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We usually gather around at friend's house and play poker using paper to record bets and monitor money. Since we obviously don't use real money and we do not bet with real money. Where is the best place together poker chips here?
I understand it is illegal to gamble, this is not gambling however, just trying to have fun. I am a huge poker game fan. I just don't want to keep using papers to record things, but make the game more realistic with poker chips. Thanks in advance.
submitted by mowilliams0 to dubai [link] [comments]

[Completed List]: d100 One Shot Premises

I compiled submissions from https://www.reddit.com/d100/comments/8c5wn4/lets_build_d100_one_shot_premises/ and https://www.reddit.com/d100/comments/8fi7oe/lets_build_100_side_games_in_an_interdimensional/ to make the following list:
  1. You hear from a farmer that his chickens are being stolen. He knows it is not wild animals due to only 3 males being taken every night. Upon further investigating the party discovers it is a cult trying to complete a ritual to summon a "great hero" to guide them into a new era. This great hero is just a gnome wizard that invented an infinite polymorph spell and was stuck as a chicken. From SwingRipper
  2. Play as a monster defending your home dungeon from a group of adventurers. https://www.reddit.com/DnD/comments/7nxy88/dmsguild_i_converted_every_creature_in_the/
  3. https://www.reddit.com/d100/comments/8iqp3t/lets_build_100_arena_combat_complications_for would also make a good one shot idea. From 2604
  4. characters based on the 7 deadly sins (pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, sloth, lust, greed) or heavenly virtues (chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility) From 2604
  5. villains based on the 4 horsemen (death, famine, war, pestilence) From 2604
  6. bunch of marines/mercenaries die and regroup in hell, organising a takeover. From 2604
  7. characters are hired to investigate a murder, but each player gets told they are the one that did it and have to secretly cover it up. It may or may not have actually been committed by one of them. From 2604
  8. playing characters based on the personality described by your zodiac From 2604
  9. sucked into a video game world jumani style, would be fun to play as overwatch characters or mario. From 2604
  10. bunch of dwarves who have to protect princess who shows up at their door one day or other fairytales. See how long it takes the players to figure out. Would so work for something like Shrek From 2604
  11. game based around finishing on the punchline of a joke. I read a story on dnd about a dm setting up a bookwrym joke but I can't find it. From 2604
  12. Similar to the two above, based on a song. Like the devil went down to georgia or all star by smashmouth. From 2604
  13. a bunch of characters like the orc "wizard" who casts smash using a rock against their face or the bear with stupid high cha and deception. From 2604
  14. pick a bunch of the stupidly OP homebrew classes people have made and see how much chaos you can get up to eg see dandwiki.com From 2604
  15. all (insert race or class here) party. Like all bard or all lizardfolk. From 2604
  16. characters based on people or band names like King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. From 2604
  17. steal the plot from a supernatural or dr who episode. I'm sure there's a bunch of other tv shows that would work too. From 2604
  18. king Arthur and his knights and merlin the wizard From 2604
  19. game based entirely on bad rpg cliches like getting knocked out and waking on an altar mid ritual From 2604
  20. game where literally everything is determined by a dice roll using all the tables in the dmg etc. From 2604
  21. level 20 characters vs a couple of the legendary monsters like a tarrasque From 2604
  22. every 10 or so minutes everyone switches characters From 2604
  23. play as a break mid-campaign: switch character sheets with another player. From 2604
  24. A non-haunted tomb containing the actually inanimate bones of a pretty okay to fairly nice ruler, his treasury, and a bunch of alive and violent treasure hunters. From 2604
  25. The Temple of Death and Reincarnation: there are things that WILL kill you, and you are reincarnated every time at the entrance to the temple. From 2604
  26. A dungeon whose rooms and encounters are randomized draws from the card game "munchkin". From 2604
  27. Battle Royale - see this Acq Inc Ep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVuhIPHyGpU&t From 2604
  28. Wizard Kart - see this Acq Inc Ep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-j0wgECFho&t 2604
  29. The owner of a magical creatures shop contacts the adventurers because the rogues' guild has let loose a number of his creatures in his shop: a hatchling cockatrice, a frost toad, a salamander and a baby manticore. While his shop is adequate to contain the creatures, he is not capable of recapturing them and thus cannot reopen his business. He will pay a premium price to the adventurers to capture the animals alive, 25% of the amount for any creatures killed, and he expects residual damage to be kept to a minimum, with contractural penalties. From 2604
  30. Adapt a murder mystery scenario, like one of these: http://www.party411.com/Partygames/MurderMysteryDinner.aspx From 2604
  31. A town has a park, which includes a group of stone cow statues. However, the townspeople are worried because a few new stone cows have appeared and no one knows where they came from. The party is hired to figure out what is going on, and eventually discovers that someone had the bright idea to keep a basilisk as a pet and it got loose. Inspired the the Charles Stross novella The Concrete Jungle from the Laundry Files universe. From kandoras
  32. In a world where vampires rule all (and there are several distinct types of vampires), our heroes - vampires themselves - are tasked with escorting and protecting an endangered group of "breeding stock" (humans) through the badlands to a protected human city on the other side. From The_Nakka
  33. On a two-city island, the temple of Asteras has a warding spire that protects the land from the membrane effect - where demons and tortured souls can pass from their world to the island. After a major earthquake, spirits are seen. Is anyone brave enough to take the path through the dense jungle forest, along the base of the volcano, to the city with the spire and figure out what happened? From The_Nakka
  34. The bad guys get the McGuffin from the capital. The players chase the baddies to the (major) port city as winds pick up. The bad guys can't get a boat out because of the storm. They are able to find allies in the city, the hurricane sets in, and the entire quest is in the city during a MAJOR hurricane. Quests can be in the infiltrate buildings, survive while buildings collapse, make your way across parks, save people trapped in flooding buildings, etc., en route to getting the McGuffin back. From The_Nakka
  35. Each PC is a kobold with tons of resources to set traps for unaware adventurers. (Bonus: The next game can feature these same kobolds and the gear they got from earlier adventurers). From Qozux
  36. The party is all level 1 or 0 peasants. One day a wizard rolls into town and offers to reward them if they can test a hundred wands with random magical effects for him. Chaos ensues. Pantaleon26
  37. The party is part of an army disembarking on a beach. The enemies are on a hill, constantly shooting arrows and spells at the party's army. If only they could find a way up fast enough, the battle would be over… From Gabrielckc
  38. The party is aboard a ship, that's carrying unique and vital documents about a devastating magical weapon. However, there is a much bigger ship on their tail… From Gabrielckc
  39. The party members are part of a secret organization, that specializes in containing dangerous creatures and objects. Organization intel suggests there is a major threat inside of a heavily defended noble's castle. They have managed to infiltrate into a party in the castle, and must look for whatever the threat is. From Gabrielckc
  40. The party has a simple task: to assassinate a wizard before noon, when his devastating spell will be completed. However, the wizard is hiding among a crowd, and killing him in public would have even worse consequences than the completion of the spell. From Gabrielckc
  41. A group of adventuring monsters must disguise themselves and sneak into a human(oid) town to find their lost friend. From MutatedMutton
  42. Your group wanders into a poor, shabby looking town. They tell you they have no gold due to being constantly being raided by bandits. Do you help them for little reward? Or join the bandits because you're a jerk? From MutatedMutton
  43. A town is in despair for their children have been whisked away by a powerful illusionist with a flute. Worse still, this madman armed the children to defend himself as no one in the village can bring themselves to harm the children. Can you bring back their sons and daughters unharmed? From MutatedMutton
  44. You accidentally bump into a wizard on the street and he casts polymorph on you (and maybe your allies) into various types of animals before continuing on his way, muttering about rudeness, before you can get back your senses. Now you have to traverse the once familiar city in your new forms to find the wizard or another method to reverse this affliction to and perhaps render some payback on the wizard. From MutatedMutton
  45. Before he died, an infamous trapmaker announces that he has hidden his huge amassed fortune at the end of a massive labyrinth filled with what he calls "his most devious traps yet". Now the race is on to see who can reach this treasure trove first, complicating matters is rumors that some monsters have accidentally wandered in, trying to make a home in this dungeon. From MutatedMutton
  46. You fall into a giant hole that leads to an underground community made up of friendly monster races. Unfortunately, they have been having trouble with dwarves who keep trying to break in, slay the monsters and take over their treasure trove. Who will you help? From MutatedMutton
  47. Evacuate an island plagued by zombies From Nessius448
  48. Shanghai'd aboard a pirate airship after a night of heavy drinking. The only way off is down or through. From Nearsighted_Beholder
  49. Rob a museum looking for the twin to a magic item. From Nearsighted_Beholder
  50. Prepare a small village for an imminent attack from gnolls. From Nearsighted_Beholder
  51. Solve a murder on a train or otherwise enclosed vehicle (airship?) From Nearsighted_Beholder
  52. A wyvern is holding a bridge hostage in a remote village. They desperately need it opened, but cannot afford much. From Nearsighted_Beholder
  53. Two nights ago, during a thunderstorm, lightning struck a specific point in the forest 7 times in a row in rapid succession. It's definitely out of the ordinary. From Nearsighted_Beholder
  54. Suddenly and without warning everyone in the capital city freezes as if under the influence of a Hold Person spell for 1 minute at high noon. It's been going on for 12 days now. Artificers are baffled. It seems to follow clear rules, but nobody knows why this is happening. From Nearsighted_Beholder
  55. The underground river that sustains your tribe has become fouled and there are strange noises coming from deeper in your cave. As the most dependable Gobbos of the tribe, it's up to your group to solve this crisis. Will you delve into the dangerous caverns or will you raid the surface for Gobbo glory? From Calavan-Deck
  56. The circus is in town! A fiendish ringmaster has rolled into town turning people into clowns and freaks for his show. Watch out for the house of mirrors! From branman6875
  57. A bizarre curse has befallen a local village turning all who stay the night into children. Those transformed are prevented from leaving the village limits by a powerful barrier. From branman6875
  58. A bright flash at the table fades, revealing the players themselves are in the game as a result of a botched summoning. The players land a year after the DM, who is a country away and making pacts with fiends for power. From branman6875
  59. A famous adventurer has come back from a foreign exploration, bringing with him a mighty beast to show off to the public. But now it has broken loose from its bindings and is wrecking havoic in the city square. Beginning like the second act of King Kong, you go to see the show, and now must survive the night and bring the beast down. From Patchwork18
  60. You need to help a half-elf child find a date for prom. It's on Friday! From marshmallow_figs
  61. The goblins and orcs of a nearby mountain village have kidnapped the children of the town, intent on sacrificing them to please their gods. The party has been hired to rescue the children. From NeoMegaRyuMKII
  62. Unseasonal storms and an early winter are besieging an isolated northern town. The storms seem to be coming from the northeast of town, but the villagers are hesitant to let the party investigate… From FungalFan
  63. A famed sculptor who uses magic to augment his statues hires the party to take him along on an epic quest so he can find the perfect thing to make into a 60ft living statue for the capitol square. He has a lead on an ancient colosseum ruin that is suspected to be the home of a diverse theater troop turned cult who is trying summon an ancient evil creature to star in a production. Coolest or most fun thing that happens during it gets made into a moving statue at the end. From Alavaster
  64. The nation/city the PCs live in has been blessed by the residence of a wizard inventor. His most famous invention is a self-cleaning toilet that whisk away refuse via a small planar gate spell and leaves the user's backside clean and soft via prestidigitation. But now the wizard has disappeared, and everyone's toilets are backing up. It appears the residents of that plane have become unhappy about their home being turned into a giant sewer. The players must somehow resolve this 'shitty' situation. From FullplateHero
  65. The sewers have been leaking lately; upon traversal through the sewers the 'water' gets deeper, but in reality is part of one very large boss ooze, that periodically splooshes out smaller oozes. [For smaller battles and different times to harass the town]
  66. The oozes main goal is one thing: All of the right-handed forks in the town, causing a severe lack in eating utensils for the townsfolk meaning hunger except for the left handed individuals. From mizzile
  67. Quest: join the Thieves guild in Calimport, recover information about where a noble is being kept prisoner, assassinate the head of the guild, ensure a particular person takes over, using that person's help organise that the noble is freed but make it look like it was another group responsible for breaking him free. If it is still going on, the person who hired you now wants you killed, no loose ends, try and resolve that matter. From rolledrick
  68. Villages have reported seeing zombies on a farm outside their town, though nobody has been attacked or harmed by one. Upon investigation, the zombies are aides to a necromancer who recently purchased the farm. The necromancer needs help exterminating giant vultures that keep picking off his farm-hands. From dudius7
  69. A university librarian consults you about missing books and missing students. A powerful nothic has grafted a portal to a fractal pocket-dimension library maze onto the library that only opens at midnight. It has captured and enslaved students who stay late to help it research a certain powerful magic. From CountofAccount
  70. A shopkeeper hires you to cull the monster rats infesting his basement. The rats are the real shop-owner and his family who have been polymorphed by the imposters. They alert the party by leaving paw-written notes explaining their situation. The imposters took over the shop because the land the shop is built on is connected to an ancient underground complex. The polymorphed rat family have explored some of the dungeon already and can guide you a bit, but sense danger deeper within… From CountofAccount
  71. A village has been fighting a werewolf infestation. However, things have taken a nosedive for the village lately. The rate of werewolf conversion is skyrocketing.
  72. Turns out another, more sinister entity have also been plaguing the village, they are desperate enough to turn themselves into werewolves willingly just to get stronger to fight this evil entity. From elmoheadbutt
  73. Shepherds have gone missing, but the sheep flocks are untouched. Some people think wolves, some people think goblins. It's sheep with class levels, and they're pissed about lamb chops being a thing. Sheep barbarian! Sheep cleric! Sheep vengeance paladin! Sheep druid that can wildsheep into a human! From slaaitch
  74. Weakest Link - A series of tests of strength to see WHO. IS. THE. WEAKEST. LINK! The party goes against another party of competitors, but the party is against each-other too. Whoever does the most poorly goes into one-on-one combat with an iron golem. When they probably die, it is declared that the weakest link has been eliminated. From SheogorathGaming
  75. Jeopardy! - Jeo-party! Same style question answer, potential to be super meta questions. From 2604
  76. Wheel of Fortune - tymora's circle, have a d20 chart for the wheel and play hang man >_< From 2604
  77. Family Feud - Adventurers' Altercation. Could get topics from appropriate dnd posts and upvotes represent popularity. From 2604
  78. The Price is Right - if the trade is satisfactory, gotta bargain with a merchant From 2604
  79. Are you smarter than a 5th grader - RU smrtr than a kobold? From 2604
  80. Deal or no deal - sounds fine, but you're making deals with a djinn and whoever gets the least worst deal wins. From 2604
  81. Survivor - plot twist, no monsters or anything just dramatic torch ceremonies From 2604
  82. Wipeout - Have a description of obstacles that suit each of the players best skills and roll for each. Highest average or cumulative score across everything wins. Possibly throw in some monster competitors. From 2604
  83. Bargain Hunt - list of mundane treasure, maybe from the useless magic items list. Most creative potential use wins. From 2604
  84. The Apprentice - competing with a rival adventuring party to be hired by an Ogre named Ronald Klump. From 2604
  85. Faeruns next top model - challenge the players to describe a photo shoot that shows off their characters' personality. Or have them roll on a reincarnation table and describe how they'd work their "makeover". From 2604
  86. Iron chef - adamantine foodmage: come up with a random world appropriate ingredient or two and ask them how they'd serve it. From 2604
  87. Shark tank: make them think they're pitching to investors, but literally dump them in a tank with sharks. Sequel: dragon's den.. . From 2604
  88. Gladiators: straight up combat but with padded bright coloured weapons From 2604
  89. MXC Most Extreme Elimination Challenge From 2604
  90. Toddlers and Tiaras type beauty pageant except they're the judges and the contestants are goblins. From 2604
  91. Makeover show - dungeons, people, etc From 2604
  92. Location location: hand them a few mini dungeon maps and a monster looking for a new lair. From 2604
  93. Sweepstakes: give them 20 poker chips and the rules to Giants and Halflings (from acq Inc). Most chips at the end of a set time period or number of rounds wins. From 2604
  94. Would you rather or push the button type game: make a bunch of dnd type questions like "would you rather share a bed with a bugbear with night terrors or try to snuggle an owlbear" or "push the button and you can cast detect thoughts at will but everyone's inner voice sounds like a drunk Gilbert Gottfried" each party member votes in secret, points to everyone who chose the majority option. From 2604
  95. Mage swap: swap their parties magic user(s) with a shaman(s) in a goblin party or something level appropriate and then last party standing… From 2604
  96. The Mole: hand every player a card, one says "traitor", they've got to work out who's the mole while only speaking in character. From 2604
  97. Project Runway: list of monsters, make an outfit from their parts eg dragon hide shirt with owlbear pelt sleeves, naga skin pants studded with remorhaz spikes and a cap made of a flail snail shell. Points for creativity and making the other players gag. From 2604
  98. Charades, taboo, 20 questions, pictionary etc with dnd themed topics From 2604
  99. Dancing with the stars aka boogie with a bard: roll on a monster table and narrate how you'd choreograph your fight. Can roll attack or performance or some combination From 2604
  100. Gnome depot: fight a bunch of mechanical constructs. From 2604
  101. Maul mart: help an orc select his next weapon From 2604
  102. Bloodbath and beyond: most creative use of 5 gallons of dragons blood. From 2604
  103. Steal a bunch of challenges from "the challenge" or "amazing race" From 2604
  104. Blind Man's Maze: split party into teams of two. One player from each team is designated as the "eyes" of the team and has a map, and will try to guide their teammates through the maze, represented by the other player drawing out the map as described. Five minute timer or something, all teams at once (encourage talking over each other). Most accurate copy wins. From 2604
  105. Next Bride of Strahd: Like those dating show games with the three contestants. Strahd usually only comes in to trash the studio, so a member of the party stands in as the decider...or one of the brides From Patchwork18
  106. Build a better Troll Trap: A competition between two artificers on making custom items to use against one another, with the final round being making their own warforged using a forge the studio managed to procure. From Patchwork18
  107. High Planes Idol: A singing competition, with special guest judge Siren Colwell. From Patchwork18
Feel free to suggest more!
submitted by 2604 to d100 [link] [comments]

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