomach is not going to put up with it any longer. I arrive at my Airbnb and head out to grab a bite to eat. I end up at Big Mike’s Soul Food. Great reviews and cheap prices! I thought I’d try and make up the 200+ dollar ticket by being a little more frugal in the future, but thankfully this place looks like the real deal. As soon as I hit the street corner, the smell of fried chicken and seafood envelopes my entire being. I feel like I’m in an old cartoon. I half expect my feet to leave the ground and to float nose-first towards the source of this greasy delicacy. There’s a line going all the way out to the street for pickup, which I take as an omen of good things to come. I’m going to have a heart attack here and I want you all to know, it’s going to be 100% worth it. I order up a chicken sandwich with a cup of seafood gumbo with great excitement. My waitress is this sweet older lady with the coolest black dreadlocks I have probably ever seen. The waitress tells me it’s going to be a while and brings me out a couple hush puppies on the house. I am beyond thrilled. They’re such an odd little bit of fried goodness. They’re sweet, but not too much so. If you’ve never had them, I would describe a good one like a savory fried donut.
I find it hilarious whenever a waitress thinks they have to bribe me as a way to keep me from being mad. Spit in my food, step on my toes, make me wait days, do whatever you want. I’m still going to tip you reasonably. As a general rule, I don’t believe in complaining at a restaurant. If you don’t like it, just don’t go back. It’s not like the wait staff is cooking your food. In fact, they’re probably more upset if there’s a long wait than you are. The difference is that you are waiting a little longer than you’d like to satisfy 1 of your 1-3 meals for the day. They are waiting a little longer than they would like to see if you financially hold that wait time against them. It’s in their best interest for you to enjoy yourself, they don’t want you to have a bad time, sometimes it just happens. Thank god, this was not one of those times. This was amazing.
The gumbo is unimaginable. I could eat a cup of it every day for the rest of my life. It’s loaded with delicious smoked sausage, shrimp, veggies, fried seafood, and rice. I always forget how much better fresh seafood tastes than the stuff we generally get in Michigan. The broth has this slight kick that lightly tap dances across your tongue with every bite. It’s a light tomato base, but the rice absorbs a good deal of it, making the rice nothing short of immaculate. If there is a God, she is back in this kitchen going to work. I’m practically licking the bowl at this point. The waitress brings out the fried chicken sandwich and I immediately realize that I’ve ordered enough for 2. I thought that I would eat a ton, since this is my only meal of the day and it’s almost 7. I decide to eat one of 4 pieces of the chicken and take the rest home for tomorrow. The breading at this place is out of control. It’s some of the best fried chicken I’ve ever tasted, but at this point I need a wheelbarrow and a tums just to get out of this place. I spot the total on the check is 12$. For 2 meals, this was 100% worth every penny. I thank my waitress and tell her to have a wonderful night. She responds “you know I will baby!” in the first delightful Carolina accent I’ve encountered.
Day 1: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
There is an eternal debate that has waged on in my mind since I was a child. A debate so divisive that it threatens to split the very fabric of families across the nation. Which is superior? The aquarium or the zoo? Obviously, each city offers their own attractions and sometimes the needs of the few must be sacrificed for the needs of the many to be met. I cannot say where I fall on this debate for fear of isolation from friends and family.
This weather is why the elderly head south for the winter. It’s a delightful 81 degrees for the day. A little humid, but not too bad. I wake around 9 with my fried chicken sandwich from the night before and decide to head out in search of fun. My Airbnb host tells me that Ripley’s has an extensive set of things to do down here ST and she has a coupon that she’d be willing to share. For 40$ you get access to the aquarium and 2 other major attractions of your choosing. I’m excited. I pop a tums preemptively and head out.
There is a hypnotic effect to a good aquarium. As you walk through your first tunnel, fish and sharks swarm all around you. So often, I forget that there is a third dimension that aquatic life is able to move in. There are animals in here that I can only describe as entirely alien. There is nothing like it in all of existence. As I pass through exhibits, being viewed mostly by small children and parents confused by my presence, I am filled with enthusiasm and wonder. I find myself baffled by the casual behavior of the parents who are present. It’s as though they have no sense of wonder left in them. They drone through each exhibit, saliva slowly trailing from the corner of their mouth as they let out in an exhausted voice “yes honey... that’s the one from finding Nemo...” Meanwhile I’m so ecstatic that I actually nudge an equally stoked 10 year old next to me while I point to a color changing seadragon and almost say out loud to a child, “Are you fucking seeing this thing?!” I quickly realize that this would probably be perceived as questionable behavior to parents and exit the area.
I decide to head on for the next event, the Believe it or Not Oddity house. Overall, this was less eventful than hoped for. There were however, a few priceless moments within. A handful of images/objects were made entirely out of household objects (see pictures). There is also a hallway that I pause before I pass through. In front of me is a rotating hypnotic hallway. At the end of the hallway is a still wheel that looks like the old school hypnotism set. As you walk through the hallway on a rickety bridge, it creates the effect of extreme vertigo. I walked halfway through and started to feel the effects of the hallway. I decide to double back and wait for the next group instead. I sit nearby because I know that there is a large, energetic family of 12 just behind me. I give it a fair minute and they come storming through. The children are excited about all the attractions outside of the tunnel, but haven’t spotted the actual tunnel itself. Once they spot it, the adults immediately size up what is about to happen. The children enter one at a time and proceed to nearly fall to the floor. They’re dying of laughter on both sides. Slowly, they recruit more to try and make their way through. The newcomers nearly fall off the bridge and collapse in laughter. This is exactly why I stayed. I stumble through the tunnel like a drunk after last call and continue on to the next displays. A 7 year old comes up to me, slaps me on the back, and says, “tunnel’s rough, huh?”. I will forever maintain that children are the best that humanity has to offer.
As I continue, I start to hear music down the boulevard. I approach and recognize the Cupid shuffle. It’s a stand for street side merchandise complete with music coming from an amplifier to drum up excitement. One of the workers tries to wave me over to do the dance. I firmly decline. You may call me no fun, you may say that I’m just too shy, you may even argue that every society in the history of humanity has some form of dance. However, I do not enjoy dancing. It was one of few things that Katie and I disagreed about, but I would make a point to take part for her enjoyment several times a year. I would do my best to appear enthusiastic, but if there’s a specialized hell for me, it consists of people forcing me to dance. I spot a young homeless man and while maintaining eye contact with the worker, motion to him. The worker doesn’t hesitate to motion him in. In sheer delight, he starts to bob his shoulders and then begins the proper steps. He’s probably the best in the group. I’ve had my joy for the day.
Before continuing, I decide to window shop in the area. It seems that the local economy of Myrtle Beach’s downtown area is based on 4 things and 4 things alone. 1: cheap printed design tshirts 2: sunglasses 3: flip flops 4: henna tattoos That is all. Whether it’s a hotel, an arcade, a bar, or a restaurant, you can be rest assured, all of those things are available at low, low prices.
I decide throughout the night that I will not be spreading Katie here. While, it is gorgeous, and Katie did love the beach, it seems like mostly a tourist trap. A wonderful tourist trap, but a tourist trap nonetheless. I think she would have enjoyed spending a few nights here. She would have loved the gumbo, but she wouldn’t have wanted to be here forever. I decide that it’s time to head home and head to sleep so that I can hit the road tomorrow in search of a better spot.
Quitman, Georgia
I woke around 9 AM and spent roughly 8 hours on the road. I’m starving and exhausted, but I’m finally in Quitman. I have nothing positive or negative to say about this place. It is a town. As a result, I suspect that this post will be short and uneventful I’m staying at a super cheap Airbnb to help break up the trip before my next destination. My host is a retired schoolteacher who makes her living as an author. She looks friendly and sounds like an interesting lady!
I was incorrect about this visit being uneventful. I have just arrived at my Airbnb and am 99% certain that my host is either on meth or some other high level stimulant. Her lips are moving at a rate that I am virtually incapable of keeping up with. She is darting back and forth throughout the house with such gusto that would cause Usain Bolt to be viewed as a casual runner. The inside of her Airbnb has a minimum of 4 taxidermy stuffed animals and the house is at an extremely chilly temperature. I vow to avoid showers in hopes that she wants to stay true to the Psycho theme that she has going. She’s singing “putting on the ritz” in double time while she substitutes certain sentences with “bark bark bark bark bark bark bark”. If I am to turn up missing tonight, there will be no need for secondary or tertiary suspects. It was her without question.
She offers me a drink from her very elaborate bar. I decline. She says, “just smell it!” There is a strong scent of good whiskey with just a hint of almonds. I flash back to a short story by Roald Dahl and tell myself “Not today Landlady!”. I thank her, but tell her that I am very tired and will probably head to bed soon. She quickly exclaims “Oh! You haven’t seen the puppy!” and then darts back into her room. She has 3 dogs, all of which I have seen, so I immediately assume that she is entering her bedroom to pull out her designated murder weapon of the evening and instead she brings out an extremely young puppy. He takes an immediate liking to me and nuzzles up into the crook of my armpit.
Alright... I have accepted my fate. This puppy will bring me great comfort in my final moments. My only hope is that she chooses a tasteful position to place me in when I am just another animal on her wall.
As the night continues, she starts to slow down a bit and tells me that she started hosting an Airbnb after she was diagnosed with a brain tumor that’s pressing up on her frontal lobe and that if she seems a little jumpy, that is why. She shows me the scar and I immediately feel like an asshole for assuming the worst. She has 2 long term tenants who I am shortly introduced to who are very kind and certainly not accomplices to a serial murderer. I decide to retire for the evening to get some rest after a long day of travel and breathe a sigh of relief that I had misjudged the situation.
Pensacola, Florida
I am currently relaxing on a plastic covered outdoor L couch on a patio. The muggy Florida air is enough to take your breath away. I’m 10 feet away from a pool that would certainly quell this overwhelming humidity, but have decided to take a moment to write about my journey thus far instead. Tiny, 3 inch long salamanders skitter across the yard merrily. They exist in a bizarre abundance down here that would be delightful to many, but are a constant annoyance for me. I worry with every step that I take that I will snuff out some poor little webbed footed friend, but also fear that I will experience a level of disgust that only takes place when you stepped in something that you wish you wouldn’t have.
I woke around 9 AM to the sound of a coffee maker running. Fantastic. Despite being a bit batty, my host is nothing if not accommodating. I walk out and see a fresh pot. “Cream, sugar, honey, milk?” She says excitedly. “Just black is fine, thank you.” It’s a damn fine cup of coffee. She offers me a coaster and I let it rest for a moment. She starts on about the history of the road that will take me to Pensacola. “There is a higher concentration of plantations along that road than anywhere else in the world! You’re in for a real treat!” She said with an excited tone. “Are you a big history buff?” “Absolutely” I replied. Despite my better instincts to dodge the impending oral spew that I’m about to be hit with, history is one of my favorite topics, especially when my conversation partner knows something that I do not. “Well you’ll be interested to know that Sherman’s March ended right in Pensacola.” It didn’t. It started in Atlanta and ended in Savannah, but she made me coffee, so I will entertain her. “I didn’t know that!” She responds “It’s true!” She proceeds to tell me about stories involving the horrors that happened during the war. “There was a Union outfit that came through and ransacked the household of a small family and took all their money and food. The south never did anything that bad!” I couldn’t help myself. “Well... there was slavery.” As soon as the words exited my mouth, I was filled with regret. Why would I try to introduce logic to a woman who told me previously that she was hesitant to open an Airbnb “because of the blacks.” “Actually, slavery wasn’t introduced as an issue into the civil war until 3 years into it!” It was about the succession of the south!” She offers me another cup of coffee and before I can object, she has already filled my cup. I grab an ice cube so that I can pound my coffee and head out.
I drive around 4 hours and arrive at my Airbnb. It is, by far the best value that I have been to on my trip. The bed is comfy, the price is cheap, and there is an outdoor swimming pool. I cannot complain, nor would I. I meet my host and she asks what I’m doing here. I tell her and she is immediately touched by my story. “You must have loved her.” She said. “She was my best friend in the whole world” I say while fighting tears back.
It’s around 5 and I haven’t eaten all day, so I decide to head on down to the local Mexican spot, Meriachi’s. I generally sit at the bar while eating alone. I don’t particularly want a drink, but I don’t want to take up a table to myself and it’s the most convenient place when you’re eating alone. I sit down and enjoy some chips and salsa. It’s a fantastic homemade salsa that I would be lucky to come across in Michigan. There is a larger man sitting at the end of the bar who has eyed me. The only way that I can describe him is that he is white and he looks like he has either spent the last 20 years as a tough cop or as a tougher military man. “How’s it going?” He inquired just as I had stuffed my face with some chips. I chew for a moment before responding “It’s going. How about you?” “It’s going.” He says and pauses for a moment. “Where you from?” “Michigan.” “Ah, what are you doing here?” He asks. “Traveling the country right now. This is my 10th stop, give or take.” “No shit. What made you want to do that?” I tell him my story and he grows quiet for a moment as he sips his industrial sized margarita. “I’m sorry for your loss. That’s got to be rough.” “It is, but I’m trying.” This has been my standard response for some time. It starts to feel less sincere in time, but I can think of no more fitting of a response. “So do you live here?” I ask. “I do. I was in the Navy for 20 years, but now I run a self-service pet bath across the street with my wife and a few employees.” I cannot help myself but try to clarify, “A self service pet-bath?” He replies “Yeah, they’ve never even heard of them here. Can you believe that?” I shook my head, though I cannot fathom who would pay to bathe their own dog. He starts up again, “Yeah! We just went and bought an ice cream truck. Get this. It’s going to be an ice cream truck, but only for dogs.” He must be fucking with me. “Wow! What a great idea!” I say as I try to emulate his level of enthusiasm. “We’re just getting ready to go and head up to check on our boat! We booked a flight to check out the repairs on it. You’re welcome to join us on our pontoon tomorrow to spread your girlfriend’s ashes if you’d like!” I take a moment to ponder this and he must have picked up on my hesitancy because he did not bring it up again for the rest of the night. He is joined by 2 employees and his wife, all of whom introduce themselves to me. I decide that, so long as I am being social and within walking distance of my Airbnb, I will order a margarita that I can only describe as comically sized. I watch the bartender throw 3 shots in and then an extra as he gives me a wink and shoots me with a finger gun. Each member of the immediate area seems to know what I’m doing and why. For many, this would be a grave annoyance, but I don’t mind it. I’d rather everyone know than wonder why the guy eating alone looks so dismal.
I make my order and strike up conversation with the group of 4. They ask how far I plan to go and I explain that I’m working on a budget, but that I hope to get to California. I ask the bartender for the bill and see the man I first ran into pull her aside. He passes by me, gives me an embrace from my shoulder and says “You take care of the tip, I got this one. You’re doing a beautiful thing and now I feel like we’re all apart of your journey. I hope you get where you’re going.” I thank him profusely as I fight back the cascade of impending tears and leave a 20$ on the bar top. I didn’t cry, but goddamnit I wanted to.
Given that it was only 7:00 PM by now, I decide that I’m not ready to head back to the Airbnb quite yet. I find a little Irish pub with 2 bars right next door. Katie and I always seemed to have a particular weakness for Irish pubs, so I take it as a partial omen. I decide that since I’ve got at least 2 hours to burn before bedtime and I’m a half a mile walk from my Airbnb, I’ll stop in and hang out for a bit.
In truth, there’s not much area to scan. There’s a football game on, one man, and a bartender who are glued to the tv. I head back for the bathroom and the bartender shouts out “bathroom’s for customers only!” I respond “I’ll take a whiskey and coke and a water, but after I get out of the bathroom.” I have no interest in drinking more, but I also have a problem with confrontations such as this. I grab my drink and settle down next to the television. If I’m being honest, I’m not even sure who is playing. I recognize the New Orleans Saints logo, but am unfamiliar with the other team. Karl Marx once stated that religion was the opiate of the people, but in this country, I would argue that football has become its own religion. While I understand the rules and mechanics of it, I will never know the excitement of this man and woman before me as they cheer and shout at each and every play. In truth, I wish I did. I long for the ability to take part in the activities that those around me seem to enjoy, but I just don’t care. I can always recognize a great play, but could care less whose team it comes from. Perhaps that is the cost of living in a state whose football team has less chance of winning the Super Bowl than they have at winning the lottery.
As I sit for an hour or so, nursing my whiskey and coke, I decide to take it out to the patio to get away from the man in the bar who has been screaming football statistics at me as though he is the Rain Man of sports. I spot 2 50+ year old women out on the patio stumbling about. Clearly they have come from one of the bars next door and are having a much more intoxicated night than I. One of them had a chronic case of the hiccups.
Though it may sound unbelievable, I have trained myself to get rid of the hiccups when they occur. I understand how silly that may sound, given that one cannot possibly control a spasm within the diaphragm, but I have a fairly high success rate in doing so. Katie used to get furious at me when I would get a bout of hiccups and then expel them after a few minutes of intense focus and through a period of muscle constrictions that I had come up with over the years. She absolutely hated the hiccups and I could never manage to explain to another person how I was able to stomp them out so quickly. I turn to the woman with the hiccups, hand her a glass of water, and say “if you drink from the back of the glass, you’ll get rid of them. She chugs the water upright, lets out a loud hiccup and says “didn’t work.” I grab another glass and lean over to show her. “You’ve got to stand up and drink from the back of the glass.” Despite my best efforts, she’s still not getting it. It’s halftime and the man in the bar comes out. He says “2 things my grandma taught me. How to treat a lady and to drink out of the back of the glass when you’ve got hiccups.” He grabs her by the waist gently without being handsy about it and pats the center of her back to guide her in the right position. Instantly, her hiccups are gone. “Grandma’s always right.” He says just before letting out a loud belch and retreating back into the bar.
I decide that this place is dead and boring. I start to walk to my Airbnb when I see that there are pool tables next door. I’m not good at pool, but I love to play. I step inside, head back to use the bathroom and the bartender shouts out, “if you want to use the bathroom, you’ve got to buy a drink.” How often does this happen to these people that it is a constant concern in every bar? I determine that, while I do not want a drink, I certainly need to use the bathroom. “Whiskey and coke and a water.” I shout over my shoulder as I head back to use the facilities. As I’m in the bathroom, it occurs to me that I could have just head back to the Irish pub and I let out a chuckle at my own short sightedness.
This bar is electric. While I don’t care about the game or the teams, I am highly susceptible to the excitement of those around me. On my right, there is an off-duty bartender so ripped that I’m shocked that he isn’t on the field. On my left is an on-duty bartender with a psychedelic T-shirt on. Just across from me is a balding white man in his 40’s who is behaving as though he is an undercover reporter trying to blend in with the youth in the area. The Saints are down, 10-20. With each successful play by the Saints, the man in front of me is yelling “WHO DAT BOI? WHO DAT BOI?” What starts off as a ridiculous chant quickly grows throughout all 12 patrons of the bar while I casually shoot pool. I start to wonder whether there isn’t a regional reference that I’m missing, but certainly don’t want to appear foolish in asking. New Orleans makes a field goal and the score is now 13-20 with New Orleans still trailing at the end of the 3rd quarter.
At this point, my attention has been redirected towards the game. The energy of the patrons is contagious and impossible to ignore at this point. What was once a 3-20 shutdown has turned into a legitimate matchup. The LA Chargers have scored 7 points and New Orleans has scored 14, leaving them at a tie. The Chargers have the ball, push it downfield, and get to a point where they can end it all with just a minute left. The man at the end of the bar shouts out “He misses and shots are on me!” The field goal is up and for a brief moment, you can feel the tension in the air. Each local is holding their breath in anticipation. For a brief moment, the ball is kicked up and towards clearance. It’s all over, no questions asked. Out of sheer chance, the ball starts to blow off to the side, bounces into the goal post, and the bar explodes in excitement while the man across from me yells “WHO DAT BOI?!?”. We’re going into overtime.
“Hey, were you serious about those shots?” I hear the guy next to me ask. “Fuck no.” The man at the end of the bar replies. Overtime begins and it’s clear that the Saints have it locked up. Clean passes and strong running plays until the 30 yard line, where they make a field goal for 3 points. They shut down the Chargers’ rebuttal and the game is over. While I will never understand the excitement of the game itself, I will always remember the excitement of the individuals here tonight. I leave 6$ on the bar and head back to my Airbnb.
submitted by sadpotato231 to u/sadpotato231 [link] [comments]

Total Madness Player Playlists: Mattie Lynn Breaux

Hi everyone and welcome to the latest installment of my tribute playlist series! This is part of a series of tribute playlists for each player on Total Madness, to be released as he or she is eliminated from the season (or eventually wins). Within a self-imposed limit of 25 songs, I aim to make a playlist that encapsulates a player's profile (i.e. Paulie was a collegiate soccer player), personality (i.e. Sarah Rice is happy-go-lucky in a braggy way), and narrative (i.e. Jordan flipped teams on War of the Worlds and wound up winning). Usually, I try to find songs whose lyrics or vibe accomplish this, but in some cases, the title may be enough. For vets, the playlist typically rushes through the first part of their career and then focuses more on this season's narrative in order to be more season-specific.
As you may know, I don't watch any feeder shows. So making the Mattie playlist was super difficult at first (link is to Spotify). Heck, even her cast bios for her two seasons of The Challenge are in direct contradiction, the first calling her a partyer and the second calling her laid back. I knew she was from the south and that she worked as a bartender, so I had a whole playlist of country songs that were half about chilling and half about partying.
Then, I wisened up and admitted to myself that I don't know this player nearly as well as I should. Mattie's awesome, and I wanted to give her the respect she deserves. So I contacted my friend u/MandyMTV and asked for her advice (she's a reality TV nut!). With her help, we turned my nearly complete playlist on its head and came up with something that I think everyone will enjoy. She contributed about half of the songs on the final version of the list.
In its final form, this playlist is an excellent tribute to Mattie. She can get wild - watch some Party Down South highlights if you haven't - and she is a country girl. I would probably listen to this playlist if I had a pickup truck, or if I still lived in the south and didn't have a pickup truck. In my current circumstances (not in the American south and no pickup truck), I might listen to it on the beach (if I wasn't practicing social distancing) or at a pre-game (same note regarding social distancing).
I love feedback, so any comments, questions, or suggestions for future playlists are totally welcome. I'm particularly interested in what you guys think I should put on my Nelson playlist when the time comes. I'd love to hear it!
In case you want to listen to any of the other player playlists I've made, here they are: (Asaf, Jenn, CT, Ashley, Jay, Tori, Jordan, Bear, Big T, Kailah, Jenna, Wes). I'm all caught up now, so you can expect another new playlist next Monday!
If you need or prefer to read the playlist here rather than on Spotify, here you go:
Title Artist
Pursuit of Happiness (nightmare) Kid Cudi, MGMT
From Louisiana Louisiana Ca$h
Girl In A Country Song Maddie & Tae
Brought to You by Beer Cole Swindell
Sun Daze Florida Georgia Line
Day Drinking Little Big Town
Neon Light Blake Shelton
Gunpowder & Lead Miranda Lambert
Honky Tonk Crazy George Strait
Drink In My Hand Eric Church
Leave The Night On Sam Hunt
Bottoms Up Brantley Gilbert
Martha My Dear The Beatles
Bartender T-Pain, Akon
Tipsy J-Kwon
Country Grammar (Hot Shit) Nelly
Outta Your Mind Lil Jon, LMFAO
Ray Ban Vision A-Trak, CyHi The Prince
Heads Will Roll - A-Trak Remix Yeah Yeah Yeahs
W.T.P. Eminem
Beamer, Benz, or Bentley Lloyd Banks, Juelz Santana
I Love It Icona Pop, Charli XCX
Rehab Amy Winehouse
Cigarettes & Alcohol Oasis
Pretty Girls Wale, Gucci Mane, Weensey of Backyard Band
Cheap And Cheerful The Kills
Hands High Bang On!
Oh, What A World Kacey Musgraves
submitted by ND_PC to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Sep. 14, 1987

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive by daprice82
1-5-1987 1-12-1987 1-18-1987 2-2-1987
2-9-1987 2-16-1987 2-23-1987 3-2-1987
3-9-1987 3-16-1987 3-23-1987 4-6-1987
4-13-1987 4-20-1987 4-27-1987 5-4-1987
5-11-1987 5-18-1987 5-25-1987 6-1-1987
6-8-1987 6-15-1987 6-22-1987 6-29-1987
7-6-1987 7-13-1987 7-20-1987 7-27-1987
8-3-1987 8-10-1987 8-17-1987 8-24-1987
8-31-1987 9-7-1987 - -
  • Wrestler Scott “Hog” Irwin passed away this past week from cancer at the age of 37. One of his biggest claims to fame was wrestling under a hood as Super Destroyer, under which gimmick he held the National Heavyweight and National Tag Team (with Masked Superstar) titles in Georgia Championship Wrestling back in 1982. He was the older brother of “Wild” Bill Irwin, and he is also famous as the first American wrestler to regularly use a superplex as a finisher. In April 1986 he was diagnosed with an inoperable malignant brain tumor which caused numbness on the side of the head. He tried to make a comeback in Florida and Montreal later in the year, but his career was pretty much finished. Irwin was trained by Verne Gagne and debuted in 1976. His battle with cancer has received significant news coverage in his hometown of Duluth, Minnesota.
  • November 27 is looking to be really interesting, because WWF has just announced a show called “The Survivors’ Series” to be broadcast on pay-per-view. That puts two big shows in competition with each other for the evening, and it’s clear that WWF’s show is an attempt to counterprogram Starrcade, which will be Crockett’s first attempt at a pay-per-view show. No lineup or venue has been announced yet for Survivor Series, but WWF is coming off the biggest pay-per-view show in history (Wrestlemania 3 grossed $10.3 million) which was headlined by Hogan/Andre. A rematch could potentially stall Crockett’s attempt to get Starrcade on ppv. If given the choice between Andre/Hogan 2 or the unknown commodity of JCP, cable companies will almost certainly make the easy and obvious choice. WWF is also offering this show as part of a package deal to cable companies that includes the right to air Wrestlemania 4 (this point becomes very important soon). There should be some very interesting developments in this story in the coming weeks.
  • It looks like the Florida Championship Wrestling office will be basically finished by the end of this month. Crockett’s booked only ten dates in Florida for October, and it’s expected they’ll fill those cards entirely with wrestlers from the Charlotte office. Regular monthly shows will only happen in the major Florida cities. Rumors have swirled for a while that Florida was dying, as the local wrestlers have failed to draw ever since Crockett took over the territory earlier this year. Here are a couple lessons to the industry - fans won’t support a local group when outsiders (Crockett’s Charlotte guys) come every month. When Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, etc. are on the cards, local main eventers become curtain jerkers and fans lose their heat for them. So ultimately, the fans stop investing in the local guys and wait for the monthly shows with the big stars. Dave hopes this doesn’t happen with the UWF area. If JCP book there in a way that makes the NWA guys seem like bigger stars in the old UWF territory, fans will do exactly what was described above - stop going to shows without the big stars. Several Florida guys look UWF-bound (The Sheepherders, Kevin Sullivan, and Dory Funk) and a few NWA-bound (Mike Rotunda, Bugsy McGraw), and others will be let go. Blackjack Mulligan walked out on August 29 because he wasn’t happy with his paycheck, and both Mike Graham and Steve Keirn probably won’t go anywhere because they’re past the point of their career where the travel requirements of a major promotion are really worth it to them.
  • WWF’s third annual King of the Ring Tournament took place on September 4 in Providence, Rhode Island to a sellout 12,000 fans. Lots of surprises and a reportedly good show. Haku vs. Brutus in the first round was the worst match of the show, and Haku was eliminated in round two after a 15 minute draw with Rick Martel (also eliminated). Randy Savage’s face reactions continue to grow, and surprisingly Jim Brunzell got booed more than any other heel on the night during his match with Savage. In the end, Savage beat Bundy in the finals. Dave thinks a lot of the fun for fans is the novelty of the tournament setup allowing face vs. face and heel vs. heel matches they don’t normally see, as well as other matchups you don’t get often, both of which break away from the usual formula of WWF matches.
  • Pro Wrestling This Week is sponsoring a Caribbean cruise in February which will have the PWTW hosts as well as wrestlers like Bruiser Brody, Wendi Richter, Jerry Lawler, and Roddy Piper. They will also go to San Juan, Puerto Rico for a live show. A prototype for the Jericho cruise, you might say.
  • GLOW is advertising looking for women to work for them for their third season, which will begin filming soon. GLOW was started by Dave McLane, but he and others in management had a difference of opinion over the direction of the show and most of the wrestlers left with him to start POWW. POWW is expected to syndicate in several major markets in the fall, and while POWW was starting GLOW season 2 aired with most of the POWW women under their GLOW names. GLOW needs a new crop of wrestlers if they want to continue next year, though, and Dave wonders if GLOW’s novelty will die before a third season is needed. But anyway, GLOW’s producers have put out a casting call in the LA Times.
  • Lia Maivia hasn’t learned that her promotion doesn’t draw in Northern California and is thinking about promoting matches in the area again. AWA is also reportedly planning to return to Northern California in November.
  • [Puerto Rico] A guy named Maelo Huertas wrestled for the Jr. Heavyweight Title here, and Dave has no idea who he is but wonders if he might be El Hijo del Santo. Dave’s reasoning is that the real last name of El Hijo del Santo is “Huerta, so perhaps it’s Santo Jr. under a [different] mask.” Dave’s logic here is flawed and based on not understanding Spanish naming conventions, as El Hijo del Santo’s name doesn’t include Huerta anywhere. El Santo’s last name included Huerta because his mother’s last name was Huerta, but his son’s last names are Guzmán (from his father’s side) and Rodriguez (from his mother’s side). I’m not sure when Dave eventually figures this out, but Maelo Huertas is the younger brother of Invader #1 (fuck Invader #1).
  • ”Duke” Pete Doherty has been added to WWF’s announce team as a heel color commentator, likely to replace Ventura if the latter’s movie career takes off. Doherty’s got a “unique” voice, but he doesn’t seem to show much promise yet.
  • WWF’s August 22 MSG card was the best in a long time, and Dave goes through and rates the matches and stuff. Final total was an excess of 18,000 fans and $221,000 at the gate. A few really good matches (Honkytonk vs. Steamboat, Martel vs. Haku, Santana vs. Ron Bass), and only two bad matches (Billy Graham vs. Butch Reed and Demolition vs. JYD and George Steele). Lanny Poffo ended his losing streak against Jose Estrada with a “front flip into a splash” like Perro Aguayo does.
  • Randy Savage’s face turn should be expected on the September 23 taping gainst Honkytonk Man. Dave’s not sure it’s the best idea to turn Savage with Honkytonk as the opponent, as they haven’t been drawing great. Turning against the wrong heel can kill your draw as a face.
  • WWF will be running a new concept, the “Royal Rumble,” in St. Louis on October 4. What Dave hears is something along the lines of a combination of a battle royal and a non-violent WarGames. The format as Dave understands it right now is there are 12 guys who each draw a number, and two start for 5 minutes under battle royal rules. Every 2 minutes after that a new guy’s number is drawn and he joins until only one man is left after over the top eliminations.
  • Did you know that Hulk Hogan got paid only $11,000 to play Thunderlips in Rocky III?
  • Terry Taylor has become UWF “World” (Dave’s sick of all these titles getting the word World thrown in) TV Title, winning it from Shane Douglas on September 2. Douglas had a bad hand injury from the night before, and Taylor was working with a hyperextended knee. Eddie Gilbert hit Douglas with a chair after a ref bump, and Terry won by pinfall with the Figure Four. He held the leglock until Sting and Chris Adams ran in, so it looks like they’re setting up Sting/Adams/Douglas vs. TayloGilbert/Rick Steiner as a six-man feud. The same tv taping had Steve Williams beat Black Bart to retain the UWF Title, only for Scandor Ackbar’s guys to steal the belt until Ron Simmons made the save, so maybe Williams/Simmons vs. Bart/Bubba matches are coming. The show did a really poor $7000 gate.
Watch: Terry Taylor wins UWF TV Title
  • UWF’s tv program will have the big NWA names featured weekly starting with the show airing September 19. It seems like the format will be an in-studio set with video tapes of the big names rather than shooting everything all at one location and having the big names show up in person. Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Magnum T.A. look like they’ll be hosting, with Missy Hyatt doing an interview segment. Missy will no longer do color commentary on Power Pro because of tension between her and the Freebirds. Apparently most of her commentary on Freebirds matches was a shoot, or at least Hayes and Gordy believed it was, and they each had at least one promo where they fired back that had to be edited out because of poor taste.
  • Speaking of the Freebirds, Terry Gordy won’t be around UWF much the rest of the year because he’s got a couple consecutive tours in Japan with All Japan. He’s also still suffering the lingering effects of pneumonia, and his bad knee. Additionally, Buddy Roberts has gone AWOL from UWF so no idea what his status is. That leaves Michael Hayes as the only remaining Freebird in UWF. Gordy won’t be at Starrcade due to his Japan commitments, which includes Baba’s tag team tournament running the same time as Starrcade. That timing means that the Road Warriors won’t be in the tournament since they’ll be at Starrcade.
  • [Stampede] The Bruce Hart vs. Jason the Terrible match filmed on August 28 was not aired on TV due to being too bloody. Ed Whelan announced on the show that he was not allowing the match to air.
Watch: Ed Whelan announces Bruce Hart vs. Jason the Terrible will not air
  • [Stampede] The Harts have been talking about trying to set up a Ric Flair vs. Owen Hart match. Given the realities of the wrestling business, this will probably not amount to anything.
  • Shawn Michaels and Marty Janetty are in Alabama now as the Midnight Rock’n’Rollers. Verne Gagne threatened to sue if they kept using the Midnight Rockers name, as he apparently has that trademarked.
  • They’re hyping up a big Thunderdome match in Alabama for the Knoxville show at the end of October. There will be four poles, one in each corner, and each pole will have a box. One is empty, one has a chain, one has brass knuckles, and one supposedly with a check for $100,000.
  • In perhaps the least surprising news you could imagine, POWW canceled the September 1 show at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia. Break-even for that venue is a $100,000 gate, and they had sold only 500 tickets out of 70,000 capacity.
  • As Florida fades into nothing, the only notable bit from them recently is a Blackjack Mulligan return angle that aired on tv. He came back and put a rope around Johnny Ace’s neck and kidnapped him in his pickup truck.
  • [JCP/NWA] There was a surprise wrestler Paul Jones was supposed to bring in this week. There was no surprise wrestler on any of the shows filmed this weekend.
  • [JCP/NWA] Looks like they’re building to Ric Flair vs. Ron Garvin for Starrcade, with Garvin’s career at stake against Flair’s NWA World Title. That was what they looked to be building to last year, but the Magnum T.A. accident and Nikita Koloff turn led to it being scrapped.
  • [JCP/NWA] They ran two cards on September 5 in Philadelphia and Baltimore, and while the Philadelphia show ended at 10 pm, Baltimore became a game of stalling for the Horsemen to arrive. Ivan Koloff and Lex Luger went to a double countout after 42 minutes which was probably one of the worst matches of the year, as neither has the endurance to last that long. All the matches were worse than they sounded on paper except the Ron Simmons vs. Barbarian opener, all leading to a six-man cage match between Road Warriors/Dusty vs. FlaiArn/Tully that didn’t even start until after 11:30 pm. Animal pinned Tully, by the way.
  • The Eddie Sharkey and Dave Strecker lawsuit has had the charges of robbery against Strecker dropped, but Strecker was convicted of extortion and awaits sentencing. In other Sharkey news, he ran a 24-hour card as part of the Jerry Lewis telethon on September 6 and 7 featuring most of his wrestlers. At one point a wrestler fell asleep in the ring which is the first time Dave’s ever heard of that happening. Small crowd, but they had more than 60 matches and taped a lot for their tv show.
  • [All Japan] Negotiations with Bruiser Brody to get him to come in for the tag tournament in November have fallen through. Baba offered the same pay as he gives the Road Warriors and Stan Hansen to tour ($10,000 per week), but Brody wanted to be the highest paid foreigner and Baba was unwilling to change the pay scale. Expect Jimmy Snuka, Dick Slater, Abdullah the Butcher, Terry Gordy, Dory Funk, and possibly Terry Funk in the tournament.
  • The early favorite for main event at Wrestlemania 4 is Hogan vs. Bigelow. Dave thinks Wrestlemania is too early to do that.
  • WWF’s wrestlers passed AIDS testing and are HIV negative. With all the bleeding Crockett’s guys do, Dave thinks they should follow suit.
  • One letter in this week thinks Dave is underestimating just how important the Road Warriors are to Crockett. They’re a big asset in the north and midwest, and the fact that they get a bigger response than Steve Williams in his hometown. With WWF and JCP having taken every major name from smaller promotions, the Road Warriors would be the first major acquisition in a while by either if they could lock them down. If they go to WWF, how will Crockett’s other wrestlers react, and how many might follow suit? In a two-horse race, any jump is important (this letter writer is basically looking a decade in the future now).
  • Another letter asks what Dave thinks about the idea of Lex Luger being the eventual successor to Hulk Hogan. Meltzer says that, contract aside, there’s no way Luger will be Hogan’s successor for one key reason. When an act runs stale, and Hogan’s will eventually be stale, the stupidest thing you can do is try and replace it with a copy of that stale act. Look at WWF’s title history and how each long-term face champion was different from the last. Bruno was an Italian immigrant, followed by Pedro for the Latino audience, then Bruno again. Following years of ethnic champions, you get Bob Backlund who’s the “ultimate lilly-pure wasp.” Then you get Hogan, who is almost the opposite of Backlund in every way. Dave expects Hogan’s successor to be cut from a different cloth entirely.
  • Awards time is incoming, so Dave spends some time covering some of the categories and some of the favorites. Awards will be released in the 1987 yearbook issue, which should be 50-75 pages and come out around mid-January. Names he gives for wrestler of the year include Ric Flair (on a 6 year win-streak), Riki Choshu (who has single-handedly made New Japan the hottest promotion on the planet), Hulk Hogan (similar or even higher level of impact as Choshu, though match quality is lower). Dave thinks Choshu is the easy pick thus far. Best Brawler is a question mark, as the usual picks haven’t seemed to warrant it this year. Dave thinks Ted DiBiase (early year work), Eddie Gilbert (lots of good brawls this year), and Steve Williams (believability) are the top three right now. Hardest worker probably goes to Flair, but Dave thinks Owen Hart and Eddie Gilbert definitely deserve mentions. Best gimmick performer is another question mark. Everyone’s favorite seems to be Ted DiBiase’s new gimmick, but his drawing power with it is untested. Road warriors? Brutus Beefcake? Honkytonk Man?
  • In Minneapolis only, AWA is holding up the AWA World Title between Curt Hennig and Greg Gagne. Apparently, Verne can’t/won’t continue paying Curt’s very lucrative guaranteed contract (the Tribune deal has fallen through) and Curt’s talking about jumping ship. If anything like that does happen, Greg Gagne will wind up world champion, and that's something Dave finds terrifying.
  • A couple of new names join WWF’s tv announcer stable: Mike McGuirk and Bruce Prichard. Dave hopes McGuirk gets better because she’s pretty bad right now.
NEXT ISSUE: Starrcade and Survivor Series hype begins, Wrestlemania IV date announced, Ken Patera and Masahiro Saito lawsuit resolved, Jim Duggan returns to WWF
submitted by SaintRidley to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Top 30 hits of the 2010’s

Well this is a thing were doing as were cooped up inside. For this I took what I thought to be the 30 biggest and most iconic hits and ranked them, using my 30 point scale of instrumentation, vocals and lyrics with an extra 10 point for overall impact on the industry, I’d love to know how you view it, but first a few clarifications, this is a ranking of the biggest hits, some you won’t like, even I have distaste for a few, I’ll save the best songs for later down the line, I’m just taking each hit and ranking them worst to best, I’m not calling these 30 the best just the biggest. Also one song per artist as a certain chief would probably overwhelm this top 30 and a certain duo that must not be named and has grown an overall distaste from people over the years would also swarm it with probably 10 songs. So lets get started shall we.
30 . Peter Pan-Kelsea Ballerini
Definitely one of the more obscure ones on this list but it was a huge hit in its own right, a lot of people have praised it, I don’t think that at all, a lot of lines where just copied and pasted to give the illusion of rhyming because overall the song is a mess, is this a reflective song, a power ballad, this song doesn’t decide what is half the time, vocally it is overall drab and bland. I don’t see the huge appeal of this song, its not that catchy and the overall package is the reason its dead last.
  1. Die A Happy Man-Thomas Rhett
Ah yes Thomas Rhett, every girls dream boat and every man’s dream to kill him and dump him off a boat. Thomas Rhett’s second single off his sophomore album became the biggest hit of his career, this song exploded, sure it was an Ed Sheeran rip off, and I’m an Ed Sheeran fan but it is a solid rip off, it is sweet though hollow, it is way to checklisty. If you locked me in a room and made me come up with a song based off this premise this would be the result. Lyrically it is pretty shallow and often was the production even though I heard a fair amount of steel throughout it. Die A Happy Man was seen as the biggest hit of the 2016 until H.O.L.Y came around swiped that away from him. Die A Happy Man accomplished what it went out to do, I still listen to it to this day, and I say a large amount of people still do.
  1. Girl In A Country Song-Maddie & Tae
With this being so low on the list you know its getting heated, 2014 was the year of the bros, all about riding that donkey, burnin’ it down with some cold jack daniels and getting in trucks, so many trucks. Then this song came along and said f*** you to the bro artists, f*** you to the producers and f*** you to Nashville. Production and lyrics do get quite a bit in the way, and I agree with Trigger’s review of it as he tore it to shreds. No one back then would’ve thought this would succeed. But this song went straight to number one beating all these bros, that’s how many people were fed up with bro country, impact was close to a 9 or 10 but with the overall production and lyrics, it was as shallow as a bro song. I love it, but I see for what the song truly is and it is not that great.
  1. Tequila-Dan + Shay
I swear this song barely beat Maddie & Tae for me, and as a song Maddie & Tae blew them out of the water but when it came to overall impact, Dan + Shay did the same to them. Calling this song a smash is an understatement, this song blew up so fast and it stayed with people for almost a year and a half. I think it is fine, its not as good as speechless, it definitely feels like a pop song with a hint of twang but what makes this song soar is Dan + Shay’s vocal performance, say what you want about these guys, call them shallow, call them gay Rascal Flatts, I’ve said it. But the one thing I cannot deny is that these guys can sing, their vocal power is off the charts, they know when to get belty with their vocals and soft in the more melancholic moments.
  1. Drunk On A Plane-Dierks Bentley
Ah, yes…Dierks Bentley, what would I do without you. With one exception I’d say this is the Friend’s In Low Places of the 2010’s, it tells a story, all about partying while getting drunk, it’s a fun storytelling song, you think it’s a good bro song then you start hearing fiddle, and you wonder what’s Dierks Bentley doing and then it hits you, this isn’t a bro song, it’s a country song period. Dierks Bentley is known most probably for this song. I think it’s a lighthearted comedical journey. It feels like a movie from comedy central, I’ll watch forever but I’ll still laugh and enjoy it every single time.
  1. Head Over Boots-Jon Pardi
I debated over what to put here, Dirt On My Boots or Heartache On The Dancefloor but then I remembered this gem, This was huge in 2016, which made you wonder, an actual country song on the radio, what is going on? This is a sweet neo traditional smash, this was the follow up to this neo traditional movement set up by Chris Stapleton. I think it is weak in terms of lyrics, but it’s a mighty strong earworm and the instrumentation is gorgeous. This was the first step to getting the master craft of Heartache Medication and what a good first step it was.
  1. Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not-Thompson Square
Ah yes, everyone who grew up in the 2010’s remembers this song, a lighthearted lovely story, I enjoyed it as a kid, and I appreciate knowing it now growing up in high school. The story flows really nice, I definitely think it’s a bit shaky in terms in vocal, this was massive on the airplay, too bad it was one of the good storytelling songs we had for a long time as bro country began to infect Nashville and songs like this began to disappear. It’s isn’t this big traditional song with gorgeous instrumentation but it has its own charm to it.
  1. I Drive Your Truck-Lee Brice
I Drive Your Truck is a mixed bag, it has neat lyrics, this is a song that talks about a truck but it digs into the interesting details likes dog tags and Gatorade, I think this would work as an acoustic ballad rather than a power ballad, it has some really strong vocal moments but a good amounts it is really lackluster. The drums are way too loud for me. But when we get to the buildup, the pay off is extremely satisfying but then it plateaus a little bit but when we reach the ending I feel the emotion Lee Brice feels when recording this song. His live performance has far more raw emotion and I recommend checking that out.
  1. Drink A Beer-Luke Bryan
This is the one thing that made me have somewhat of respect for Crash My Party, by itself its one of the most successful albums of the 2010’s. This grew to be his most respected song, not to mention it features Chris Stapleton and I think he cowrote it too. I think it is a bit too simplistic with the details but I won’t deny that this blew up quite a bit, not as much as Play Again or That’s My Kind Of Night but it was a huge hit in its own right. I’d say a lot of traditionalists tipped their hat to him for actually creating a laid back ballad about loss and ways to mourn and cope, listen to it if you haven’t already.
  1. Dirt Road Anthem-Jason Aldean
Ah…the song that kickstarted the age of bro, I liked this song as a kid quite a bit.
Now when I hear this song
I really
Still Like It.
For Bro’s first outing this song worked extremely well, I kind of got sick of the pop phase people like Taylor Swift and Lady Antebellum brought and at the time this was breath of fresh air. I heard real drums, steel, not drum loops and electric guitar only. I missed this sound and if Bro brought it back I genuinely didn’t care that much, boy what karma that was come 2013. The rap verses move fluidly, talking about things I actually know, like corn bread and at least back then I could relate to dirt roads, nowadays I can’t stand it when a song brings that up. The impact it had was huge, while it started the incubation period for bro country, the song was a huge hit, the only reason Jason Aldean is as big as he is, is because of Dirt Road Anthem, unlike a lot of the bro era, this song aged well.
  1. Humble And Kind-Tim McGraw
Taking us into the top 20 is this “masterpiece”. I actually thought I’d put this in the top ten but when I thought about it really, what made this song truly special in the first place? “Oh its about embracing diversity”, no it isn’t it doesn’t bring up diversity once in the song, it is only implied if you watch the video, and don’t get me wrong the video visually is fantastic, but the song and the footage don’t fit together. Production wise it is butchered compared to the original songwriter’s version, I’d say it is Lori McKenna’s most famous write given to another artist, but nowadays this song hasn’t stayed with me or a lot of people whatsoever and this is a song that won song of the year and statistically was the number 3 song of 2016. As a song about how to live life, of course it works I enjoy it for what it is and while the overall package is lackluster but I think it is still a bit special.
  1. I Want Crazy-Hunter Hayes
Here is another Lori McKenna write, I don’t think most people realize it is, or how good of a good write it is. Before all the pretty boys of Thomas Rhett, and Brett Young we had Hunter Hayes, a pretty boy who tried to bring quality into his work. This song is a testament to his mission. I think it works very well instrumentally, it has several shades of pop but within that you get traditional sounds like steel and mandolin. And besides the technical things, this song is a JAM! Hunter Hayes moves lyrics so fluidly, unlike others in Nashville, Hunter Hayes didn’t need to have autotune to back him up, his concerts were full of life, he knew how to be a performer not just stay in one corner of the arena and lick his lips and be boring the whole time. Hunter Hayes was a drop of potential in a sea of mediocrity.
  1. My Church-Maren Morris
My Church is a bit strange in terms of production with the vocal, it wants to take me to church and I think it does a little bit. I like the references in it with Hank Williams and Johnny Cash, and I think this a song a lot people can relate to. I’m not that big on religion but there’s always a place I can go that is my church. I can’t help but to sing along to it, its melody is like a gospel. I’m glad it was a hit, her most respected hit and up till now her biggest (thx The Bones >:(. For a while the female side of country was honestly getting worse than the men, all of these singles were just begging for airplay with cheap production and hollow lyrics, this was a song that didn’t feel like a radio song with a relatable story, I’m glad it was a hit.
  1. Girl Goin’ Nowhere-Ashley McBryde
It pains me, this was one the highest scores I gave for a song in terms for the song itself, but when it came to overall impact I honestly say it is dead last in terms of that which made it land at 17, I would love to put in the top ten where it belongs but I have to be fair. Girl Goin’ Nowhere is nothing short of a masterpiece. One of the most heartfelt moments in the 2010’s was her singing this song in the grand ole opry, for a girl being told she would never succeed to finally being where she’s always wanted to be, where she was meant be. Lyrically it is beautiful and instrumentally the reflection of her journey is paved through every tap of the wire brushes, every chord of that guitar, this song while not her biggest on the radio, is what made me discover Ashley McBryde when she performed it at the ACM awards, one of the most heartfelt performances of the night.
  1. When It Rains It Pours-Luke Combs
A masterpiece in comedy, this is one of the rare cases of comedy being a story in modern country music, I’d say this is the Friends In Low Places of the 2010’s, agree or disagree that’s how I view it and that’s how I view Luke Combs, as a guy who can appeal to the bros, the partyers and the intellectuals in country music. Every verse is different throughout the whole song. This song is proof, you don’t need to be deep and mature to create a lyrical master craft. You can be as stupid and funny as you want, Luke Combs brings it with his vocal power, selling every single aspect of this absurd story, its not just Luke Combs at his finest but country music at some of its best.
  1. Mean-Taylor Swift
Come on everyone knows Mean, and if you’ve never heard of it, what have you’ve been listening to. Everyone’s known some macho jerk and this song is planting a flag to just say, wait and see. That’s all this song is about, you’d think that push this song lower but it makes even better, Taylor Swift is a big pop superstar now but back then, you had your fiddle, your mandolin in her repertoire. It was a big crossover hit everyone knew. The way she says he’s a liar and pathetic is hilarious, I love this song, as I’ve felt this way before. Also I cannot walk into a cracker barrel without hearing this song once, why that is, is beyond me, but this song brings me back to a simpler time, when country music was just country music, and nowadays we have to label everything like a fridge that has 4 roommates living together.
  1. Take Your Time-Sam Hunt
Apparently a lot of people say this is just bro garbage, I literally don’t see that. Sam Hunt has a way of communicating in his smooth talk sequences, sometimes it is used at the wrong time, but I feel it fits quite well. I believe people give too much of him a hard time for this, it denied Girl Crush for the number one song of the year statistically so I can get the hate a little bit, but numbers are numbers who cares. I definitely think Girl Crush is better but not by much I honestly think they are pretty close. Sam Hunt will always be seen as the douche who invaded country music and blew up the preconceived notion of what a country song is. Sure nowadays who hasn’t done that, but I view Sam Hunt as the douche who invaded and disrupted country music and ruined it, but did a good job.
13.Need You Now-Lady Antebellum
The mother of all pop crossovers, to say this was big is an understatement, this song was freaking everywhere. My home, school, grocery stores, everywhere I went this song was there. Why isn’t in the top 5 you wonder, because I don’t see the appeal. This is a perfect 10 in impact on the industry, but I don’t get why people loved this song. Sure it is a smash I get that, but what was so special about, what made it different from all the other breakup songs out there? I don’t see it, I see it as a wholesome mess, a song that does ring nostalgia but that’s it, to put it in perspective, it reminds me of 2010, but it doesn’t make me want to relive like other songs on this list from 2010. I will say it deserved its success even though I don’t think its that great. If you love this song, that’s totally fine, I see the appeal but this one’s just not for me.
  1. Why Don’t We Just Dance-Josh Turner
Now this makes me want to relive 2010, this song just ages like a fine wine, especially with our current predicament, all of the craziness we have to endure, it’s the little things maintaining my sanity, this song is that dialogue to a T. This isn’t just a fun jam, sonically it is so soothing, blending rock n roll with traditional elements, you got your rock n roll piano, with fiddle and steel laid throughout it all. Josh Turner brings it with his deep belting vocals. I can listen to this and it brings me back to a time when life was easy.
  1. As She’s Walking Away-Zac Brown Band ft. Alan Jackson
So many people know this melody, Zac Brown is, sorry let me rephrase that, WAS known for this richness in their sound, for bring a modern take on rustic sounds. Everyone’s has had this moment where you regret not talking to this person you’re in love with, I’ve been through and chances are you’ve been there to. Also it has Alan Jackson one of the all time greats, Zac Brown is most known for being the Chicken Fried lovers but this is what launched their 2010 album You Get What You Give into the stratosphere of the best of this decade (with Colder Weather not too far behind) This is a simple song, but it’s a simple song I needed, and I still need it, and will still as I go through life.
Now we’ve reached the top 10 the s tier, so lets get into this, I’d love to know your ten in the comments.
  1. Space Cowboy-Kacey Musgraves
This is just nothing short but perfect (well almost perfect) her new echoey shimmer vibe she’s now known for comes out best in this record (by not really being there at all) this is definitely her biggest one on Golden Hour and it’s the fan favorite on it. The impact this had was huge, now I know what your thinking, this never even reached the top 10, how did this impact anything if it couldn’t break the glass ceiling. I agree it didn’t break the glass ceiling I hoped it would break, but it allowed for others to break it, I believe because of her Nashville began considering investing in the women of country music again, look at it right now, a woman has the number one spot which hasn’t happened since 2014, 3 songs are in the overall top ten for country music. I think it was all because of this song. And lets get into the song itself, it is a strange beautiful journey. Lyrically it is so good with wordplay describing how this person doesn’t want to be here anymore, and instead of this big emotional power ballad break up, Kacey says, I get that you don’t want to be here, so instead of drama, just leave, I’m letting you go, if that isn’t powerful I don’t know what is. It is laid back in production, which is what a song like this needs, a song with powerful emotions like this need air to breath. Kacey Musgraves did what many, even I thought to be impossible and that’s win the biggest Grammy of the night, but she pulled it off, I think my jaw dropped for a good 10 seconds that night.
  1. Girl Crush-Little Big Town
Similar to Need You Now, I get the appeal, but I see it and feel a bit more. This song has no boundaries in its lyricism, normally I’d be creeped out by lyrics like this but the story behind them gives them a melancholy meaning I understand. Every dirty vivid piece of imagery works so well, I think the drum loop doesn’t work well for it, as it gives this drowning sorrow vibe, and it works well with the opening but after that I don’t like the production after that. The message is unique, most people think it is about a girl who is love with another girl, which is not even close to its message, in actuality she is in love with a man who is with another woman, and she wants to be like her, so he’d like her, definitely wacky but a message as unique as this should be praised. Now for overall impact, holy crap, people loved this song, it went on to be number one for over 12 weeks, one of the longest runs ever. It won several accolades for song of the year, thanks to Lori McKenna, if you want to win song of the year work with Lori McKenna, not an instant guarantee but it does help your odds.
  1. Drinkin’ Problem-Midland
The richness of this song is unmatched. 2017 in summary was a crappy year. The snap tracks took over Nashville, they were everywhere, and I mean everywhere, then I kid you not, one day I heard this and I thought, is this an old track then I read the date, as it released in 2017, I started hearing it more and more and I was blown away with this song, it’s not the deepest but it is clever in its own right. The production of most songs on this list don’t hold a candle to the god this song is in instrumentation. It’s lines like “people say I got a drinking problem, but I’ve got no problem drinking at all” just makes me grin. We would begin to see more songs with a similar sound, little by little, artists you wouldn’t believe started experimenting with this type of sound, it was a huge hit, casual fans loved it, semi-traditionalist people like me adored it while hardcore ones discredited it because of their background and authenticity even Trigger did it too. A song is a song, music is music, it doesn’t matter who it comes from, you’d rather someone who has nothing to do with the genre and take a crap all over it than this, I wouldn’t and you shouldn’t too.
  1. The House That Built Me-Miranda Lambert
There was a few Miranda Lambert songs I could’ve put, the critically acclaimed Tin Man, the smash hit Somethin’ Bad, but I’m sticking with the song that made me relate to her more than anything song in her catalog. There is something that is just so iconic about “Won’t Take Nothing But A Memory” Miranda Lambert is know for engaging with her audience is such a profound relatable way. Revisiting old memories have joy and heartbreak, we have to take both in, relive them, because we are what they are, they are what make us who we are. Every single tear of joy and sadness built us into who we are today, that is what this song is about, every message she sings is said with vivid imagery. Sometimes closure doesn’t come from revisiting them but we still need them regardless, it is her most well known and respected hit, and it time will age to become a standard like Your Cheatin’ Heart or I Walk The Line.
  1. God’s Country-Blake Shelton
Yep, its that good, it doesn’t deserve to be this good, also I find ironic this finds itself directly above a Miranda Lambert song. The House That Built Me is a better song overall but it fails to match the level of impact this had, everyone and I mean everyone knew this song, this brought so many fans back to Blake Shelton who honestly was a bit of a hit or miss these past few years but what, a, comeback. This has so much raw power, after my first listen I knew this would be a hit. This was his first number one hit on hot country songs since 2013, 6 YEARS. It deserved all the praise and more. God’s Country is nothing short of bad ass. Everything about its just has new life. From its gothic production to the lyrics. I’ve never seen a song blow up so fast (well a good one) Cruise took a while to rise but right out of the gate this rose to the top. Performed live, this song is legendary. If this song had fiddle like its live version I would drop dead as goosebumps would’ve overwhelmed my body.
The top 5 are songs everyone knows, whether they listen to country music or not, these are songs every one knows.
But before we move on I’d like to give a few honorable captions for what song did what best.
· Best Instrumentation-Wagon Wheel-Darius Rucker
· Best Vocal Performance-Tennessee Whiskey-Chris Stapleton
· Best Lyrics-Girl Goin’ Nowhere-Ashley McBryde
· Best Overall Impact-Cruise-Florida Georgia Line
  1. Wagon Wheel-Darius Rucker
The melody of this has been sung by so many, it’s a song so many people, the second I hear those guitar chords followed by fiddle I know I am in for a good time, Darius Rucker knocks this cover and capitalizing on everything Old Crow Medicine Band didn’t. Everything just works so well with it. My only real complaint is that I have no Idea what these lyrics are about at all, the story never really made sense to me, but at the end of the day who cares, this issue pales in comparison to everything this song offers. This was the light at the end of the tunnel in 2013, while I did enjoy Cruise, no song in 2013 compared to what this song was and still is, a party song that cherishes everything country music stands for, beautiful instrumentation, compelling stories and simple melodies. I adore it, chances are you do to, whether you think it out-beats the original or not.
  1. If I Die Young-The Band Perry
The closer we get to number one it gets so hard. It brings this folk like sound and storytelling to the table and it blows you away. I think vocally it could use a little flare, but out of all the songs on this list I think it uses fiddle the best. I think the harmonization of the band is overall excellent. It flows story wise as the life of this person progresses so smoothly, I especially like the lyric “funny when you’re dead people start listening” that just feels so true. And lets talk about success, I’d argue this was bigger than Need You Now, this is the only song to reach 7 million sales without the help of a rap artists in the 2010’s, so calling this song a hit is an understatement. This song set the bar in 2010 for critical achievement and only a handful over the years have been able to reach it let alone surpass it.
  1. Cruise-Florida Georgia Line
If we chose a song to define the 2010’s, there is no song, more obvious, more excruciating painful. But when this song came out it was a jam, it still is, before all these songs about getting girls in trucks with the stupidest pickup lines this was a narrative honestly everyone was fine with, if bro country was something only FGL did, a whole lot more people would be fine with them doing their thing, because with all of the hate, they do, I’ll just say it, Florida Georgia Line are country artists, just not the best ones. I think they make country music, just not the best country music. Cruise as a song without any outside factors is a smash that works on so many levels, it is the most successful country song of all time, does it deserve it, yes, yes it does. Talk about a song you couldn’t get away from, you wanna see impact, this song started a movement that held on to Nashville for over 5 years and Cruise inspired the next movement to come along and grip Nashville. I’ve never seen a song do something like this, the reason it isn’t number one, is because I don’t view this as a number one song of the decade, hell I wouldn’t even put it in the top 10 for the song itself. But the impact this song had was undeniable, whether you hate them or not, its success is deserved.
  1. Tennessee Whiskey-Chris Stapleton
The 2015 CMA awards had one of the most legendary performances in country music history, yeah its worth calling it legendary, when Chris Stapleton took the stage with Pop Superstar Justin Timberlake bringing back the roots of country music. Tennessee Whiskey not only is a fantastic song, it is the reason the neo-traditional movement kickstarted, it is the reason artists like Jon Pardi, Luke Combs, and Midland are who they are, this saw the return to quality in country music, it brought the soul of it back when the genre was at its darkest. Chris Stapleton has such a raw vocal power unmatched by anyone not even Luke Combs comes close to Stapleton. Lyrically it is so good with its wordplay, it’s a cover of a classic of course the lyrics will be good. The instrumentation feels so bluesy, like I’m in a bar or a pub (I’ve never been in one so what do I know) Everything about has so much atmosphere, from the guitar solos to the vocal runs Stapleton does throughout the song. This is currently the most viewed country song of all time on YouTube, one of the most streamed songs on Spotify and it belongs to the most successful country album of the decade. Tennessee Whiskey while a cover is reinvented to fit Stapleton’s style of music, and the fact that he did this song his way and not David Allan Coe’s just adds another layer to the countless layers of praise this song has received.
And now number one, the best hit country song of the 2010’s:
  1. Old Town Road-Lil Nas X
OBVIOUSLY, like what other song could be number one, the trap beat is better than any real percussion, the lyrics are better than Girl Goin’ Nowhere who am I kidding, you know it is the best country song of the 2010’s, maybe even all time, come on I’m right.
Okay I can’t do this joke anymore lets get to the real number one:
  1. Springsteen-Eric Church
Okay with all jokes aside, this is not only the most unique and impactful, it is arguably the most relatable song on this list. A song I think everyone here has listened to at least once. Some of you think I’m biased as a lot of my lists have The Chief at number one, and if was in your shoes I’d be a little irritated too. But Eric Church deserves every ounce of praise he receives. This song is able to bring so many people back to a time, a time of happiness, a time of heartbreak, to revisit memories not by normal means by remembering the times with a person you cared about through the music you loved. The music you two shared. Lyrics don’t get as iconic as “funny how a melody sounds like a memory” Not only was it the biggest hit of his career it was one of the biggest of the decade, back then in 2011 Eric’s sound was revolutionary, forget Florida Georgia Line, Eric Church changed country music entirely after the release of Chief, I’d argue Cruise exists because of Chief. Eric’s vocal delivery has hope and yet somberness. The piano and guitars bring this wave of nostalgia because we all have a person we care about but now were not with them, or we were never with them at all, friends have shown me what this song meant to them and all their interpretations share the single thread of adoration of music, music is escapism, to relive glory days, to relive heartbreak, every song does that, even the bad ones, that’s what this song is about. To celebrate what music has done for us and pay it forward.
submitted by CyrusWaugh to CountryMusicStuff [link] [comments]

Memphis Kansas Breeze Easter Eggs

Obviously, the name "Memphis Kansas Breeze" is a play on the group "Florida Georgia Line", but my best friend who's a huge country fan (she completely loved the segment) was able to pick apart a few other easter eggs. If there are any other country fans out there who caught references in the lyrics or backstory, let me know!

Brantley Aldean- Brantley Gilbert and Jason Aldean are both country singers
Harlan Haywood- Harlan Howard is a famous country song writer, and Dave Haywood plays guitar in Lady Antebellum

Pickup Truck Birthday Party- Play It Again by Luke Bryan
Truck Prom Dance- Dirt by Florida Georgia Line
Truck Baby- H.O.L.Y. by Florida Georgia Line
submitted by Sokkamom to comedybangbang [link] [comments]

Suspect in shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery helped release video of incident, attorney says

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 67%. (I'm a bot)
Gregory McMichael, one of two suspects arrested in the death of Ahmaud Arbery, played a role in publicly releasing video of the Georgia shooting that sparked nationwide protests, NBC News confirmed Saturday.
Alan Tucker, an attorney in Brunswick, Georgia, told NBC News that McMichael wanted "The public to know the truth," and Tucker contacted a local radio DJ.Tucker, who said he has known McMichael for nearly 30 years in a professional capacity, downloaded the video onto a thumb drive that McMichael "Physically" delivered to the station, he said.
Arbery was shot to death on Feb. 23 in Brunswick - a coastal city about midway between Savannah, Georgia, and Jacksonville, Florida - after being followed by Gregory McMichael, 64, and Travis McMichael, 34, his son, in their pickup truck.
According to a police report, the senior McMichael told officers they pursued Arbery because they thought he was a burglary suspect.
McMichael told officers Arbery "began to violently attack" Travis, who fired because the two "started fighting over the shotgun," according to the police report.
Greg McMichael did not commit murder," said Frank Hogue, one of Gregory McMichael's defense attorneys, in a news conference this week.
Summary Source | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: McMichael#1 office#2 Arbery#3 message#4 video#5
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NOTICE: This thread is for discussing the submission topic. Please do not discuss the concept of the autotldr bot here.
submitted by autotldr to autotldr [link] [comments]

Terrorism in the United States (since 9/11)
Ziad Jarrah seen in an undated photograph.
December 22, 2001
Al-Qaeda operative Richard Reid attempted to detonate a bomb concealed in his shoes while on board a plane from Paris to Miami. He failed to detonate it and was apprehended by passengers and crew.
May 8, 2002
Abdullah al-Muhajir was arrested for planning to use a radiological bomb.
July 4, 2002
Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, killed two Israelis and wounds four others at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport.[78] The FBI concluded this was terrorism, though they did not find evidence linking Hadayet to a terrorist group.
February 16, 2002 – October 24, 2002
During three weeks in October 2002, John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo killed 10 people and critically injured 3 others in the cities of Washington D.C., Baltimore, Maryland and the state of Virginia. The pair were also suspected of earlier shootings in Maryland, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, and Washington. At the 2006 trial of Muhammad, Malvo testified that the aim of the killing spree was to kidnap children for the purpose of extorting money from the government.
March 19, 2003
Iyman Faris was arrested for plotting to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge.
March 5, 2006
Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar injured 9 when he drove an SUV into a group of pedestrians at UNC-Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world".
July 28, 2006
Naveed Afzal Haq, an American citizen of Pakistani descent, killed one woman and shoots five others at the Jewish Federation building in Seattle. During the shooting, Haq told a 911 dispatcher that he was angry with American foreign policy in the Middle East.
June 1, 2009
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and killed one military recruiter and seriously wounded another at a Little Rock, Arkansas Army/Navy Career Center in an act of Islamic extremism. Muhammad, a convert to Islam, had visited Yemen for sixteen months where he spent time in prison and became radicalized. Muhammad, said he was part of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and was upset over the U.S. Army's murder of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, like the Kandahar massacre and the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
November 5, 2009
Nidal Malik Hasan, a US Army Major serving as a Psychiatrist, opens fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 and wounding 29. On August 23, 2013 Hasan was convicted by a Military tribunal. Hasan acted as his own attorney and took responsibility for the attack saying his motive was jihad to fight "illegal and immoral aggression against Muslims". On August 28, Hasan was sentenced to death.
December 25, 2009
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to blow up Northwest Airlines flight 253 using plastic explosives sewn into his underwear while en route from Amsterdam to Detroit.
May 1, 2010
Faisal Shahzad ignited an explosive in Times Square. The bomb failed to go off, and he was later arrested on a flight leaving for Dubai. Sentenced to life in prison on October 5, 2010 after pleading guilty to a 10-count indictment in June, including attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.
October 2010
Farooque Ahmed conspired with law enforcement officials posing as al-Qaeda to bomb Arlington Cemetery, the Pentagon City subway station, Crystal City subway station, and Court House subway station.
October 29, 2010
Two plastic explosive bombs were discovered on two cargo planes destined for two synagogues in Chicago. They were discovered at East Midlands Airport and Dubai International Airport while en route.
October 17, 2010 – November 2, 2010
A series of shootings took place at the five military buildings including the National Museum of the Marine Corps and the Pentagon. He also attempted to bomb and damage Arlington National Cemetery.
November 25, 2010
Mohamed Osman Mohamud attempted to detonate what he thought was a car bomb at a Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
May 25, 2011
Two Iraqi immigrants were arrested for sending money and weapons to Iraq while residing in Bowling Green, Kentucky, as well as participating in attacks while in Iraq and plotting to kill American soldiers on their return.
April 15, 2013
Two bombs detonated within seconds of each other near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and injuring more than 180 people. On the evening of April 18 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, an MIT campus police officer was shot and killed while sitting in his squad car. Two suspects then carjacked an SUV and fled to nearby Watertown, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. A massive police chase ensued, resulting in a shootout during which several IED's were thrown by the suspects. A Boston transit police officer was critically wounded and suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a Russian immigrant of Chechen ethnicity, was killed. The second suspect, Tsarnaev's younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, escaped. A "Shelter in place" order was given for Boston, Watertown, and surrounding areas while house-to-house searches were conducted, but the suspect remained at large. Shortly after the search was called off Tsarnaev was discovered hiding inside a boat parked near the scene of the shootout. He was taken into custody after another exchange of gunfire, treated for injuries received during his pursuit and capture, and arraigned on federal terrorism charges. Preliminary questioning indicated the Tsarnaev brothers had no ties to terrorist organizations. A note written by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the boat where he was captured said the bombings were retaliation for US actions in Iraq and Afghanistan against Muslims. On April 8, 2015, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty on all 30 counts related to the bombing and shootout with police. On May 15, 2015, Tsarnaev was sentenced to death.
December 13, 2013
58-year-old avionics technician, identified as Terry Lee Loewen, was arrested on December 13, 2013, for attempting a suicide bombing at Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, where he was employed. Loewen became radicalized after reading extremist Islamic material on the Internet. He was arrested while driving a vehicle into the airport with what he believed to be an active explosive device. Later sentenced to 20 years in Federal prison.
April 27, 2014
Ali Muhammad Brown shot and killed a man who was walking home from a store. This killing was part of a series of terrorism related killings in the states of Washington and New Jersey.
June 1, 2014
Ali Muhammad Brown shot and killed two men outside a Seattle gay nightclub. These killings were part of a series of terrorism related killings in the states of Washington and New Jersey.
June 25, 2014
Ali Muhammad Brown shot and killed a man who was driving home from college while stopped at a traffic light. This killing was part of a series of terrorism related killings in the states of Washington and New Jersey.
September 24, 2014
Alton Alexander Nolen aka "Jah'Keem Yisrael" attacked two employees at Vaughan Foods, beheading one and stabbing the other before being shot and injured by Vaughan Foods' Chief Operating Officer.
October 23, 2014
Zale Thompson injured two New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers, once critically at a Queens, New York City shopping district by striking them with a hatchet. Four officers were posing for a photograph when Thompson charged them. The police opened fire killing Thompson and injuring a civilian. Thompson, who converted to Islam 2 years before the attack, posted "anti-government, anti-Western, anti-white" messages online.
May 3, 2015
Two gunmen opened fire outside the Curtis Culwell Center during an art exhibit hosted by an anti-Muslim group called the American Freedom Defense Initiative in Garland, Texas. The center was hosting a contest for cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Both gunmen were killed by police. A Garland Independent School District (ISD) police officer was injured by a shot to the ankle but survived. The attackers, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were motivated by the Charlie Hebdo shooting in France and the 2015 Copenhagen shooting in Denmark earlier in the year. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed responsibility for the attack through a Twitter post.
June 2, 2015
Police investigating a planned Islamic terrorist attack on police confronted Usaama Rahim to question him. He pulled out a military knife, and was eventually shot and killed by police as he approached them with the knife. David Wright was later arrested and charged with planning a terrorist attack with Usaama Rahim.
July 16, 2015
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to a naval reserve center and continued firing. He was killed by police in a gunfight. Four Marines were killed immediately, and another Marine, a Navy sailor, and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later. The motive of the shootings is currently under investigation.
November 4, 2015
Faisal Mohammad, armed with a hunting knife, stabbed four people at the University of California before being shot and killed by police.
December 2, 2015
A mass shooting occurred at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, with 14 dead and 22 injured. Two suspects, Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, fled in an SUV, but were later killed.
January 7, 2016
A man shot at a police officer in his cruiser multiple times, injuring him in the process. The officer returned fire injuring the assailant. The assailant later pledged allegiance to ISIL, citing it as his reason for the attack.
February 11, 2016
Four people were injured in a restaurant when a man with a machete attacked them at random. After a car chase, the assailant, who was from the West African nation of Guinea, was killed by police.
June 12, 2016
50 people were killed and 53 were injured in a terrorist attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The sole suspect behind the slaughter was identified as Omar Mateen, an American-born citizen with Afghan immigrant parents who was later killed.[152][153][154] The FBI asserted his possible link to radical Islam.[155] Despite assertions to the contrary, the FBI could not find evidence to suggest Mateen was gay or targeted Pulse because it was a gay club, according to The Washington Post.
August 20, 2016
On August 20, 2016, Wasil Farooqui stabbed a man and a woman in a random attack at an apartment complex.
September 17, 2016
On September 17, 2016, a mass stabbing occurred at the Crossroads Center shopping mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Ten people were injured, and the attacker was shot dead inside the mall by an off-duty law enforcement officer. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack through its Amaq media agency, claiming Adan "was a soldier of the Islamic State".
September 17–19, 2016
Four bombings or bombing attempts occurred in the New York metropolitan area, specifically in Seaside Park, New Jersey; Manhattan, New York; and Elizabeth, New Jersey. Thirty-one civilians were injured in one of the bombings. Ahmad Khan Rahimi was identified as a suspect in all of the incidents and apprehended on September 19 in Linden, New Jersey, after a shootout that injured three police officers. According to authorities, Rahimi was not part of a terrorist cell, but was motivated and inspired by the extremist Islamic ideology espoused by al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda chief propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki.
November 28, 2016
A car ramming attack and mass stabbing occurred at 9:52 a.m. EST at Ohio State University (OSU)'s Watts Hall in Columbus, Ohio. The attacker, Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was shot and killed by the first responding OSU police officer, and 11 people were hospitalized for injuries. According to authorities, Artan was inspired by terrorist propaganda from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.
October 31, 2017
On October 31, 2017, an ISIS-inspired man drove a rented Home Depot flatbed pickup truck in a vehicle-ramming attack on cyclists and runners along 1 mile (1.6 km) of a bike path alongside West Street in Lower Manhattan, killing eight people and injuring at least 11 others. The attack took place several blocks north of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Authorities found a note near the truck used in the incident which claimed that the attack by the 29-year-old was made in the name of ISIS.
submitted by jmpace6161 to masskillers [link] [comments]

Country music and gatekeeping

I like country music. I was born and raised in the midwest, in the suburbs, so I don't have any country roots, but it's a nice bit of escapism sometimes to pay a mental visit an idealized version of the south, where everyone is warm and friendly.
People are so weird about country music in the midwest. They seem to fall into the following categories:
  1. People who hate country. I get not liking a musical genre. But I do not understand actively hating a musical genre, especially one as harmless as country. These people will not even wait to be asked their opinion on country music; they will just lead with "I listen to a little bit of everything, except country, I hate country". Or some variation of the old joke about playing a country song backwards / stereotype about how all country music is about trucks and dogs and ex wives. Of course it isn't! One of the great things about country is the huge variety of possible topics for songs, and these people would know that if they had ever listened to any instead of just parroting the opinions of smug comedians like Bo Burnham. There's one country song about trucks, "Pickup Man" -- how did this oddly specific stereotype get so pervasive? Why are these people so confident that their ignorance is correct? At best it's unfunny, at worst it can start to feel kind of classist, all these people making fun of a geographical area they consider uneducated. Country music is beautiful! It can tell a story or a joke, be joyful or sorrowful or insightful. A country song can be about working as a waitress or being arrested or literally an entire lifespan. Fuck these lazy judgy people who don't want to get to know it. To be honest, my dad started listening to country to make fun of it when I was a kid and we discovered we actually liked it somehow. So maybe one day these nonbelievers will be converted, too.
  2. Sometimes you meet someone who likes country. Great, let's talk about what songs we enjoy. But then you quickly discover that they don't like any of the music currently being produced by the country music industry, especially anything that may have been influenced by mainstream pop music. They exclusively enjoy music that is 30 - 70 years old, like Dolly Parton, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, etc. Okay, that's fine, not everyone likes the same stuff. But, much like the people in the first category, it isn't enough for these people to just like what they like. They have to redefine the entire genre of country music to only include songs from the era they like and exclude all of the music currently on the radio, a la the No True Scotsman Fallacy. "That modern pop crap they play on the radio today isn't real country" -- Fuck you, yes it is. It isn't exactly the same as when you were a child growing up, but that's how music is, it constantly evolves, and it would be really weird if people were still making the same kind of songs they made in 1962. You know why people love to talk about how much they love classic country and classic rock? Because it's safe. Because multiple generations have already listened to it and decided it's worthy. Saints can only be canonized after their death, after all. Because listening to the new sounds being made by the young up and coming artists on the scene would mean having to decide what you personally like. Fuck these gatekeeping bastards, I like Florida Georgia Line and I don't care that they've been influenced by pop because pop is good, too, but it doesn't have the warmth or the storytelling powers of country, so I'm fucking glad that pop and country mixed and had babies together. Go shove your fiddle up your ass.
  3. People who don't listen to country, but they're people pleasers, so for some reason they'll try to reassure you that they like Johnny Cash or some artist that's no longer relevant. In fact, all of the categories seem to like Johnny Cash. Even the rabid anti-country people will make an exception for him. He's magic or something. Anyway, I appreciate the support but if you don't listen to country, just say so, it's fine.
  4. People who actually listen to modern country as well. I'm not sure they exist in real life. Guess I'll just keep listening to the radio.
In conclusion, everyone is way too judgmental about musical tastes. To quote some recent country songs: it takes all kinds of kinds, people are different, and bless your heart.
submitted by wisebloodfoolheart to rant [link] [comments]

Official-ish /r/Nationals All-Star Game Week Visitor's Guide

2018 MLB All Star Game Visitor’s Guide

edit: Well, this has been a fantastic week. I hope everyone who visited or watched enjoyed it as much as I did, and hopefully got some use out of the guide. It was incredible seeing this in our own park. Feel free to come comment with us on the sub whenever we're playing your team, always good to talk with other fans!
First, welcome to Nationals! We’re happy that you’re visiting the sub and potentially our home at Nats Park in DC. Since you are probably coming to ask about recommendations around the park, details around trip planning, etc. we have compiled a list of those very things. There are top details/recommendations listed on this post but we have also linked the most relevant articles for DC/All-Star related events and attractions. Hopefully you find exactly what you are looking for but if not, just drop a comment below and it will probably be answered. We just ask that you look through this post before asking any questions because we have probably answered it. For anyone who wants to contribute anything to the post, let me know and I'll edit it in. Thanks to yousmelllikebiscuits, gummy_joe and others for helping with this.
Thanks for coming to Nats Park and DC, and we hope you enjoy your visit!

Official Events

Additional tickets to events may be available here at any given point: Otherwise, Stubhub and the like are your best bet at this point.

All-Star Workout Day and Home Run Derby

All-Star Game

Futures Game/Celebrity Softball


Armed Services Classic

Play Ball Park

MLB Assembly

MLB All Star Game Color Run

Boat Decorating

More details for main events:

Other Baseball Events

Library of Congress - Baseball Americana Exhibit

Baseball Americana, the Library of Congress’ newest exhibit, is open at the Jefferson Building on Capitol Hill. Step into the exhibition space, with its grand set of “bleachers” dominating the middle, flanked by two large television screens showing baseball’s past and present “in conversation” with each other, highlighting the timelessness of the game over the century-plus it’s been played, and take a look at some of the rare objects only available from the World’s Largest Library, the Library of Congress (shhh, nobody mention the British Library), as well as objects on loan from MLB, Cooperstown, and ESPN.
Highlights include:
And then go ahead and take a free hour tour of the rest of the Jefferson Building, the most beautiful building in D.C.

National Museum of American History

Visiting Nationals Park

Nationals Park opened in 2008, and has been the host to many historic post-season losses since then. It’s a bit generic, but it’s solid, with wide concourses, a number of bars, and an ever-expanding list of concessions.

The Park


Any ASG specific stuff

The Neighborhood

In the time since Nationals Park opened in 2008, the surrounding neighborhood has undergone a complete rejuvenation. It’s gone from auto shops and abandoned buildings, to being named one of the 12 coolest neighborhood in the world by the illustrious source known as “some random Forbes blogger.” For some historical context to the neighborhood, JDLand has played the role of the documentarian of the neighborhood as it has transformed. Even just a few comparison pictures from the ballpark over the years shows the tremendous change.
The non-Nats Park centerpiece of the Capitol Riverfront is Yards Park, a gorgeous mixed-use area along the Anacostia River. There’s a long riverwalk along the water, a splash pool, and a few pop-up restaurants. They will be hosting the All-Star River Summerfest, a family-friendly “sandlot with games, activities, and entertainment.”
Several blocks northwest, The Wharf is a $1 billion+ development that opened up last year. I won’t go into much detail, but there are a bunch of upscale restaurants, as well as some fun bars, and a nice place to hang out. This is also where the MLB ASSEMBLY event will be taking place. Accessible via the L’Enfant Plaza and Waterfront metro stations, and the DC Circulator. There is also a free shuttle from L'Enfant Plaza to the Wharf:
Several blocks to the northeast is Barracks Row. Situated near the historic Marine Corps Barracks, the oldest post in the Corps, there’s a lively bar and restaurant scene there as well, and easily accessed from the Eastern Market metro station. That same Circulator line goes between the Wharf and here.
Part of the growth of Navy Yard has been due to an explosion in restaurant and bars over the years, going from Justin’s being the only place in the area for years, to dozens of places ranging from raw bars to Korean Fried Chicken. This is a non-exhaustive list -- just some of our favorites in Navy Yard. Plenty of other places both at the Wharf and on Barracks Row. A full or close to it list of Navy Yard places can be seen here.


Outdoor Drinkin’

All of these places will probably have food trucks, but the focus is definitely the drinking


Don’t want something fancy? There are a number of quick-service type places nearby





DC Circulator



Bike Valet


Additional Links
submitted by kalicki to Nationals [link] [comments]

florida georgia line pickup truck video

Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (8D AUDIO) 🎧 - YouTube Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (Lyrics) - YouTube Lyrics: Florida Georgia Line - Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (BEST PIANO TUTORIAL ... Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (Lyrics) - YouTube Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (Lyrics) - YouTube Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (Lyric Video) - YouTube Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (Lyric Video) - YouTube How to play New Truck on guitar by Florida Georgia Line ... Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (Lyrics) - YouTube

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Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (8D AUDIO) 🎧 - YouTube

SHEET MUSIC & MIDI - to learn the piano? This is the quickest and easiest way: Piano Cover o... Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (Lyric Video) Here's how to play New Truck on guitar by Florida Georgia Line. Subscribe to see more country music guitar lessons and tutorials :)This song is in standard t... Subscribe and press (🔔) to join the Notification Squad and stay updated with new uploads 📷 Wallpaper:©️If any producer or label has an... Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (8D AUDIO) 🎧( USE HEADPHONES 🎧 FOR BEST 8D EXPERIENCE AND FEEL THE MUSIC ♫ ) If you like it, Please subscribe and 🔔 Tu... Florida Georgia line, new truck, Florida Georgia line new truck, new truck Florida Georgia line, Lyrics new truck, new truck Lyrics, Florida Georgia line new... Florida Georgia Line - New Truck (Lyrics)A request for subscribe and press icon which means a lot for us. Thank You Follow Florida Georgia Line:http://florid... Songs : "New Truck" by Florida Georgia LineAlbum: "Life Rolls On"Spotify: "New Truck" Lyrics: Yeah, babyI got a new truck (Yup), I got a new ride (Woah)I got... Music video by Florida Georgia Line performing New Truck (Lyric Video). © 2021 Big Machine Label Group, LLC Subscribe Our Channel For More Lyrics Videos......

florida georgia line pickup truck

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