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[OC] Bought and Sold. Chapter 12, arc2

The crew is starting to dig in and experiment with their own designs. And other things happen...
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14 days after arrival
They were only partially in dataspace, just taking time to look at some of their spoils. They’d found a unique problem with the Gerlen weapons. The guys were handling the guns in real life as they looked deeper into the designs with Mason’s guidance.
The group of them were sitting in the main space, the living room of the large building where they had set up the makers they had personally brought with them. They’d had a simple table large enough for the whole crew and then some made with enough chairs for everyone. The weapons were laid out on that table.
“I’m thinkin’ that’s why they had to grab the gun barrels,” Daniel guessed.
“Did they?” Mike asked, he hadn’t seen the Gerlen use their guns.
“Yeah, those suckers had to get a grip on them handles on the front there,” Daniel explained. “I’m surprised the ship didn’t have some stupid lock too.”
“It does,” Mason replied. “But it’s all messed up. As long as you have and organic pattern to read, it unlocks.”
“Hah, lucky us.”
The first thing they found with the weapons they had taken from the Gerlen was that these ones were locked. There had been a genetic lock within the grips of the weapons, preventing them from being held and used by a person of another race.
“Can we fix that?” Mike asked.
Mason was sitting in with the brothers that morning, Otto was sitting across from them working at some files Mason had put a priority on, but wasn’t involved in the conversation.
“Sure, we can swap some parts,” Mason replied. “The gene lock is easy to fix for us, but that’s only because we’re lucky to have the makers. We’d be screwed if we tried to pick ‘em up and use ‘em.”
“Heh!” Daniel laughed, “Ya, guess yer’ right!”
Tank entered through the front door and walked up on the group. “It is the scheduled time,” he informed the brothers. “Shall we begin our patrol?”
“Sure,” replied Daniel.
Mike nodded and stood. “You think you can get those trigger locks sorted?”
“Probably,” Mason replied. “Since Stacey is well… better than me at the drone stuff, I can work on this.”
“Awesome,” Mike replied. “Cya soon.”
Matchka, Daniel, Mike, Tank and Rob were up for the patrol. The group wasn’t doing any heavy exploring. They weren’t pushing to anymore clone banks. Yet. They had agreed to take it easy and sweep around the estate for wandering Gerlen while the drone problem was worked on. They’d wipe out any stray problems, but advance carefully to avoid being surprised.
Truthfully, the crew was pretty nervous after the front of the large transport hover had been melted into slag. That plasma ball would have easily defeated any smaller D-field harnesses that the crew currently used. If they continued being over-confident, it would only bite them again, only luck had kept anyone from dying from that encounter.
That being said, it was two days until the so called armored variants of Gerlen might appear. And they had yet to see any of the stealth variants. There was a need to both be careful, but also a need to make good use of time.
They’d found the best sensor package they could fit on Mason’s little drone. The assault clones had scared them. They didn’t know what the stealth ones could do.
After the patrol left, Otto came walking out of the large building, whistling tonelessly as he approached the usual gathering spot of the sunning stones. The white room would have worked just as well. Since the drones had only needed to make it smaller, they’d been able to repurpose most of the components of the room, making for a quick rebuild.
But the sunning stones felt more open and more comfortable. So they’d built a small extension and dataspace router and placed it next to the stones so they could work just as easily there.
He found Aurula and Cynthia already working at something in dataspace. He sat down with them and ‘knocked’ by sending a ping to Aurula, asking if it was okay to join. He received an affirmative response after a moment. He sat down across from where the two of them were seated on adjacent stones. Cynthia seated on hers, Aurula sitting in front of a broad but low stone. She was actually leaning against it with a wing up above the stone.
He’d learned that Aurula preferred a bit warmer environment than the Humans did. So she went to greater lengths to enjoy the warmth the stones could put off.
Cynthia had been having the hardest time getting a handle on her data package. Which had surprised Otto, Matchka and Aurula. Cynthia had the best image control and creation of everyone, but was the worst at code manipulation.
He found them… taking it easy.
Cynthia started up her own conversation before he or Aurula had the chance to say anything.
“Hey-y Otto-o,” said Cynthia, drawing the statement with a slight whine to her tone. “Have any advice for this?”
She’d built herself a humanoid construct. She’d gone with a fantasy theme and had built a male elf, tall and lithe. He had an angular face, long pointed ears and flowing hair in a complex double braid. He was wearing a gilded tunic and trousers with high boots, but was currently standing rod straight.
“Advice for what now?” Otto asked.
“This,” she replied flatly and the figure… morphed as it attempted to take a pose. The form melted like wax. It flowed away from the original form and flowed into a fancy kung-fu pose with pointed hands, Otto figured it was something like a ‘mantis form’.
Cynthia was the best at image control. She could create, resize, squash or stretch or move objects better than anyone else. None of that included actually animating a fully realized image beyond static effects like a burning fire.
“Oh, yeah, that’s rough,” he admitted. “You haven’t been able to animate them?”
“Well, that was one of the worst attempts to be clear,” Aurula defended.
“Yeah, but not that much worse,” Cynthia added. “I was wondering if you have any tricks?”
“Hmm,” Otto hummed. “Well, did you try bones?”
“Bones?” asked Cynthia.
“Bones?” mimicked Aurula, by accident. Aurula brought both hands up to cover her beak. Although rare, whenever Aurula repeated what someone had said, she always became rather embarrassed. He’d have to ask her about that sometime.
“Well, I’ve only ever seen the most basic stuff about animating figures like this in videos of other people showing off their work,” Otto began explaining. “What I think animators will do is create a set of bones to act as a framework for the model. Any animations will act on the bones specifically and the features and details are, uh... programed to react to the movement of the bones.”
“Oh!” Cynthia responded. “Oh that makes so much sense! Why didn’t I think of that?”
“You’ve never looked at animation?”
“No! I’ve only ever drawn pictures, but, uh…”
Cynthia’s mouth twisted in a bitter smile. “No one really supported my drawing before. Dad was always tellin’ me to stop. There weren’t a lot of uh, people around to show off to.”
“What about your mother?” Aurula asked.
Cynthia’s face turned dark. “Not gonna talk about that.” her arms reached down to her belly, although that body was just a dataspace construct. “I’m gonna do better anyways.”
While it wasn’t necessary to do so, and dataspace didn’t work that way, Otto had realized he habitually limited his perception as if he was looking through his physical eyes. This was a habit all of the Humans shared. Cynthia had ‘looked’ away from him and Aurula. So when Aurula opened her beak to say something Otto held up his hand in a clear sign to stop and she held her words. Cynthia never saw it.
“So, the bones,” Otto said warmly.
“Cynthia snapped out of it instantly. “Yeah! The bones. That gives me something to work with…” she suddenly turned meek. “Is it okay if I play with this for awhile?”
Otto frowned in thought. “Well, do what you can do right? Just don’t spend the whole time working on the fun stuff though.” She still had to finish the installation and set-up for her basic operator package, but he wasn’t wholly sure there weren’t other things that needed learning.
A message came across the communications from Stacey. “Otto, Aurula, can you come verify this for me?” she sent. “I’m not sure I have the pilot control right.”
Cynthia looked between them. “Well, I’ll keep working on what I need to work on,” she said with reluctance. “I think I should be okay for a bit.”
“I will be back soon,” Aurula told her.
“Okay, but you don’t have to push yourself,” Otto said to Cynthia with a smile. “We’re all still learning what we can do.”
The two of them dropped out of dataspace. Once fully back in the real world Otto sat up off his rock and approached the stone Aurula was sitting on.
“Need a hand up?” He asked, extending his left hand for her to grab.
Aurula froze solid for a moment as she give Otto one of her side looks, one deep black eye looking up at him. Tentatively she reached up and paused, giving him a good look at her softly scaled forearm and hand. She finally placed her taloned hand into his. This was new, she seemed oddly nervous. He wondered if and when he’d last offered her a hand like this before.
Once her hand was settled into his, he gripped firmly and helped lift as she smoothly came to her feet.
“Well, shall we see what Stacey is up to?” Otto asked.
“Ye-yes, of course.” Aurula replied, politely waving at him to go first.
Otto smiled and turned to walk. Aurula waited a moment and then followed behind, folding her hands in front of her and watching the Human closely.
When Otto had first met her, he’d easily noticed certain similarities she held to an Earth cockatiel. A small smiling beak, the cheek spots, although hers were black instead of a cockatiel’s signature orange cheeks. Her spots were also higher and further back on her head.
And of course the crest, made of the same blue feathers as the rest of her body, but for the white tips. He had seen her primary crest rise many times in pleasure or surprise. But the secondary crest, the feathers laying on her head behind the black spots, he hadn’t seen again.
He spent quite a bit of time around her really, but he hadn’t seen her full ‘tiara’ since that first meeting.
If only because he was looking away, he missed his chance to see it again.
Estate garage
Stacey was sitting on an office chair they had made for the garage console that served as the control for the two drone bays. Stacey had a couple designs queued up to look at. It had been a bit of work getting everything cleaned that they wanted to use.
The common designs that had been in use had been some if the most stable, but that corruption had been revealed in the poor movement and the hanging of drone logic that often caused them to stop firing during combat.
She had two custom variants of the small hover drone set aside in the dataspace, but was currently looking through the heavy combat drone she’d found the other day.
The arrival of Otto and Aurula was announced with a soft ping. The ping was relatively new, Otto had scared Stacey a couple times with the ease at which he would appear in the dataspace she was working. As an apology he’d come up with the friendly ping as a form of knocking.
Stacey turned her awareness toward them.”Hi guys, i finished the little hover drones,” she began, all business. “And I need the controls on the large one checked.”
Aurula was distracted by something else though. “Guys?” she asked.
“Oh! Sorry, it’s just a blanket term,” Stacey explained, “I’m not actually saying you’re a man.”
“Ah, a figure of speech,” Aurula replied. She reached out and drew the large drone model to herself, creating a copy to work with. She pulled out the control set and began looking through it.
At the same time Otto was combing through the logic on the two smaller hover drones. Stacey had made a defensive version and a sensor version. For the firepower she was depending on the large model hover and the members of the crew and whatever weapons they possessed.
For the defensive model Stacey had swapped the weapons out of the base model, put in a D-field generator instead and had enough room to upgrade the power source.
The sensor model of course had an improved sensor package that was better at reading biological signs. It also had the normal paired weapons. She had also found a higher performance anti grav drive.
“I wonder if the offensive drone would be better if it we had a smaller version,” Otto suggested. “They’ve been pretty easy to hit, if they aren’t going to have D-fields, more agility would probably help. We could managed that just as easily by making it smaller rather than giving it a more expensive drive."
“Well, they have the defensive drone to hide around,” Stacey countered. “The easiest way to shrink them is to reduce the power supply, but then they won’t be able to keep up when capturing the ship. And then I would have to downgrade the sensor and they couldn’t see much.”
“Hmm, the defensive drone can keep them under cover most of the time, true,” Otto acknowledged. “That doesn’t mean that will always be the case. But we could also make a mini drone without a weapon and just a sensor. We don’t want to call attention to it anyways.”
“I’m not against three different versions,” Stacey admitted. “I can whip something up pretty quick and a smaller sensor drone would probably be better for scouting without being spotted. There is still the power problem.”
Otto raised the false blue hand to his chin in thought. He then reached up and pulled the larger combat drone model up. It had the rounded anti-grav drive on the bottom, looking like a set of domes projecting from the bottom of the platform and a larger directly on the rear. The front of it had been extended out with a half windshield raised up in front of the new cockpit. The style of seat was that of a sportbike with a set of handles to hold onto.
The beam dome had been raised and the extra hull space had allowed for the larger generator and battery. Stacey had pushed those back and elongated the hull to make more room to make room for the pilot. The whole machine had a rounded and sleek look not so different from most of the Silianisca designs.
Otto spun the model around tapping on broad sections of the hull around the sides and back under the beam dome.
“Why don’t we place mini docking bays for the small drones on your combat hover?” Otto suggested. “They really don’t need to be buzzing around all the time anyways, and that hover has more than enough power generation to top them up if needed. We can also make a larger mount on the rear for the bigger shield drone.”
“Oh yeah! I can do that easily!” Stacey said with sudden excitement. “Yeah, I can put in about six small docks along with the one larger dock. I can totally make different little drones depending on what we want too!”
“Still, the combat hover is a lot more expensive materials wise than the regular types,” Otto noted. “It uses some rarer materials for the high end generator and battery. We might have enough for two with what we have on hand.”
“I’ve been looking into that a bit,” Stacey replied. “We do occasionally get some of the rare metals from the maintenance drones, but SPIRE says there is a matter converter in the central block along with the central stepdown generator core.”
“Hmm, that’s the second time the central block has come up in planning” Otto replied. “Guess it's time to start thinking about the Tower. Besides, it’s not like we have to capture the whole ship piecemeal.”
“...Sooner would indeed... be better,” SPIRE said, suddenly joining the conversation.
“Oh hey SPIRE, how did the self diagnostic go?”
“...I’ve cleaned the... visible corruption,” SPIRE said slowly. “...When you are finished with those scans... I will need you to do the final check.”
“SPIRE?” Otto said. “Are you okay?”
“...Of course…”
“Uhh…” Otto started and immediately trailed off.
Stacey and Otto looked each other in the eyes. “Don’t worry about this,” Stacey told him. “It sounds like you really need to go.”
“Yes,” Aurula agreed. “I am fine to inspect the control package.”
“Okay, I’m coming down to the basement SPIRE,” said Otto.
“... Very well…”
Otto dropped out of the dataspace he was sharing with Stacey and Aurula in the garage and headed back to the large residence for his harness. There was much he could do with the access disk and his own head, but it was important to have the extra support.
He went to the wall hangars they’d put just inside the door and picked his own harness down. He slung it over his shoulder and reached down to pull the straps between his legs. He snapped them in and reached up to pull the jack off the heavy collar and plugged it into his neck. The clasps pulled the harness in tight as he adjusted various… parts for comfort. He’d been pinched once before.
After that was settled he returned to the garage and headed down the steps behind the console Stacey was working on. It always threw him a bit coming down these stairs. The wall above the stairs was on the left, but going down the left opened up into the maintenance drone bay for the estate where they had put SPIRE and the right hand became the solid wall.
He walked up to the cradle and sat at the chair and console they’d build off to the right.
“Hey SPIRE, I’m here,” Otto spoke up. “Can you tell me what’s going on? You’re suffering some slowdown I think.”
“... Slowdown?” SPIRE responded after a moment. “... My perception may be… compromised…”
Otto dropped into dataspace but instead of his own castle, he was floating in space before a sphere. The diameter of the sphere was a football field and a half, but was otherwise identical to the realspace sphere that held SPIRE.
He took off and orbited the sphere a couple times looking for ‘visible’ signs of corruption.
“You’re gonna have to give me some directions SPIRE,” Otto spoke up “The problem isn’t visible from the outside, I’m going to need some access and a guide to areas that can affect your sense of time and self perception.”
He felt a ripple in the space as a shockwave passed through him. Just down and to his left a panel extended out from the sphere. It moved slowly, more so than his last visit. It shook and would intermittently stop. “... Access granted…” Spire finally replied. It took a few more moments for the panel to open right up. It was huge, There were four quadrants per hemisphere, and each quadrant had only four panels to it. That meant the surface consisted of only 32 panels in total. It was quite a bit bigger than him.
Otto floated over and looked underneath, there was an octagonal access tube in the center of the section, surrounded by blocks of glowing data and conduits that flashed with information flying around. Otto had been impressed the first and second times he’d seen this. This third time he was no less interested. He glided into the tube to explore into the dataspace construct.
Once inside SPIRE’s ‘space’ he could feel a subtle but pervasive pressure. Otto felt like he was deep underwater and had to steel himself against the feeling of the very space trying to push him back. He felt the pressure recede slightly as the support package in his collar ramped up, boosting his processing power.
“...How is… it?” SPIRE asked. The ‘air’ vibrated with the SI’s voice.
“Nothing yet,” Otto replied drifting down the corridor surrounded by walls of offset black boxes with glowing borders. Conduits would stick out at random points and run along to the corridor until they suddenly disappeared again. Only along the corners of the eight sided corridor were there permanent conduits running the length of the wall. One of those conduits was pulsing towards the inside of the structure, it's colour a bright green. This was the signpost SPIRE had given him to follow.
Every so often he would come to junction with various paths opening up into dedicated sections. Each of those paths could take off one of eight directions and would span a whole side, opening up into their own eight sided corridors. Another conduit would be set into the corner along those transitions and split off down the corridor as well. The pressure was rising faster than he remember last. Otto suspected he was coming close. He found a path leading straight ‘up’ from his orientation along which the green signpost went up into. He flew up and stopped almost right away.
“Well, I found it,” Otto spoke up. A grey oozing membrane had filled the whole corridor preventing further access.
“... This is an obscured part of… the infection,” SPIRE responded. “I do… not see any problems… in that portion.”
Otto frowned. It had always bothered him that SPIRE seemed to think only a small order of magnitude faster than the organics around it. So many times it felt like SPIRE should have been able to… to just do more. The man had a suspicion the SI had been limited by the Silianisca. If the infection hit the portion of the code that controlled or limited SPIRE’s ‘speed’ then Otto had a chance to learn something interesting.
If he could understand what he was looking at anyways. ‘Fixing’ thus far had often consisted of controlled damage. If he was careful in his application of cleaning, then he could extrapolate based on nearby components how to fix what he was looking at and SPIRE was able to fill in missing pieces.
This was dangerous. Otto knew it. But he was already doing what he could to learn how SPIRE worked and do the best he could to repair any problems found.
He clapped his hands and then spread them out, complex crystals of code forming at his palms and socketing into sides of an expanding crystal floating between his hands. After a few moments it was done, and the rainbow coloured spiky crystal flew out and struck the center of the membrane. A six point set of points facing Otto spit out a small six sided cylinder of data as the membrane ate the construct.
He grabbed the base of the cylinder and held it in front of his face. The six sides expanded out revealing a portion of the membrane being held in a lattice of glowing lines. The side of the cylinder facing him flashed a set of diagnostics telling him what variant of data corruption this was.
“It's a type 4,” Otto said. “Which could be good news.”
The designations were just what Otto had come up with. The various types tended to cause similar problems, but had slightly different methods and needed a different anti-type. Type 1 devoured and deleted, leaving empty data, like endless pages of blank paper. Type 2 converted, changing data into something else, typically corrupted junk that would attempt to misfire half formed programs. Type 3 copied, multiplying the section of data it had sprouted from like cancer cells. Type 4 overwhelmed, filling a section with junk data, slowing everything to a crawl. Sometimes there was nothing else under the type 4. Sometimes it was hiding one of the other types.
“That is… good but… I do not believe… I can support you at this… time.” SPIRE struggled to speak. “There is… interference.”
“That’s okay, save your capacity for yourself for the moment,” Otto reassured. He knew that if SPIRE couldn’t see it, the SI couldn’t effect repairs from it’s own side.
Out of the palm of his right hand formed another crystal which he placed into the center of the lattice trapped sample in his hand. It started to pulse and bubble and the cylinder closed up. He tossed the cylinder into the membrane, although this time a glowing line of information remained connected to his hand.
“Cleaning begun,” Otto reported.
The cylinder sunk into the membrane and began expanding outwards, it passed through the membrane and everything on the inside of the cylinder wall shrivelled up into ash and scattered like dust. Otto continued to process the cleaner and it expanded into the junk data forcing it's way down the corridor. He floated forwards as the area cleared, the walls around him started to reveal themselves. He knew he couldn’t see it but the cleaner would seep through the cracks in the walls around him and continue until the end of the corruption was found. He’d need SPIRE to allow him to sift through the data constructs to check for any remaining signs however. Otto simply wasn’t skilled enough to separate and inspect the code by himself. That he could already do as much as he could had impressed the SI greatly.
He pushed himself down the hallway, following the now rapidly advancing border as the junk data was wiped away.
“How are you doing there SPIRE?”
“I believe I am… seeing some improvement.”
“You sound like it too.”
The barrier continued to push ahead, leaving Otto behind, although staying tethered to the hand he was holding up. Another path opened up to his left, the pulsing green conduit leading into it. He turned the corner and instantly recoiled.
[Quick Command: Defense, regenerating barrier]
A blue, translucent six sided panel appeared in front of Otto and identical panels started popping into existence expanding out from the first in the next instant.
A segmented worm slammed into the barrier and tried to chew it’s way through with a maw that opened up to inky darkness. The scaled shell of it’s body glittered with white light. Anything directly in front of it's mouth quickly disintegrated. Otto had chosen well with the regenerating barrier. But the worm was winning
“SPIRE! Can you lend me some capacity?”
“Easily… done.”
He felt the pressure of the space give way as his own presence gained weight. The barrier began to fill in faster and Otto issued another command.
[Command. Full build, Tesla Orb, designate target path, building....]
The worm had struggled and flailed as is chewed at the barrier, running it’s mouth back and forth looking for a way past but not finding one.
Previously it had taken time to fully build this same attack program that had finished the Spectrum agent. This time with Otto’s own slight equipment upgrades and the significant direct support from SPIRE the program built in an instant. Otto had learned how to properly use a touch of command language and had used that to set his quick combat programs. He understood it as a Sapient Intelligence’ language of concepts and he only spoke it like a baby, limited to base words. Even so it executed the command and the program was formed before Otto would have been able to speak a single syllable of english. It worked as quickly as he could form his thoughts.
The almost clear orb that formed above his head crackled with lightning arcing between a second solid black orb inside it and the outer layer. Three connected rings surrounded the orb, joined to each other at each primary axis point and anchored to the orb by a spike that pierced into the center. An arc of power lanced out from the orb.
It blasted directly through one of the panels and stuck the body of the worm. The space shook as the worm vented it's distress with unformed waves of pressure. It writhed in panic as the arc passed all the way down to the tail of the worm and it began to disintegrate from the inside out, patches of damage quickly showing through.
“Well that surprised me,” Otto sighed as the thing broke up into particles of junk data.
“Now that you… have eliminated it, I see the traces of a worm,” SPIRE spoke. “It was blocking self perception, I can begin… self repair.”
“Oh, that’s good, you gonna be okay?”
“Mostly… yes. I expect a small amount of drift… however.”
“Drift?” Otto asked with worry.
“Yes, nothing serious has been damaged, I will... be able to restore damaged sections to full capacity, but the construction of the code may change slightly,” SPIRE explained. “I will need you to examine... some code blocks in person to assure proper function.”
“How dangerous is the drift?”
“It is within… acceptable parameters. I cannot remove the… drift until I can sync with the original template.”
“Any place you want me to start?” Otto said, frowning. Double checking code was a painful task, he wasn’t looking forward to it. On the other hand, he was interested in what he could potentially learn.
“Of course, if you could trace... the path of the worm, that would likely be best.”
Otto had been looking down the corridor as they spoke, resuming the function of the cleaner expanding through the section. He could see sections of this new corridor eroded away where the worm had burrowed through. He began following it back, highlighting damaged sections as he went.
“Okay, let’s see what I can find.”
End Chapter
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