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WATCH LIVE 2:30 PM Governor John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference

During the last press conference, Governor Edwards stated that the next conference would take place the same time next week, and as of 9:30 AM, there hasn't been an announcement stating otherwise. I will update this post if the time changes.


Gov. John Bel Edwards
The "Great Doctor" Billioux - LDH continues to try to publish more and more data weekly. They have added more information such as the percent of positive cases by regions and hospitalization breakdown by region to the Dashboard. - The difference between this rise in cases and what we saw earlier on is that we have significantly more data which allows us to communicate to you a lot more early warning signs. - We haven't yet seen real big rises in ventilator usage like our neighbors in Texas, but if these curves continue we will probably see these numbers go up. - More individual information was added this week regarding race data. * Louisiana was one of the first states to provide race data for people dying by COVID-19. - LDH now feels comfortable putting out race data by cases. * There is still 19% of cases that they do not have race data. Whether it is from lack of information taken when someone is tested or inability to get information from contact tracing. - Still see there is a disproportionate number of African Americans who are contracting COVID-19 when compared to their white counterparts. * This is also true for our Latin-X communities. - The disparity is starting to narrow, at least for deaths. - It is important that we know where COVID-19 is and how to protect ourselves. - At the regional level, we can see other races beyond the Black and White races available for parish data. - Where is COVID Spreading?
Outbreak Setting Number of Outbreaks Cases % of Cases
Food Processing 11 423 30%
Bar 36 393 27%
Industrial Setting 16 117 8%
College/University 3 84 6%
Restaurant 16 68 5%
Construction Site 3 48 3%
Casino 4 38 3%
Social Event - Private 3 38 3%
Office Space 8 36 3%
Wedding 7 31 2%
Gym/Fitness Setting 3 26 2%
Ship/Boat 1 25 2%
Other Worksite 8 24 2%
Social Event - Public 1 24 2%
Child Daycare 7 17 1%
Religious Services/Event 2 17 1%
Recreation 2 10 1%
Retail Setting 3 8 1%
Camp 1 5 0%
Grand Total 135 1,432 100%

Questions by Dr. Billioux

Explain the 14-day quarantine...
Gov referenced the need to quarantine for 14 days. As we do contact tracing and tell them they may have been exposed, we know that some people's initial urge is to go out get tested. More often than not its been several days since your exposure, so testing is reasonable. If you know you have been exposed today it is not advisable to get a test today. Regardless of being tested, 5 days after exposure and it is negative, you can still turn positive on day 13 or 14. Quarantining is for 14 days regardless of your test result. If you ae been exposed you need to do whatever you can to isolate yourself from other members of your household and certainly do not go out.
Why we are seeing cases in college universities when they are currently closed?
So there is a couple of data points that we have around that. One is that for the last week or so more than 1/3 have been from 18-29 certainly 29 or less. So that is the same population we would see around college campuses. The other point that I may is that even though the universities may not be open hey still remain centers of our community were people of this age group reside. A university draws a large group from that age range so it is not surprising to see an increase in those locations. Note it is 3 we have identified out of 84 cases. We are trying to engage college students to make sure our message is clear to inform them on the best ways to keep themself safe. Even though are seeing very few people are needing hospitalization and even fewer are dying but if you increase the number of people who are exposed in this age group the number of people who will be hospitalized or who die will also increase. We now have 25,000 active cases statewide, even if these individuals are in a low-risk group for bad outcomes for COVID, but anywhere anyone else goes there is a higher chance of being exposed to COVID-19 whether they are going to bar or a gym the likelihood of catching the virus is higher.
Cannot hear question - will update later
We definitely see most cases coming from population centers but from the beginning, we have seen cases coming from rural settings. If you look at the map every parish has cases, as we increase testing in smaller parishes we see increases in cases. Some of our smaller parishes rank highest in the amount of COVID cases and deaths in the nation. It is a problem that is truly statewide. This is not a New Orleans or EBR problem, we have COVID cases rises spreading everywhere across the state in the way we did not in March.
Are you tracking cases in prisons and correctional facilities? Why isn't this reported on the Dashboard.
We track cases wherever they come from. We want to know if they are from individuals that are residing in the setting or staff that work in a setting. We recently partnered with the CDC to do more comprehensive testing in a prison int he North, we work with the DEpt. of Corrections with their testing procedures, same on the parish level to help them support their testing. Individuals' locations are not identified to the public unless they are posing a risk to the public. If we take an example of the bars in Baton Rouge and were not able to identify everyone who had been there we did make a public statement. It is not mandated by the Federal government to be reported like nursing homes are.
How can we make restaurants safer
We always look at how we can make any setting safer. Recently we are looking at how we can increase enforcement. Having people in these settings to makes sure staff and patrons are doing what they can reduce their risk in these settings. Bars produce a particular risk. You may be leaning in closer to yell over sounds or if you are slowly drinking a drink you are not taking a mask on and off. We are visiting those sites.
How many new citations or violations have been given from the LDH
Data is not available. Normally we give a warning and then a follow-up visitation and if that is not corrected by the followup visit a citation is not ordered.
Are you planning to break up COVID-location exposure by regions
No. Anyone one of these settings you should assume it is going on in your neighborhood. What is more important is to make a self-assessment when you enter a setting if it is safe for you to be there or not.
Gov. John Bel Edwards

Question by Gov Edwards

Earlier you compared us to Texas. Texas is limited crowd size, cracking down on restrictions, and adding a statewide mask mandate. Are you considering limiting crowd sizes, adding restrictions, or instituting a mask mandate?*
Other states are considering closing bars and indoor dining. Seeing the surge in cases have you reconsidered the current restrictions on restaurants and bars?
I will tell you that we are getting the guidance directly from the cOronavirus task force as well we have done over 3,100 site visits over the last 10 days or so. Primarily working through the Free Marshall Office we are trying to gain more compliance with existing restrictions and are having success in almost every case. We will be starting our followup visits and if there are repeat violations actions will be taken there. In regards to 50% occupancy for on-premises dining, we are on par with what Texas is doing now. Our decision not to go into Phase 3 was the right decision. I can only imagine what the case would be if we removed to Phase 3. We are paying attention to all of these things and maybe making some adjustments to the restrictions. Currently, we remain focused on getting compliance with existing restrictions. If this proves to be insufficient to get our numbers under control we whatever is necessary to not put a strain on our hospitals. We are not there today but we are on-trend to get there.
President Trump says he wants all students returning to school for in person instruction, do you have guidance on what you would like to see with schools reopening?
First of all, I would hope aspirationally we want to see our schools open 5 days a week for in-person instruction, but at the same time, we have to balance the interest of preserving the health of students, staff, and faculty. We need to look at what situation is at any given time of the situation, particularly in advance of when that school year will commence. You will see school districts implementing even more measures to protect students, staff, and faculty. Under no circumstance do we anticipate a return to pre-COVID normal. Even if we have in-person instruction on campus it will not look like how it was prior to COVID. Not like to see school assemblies, students eating in lunch, students will not be coming into contact with people who are not their immediate cohorts. It is important to get students back onto campus not just for education but for nutrition, social well being, mental health services, and we have to remember that teachers and school counselors are mandatory reporters when they suspect a child has been subject to abuse or neglect. For all these reasons we ant them back on our campuses but we ate to do it safely. Only recently the CDC related a plethora of guidance. K-12 leaders are pouring over that now to make sure it is incorporated into our plans of reopening. Impossible to know on July 8th what it will look like or whether it will even be possible to open schools a month from now.
Question about fall sports and Senators Fields request that K-12 sports be cancelled for the Fall
It is a little too early to say on July 8th what this will look like. I appreciate the concerns of Senator Fields, that decision may be a prudent decision but we are not at the time where that decision needs to be made. WE need to know al little more and get a little deeper into the calendar before the decision is made.
Question about how Gov. Edwards feels about then comparison of wearing a mask to the holocaust
It is utter nonsense and sad. My best advice to anyone who wants to talk about any person or situation today and compare it back to the nazis or the holocaust is not appropriate. Certainly not in this circumstance where mask-wearing is recommended across the world now, including by our own Federal Govern and White House to wear masks to stop a disease that is highly contagious and highly lethal. It just misses the boat on all fronts to compare that to something related to the holocaust.
cannot hear question
Dr. Birx called me last week they were looking at certain hot posts across the country where you had increases in cases and positivity that were very pronounced. They wanted to assist going into those areas with additional testing, with the hopes of identifying more people with the coronavirus, put them into quarantine, and cool off these hot spots. In EBR we may be seeing this because of the younger demographic, we are a college town, we do not know why we are seeing it but we appreciate the help and hope to get the 5,000 additional tests today between now and July 18th. This is the only federally sponsored testing taking place in Louisiana presently. If you have questions about this testing or how to take advantage of it call 2-1-1 doineedtogetacovid19test.com to pre-register. [location of testing sites]
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE 2:30 PM Gov. Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference


The summary is transcribed live, maybe paraphrased, and will contain spelling and grammatical errors until I am able to edit it once the press conference ends.


Dr. Gina Laguard of Regional Medical Director of Region 9 / Northshore
Giv. John Bel Edwards


Now that you won in court do you intend to crackdown, not he BBQ restaurant in Denham Springs?
Yes. We will share that information with you when it is appropriate.
When will that be?
When it is appropriate.
Do you think there will be leftover funding from the CARES Act or Business Grant Program in a time period that could keep the unemployment trust fund solvent?
I do not see in the portion of the CARES Act that we dedicated to local government. There is a certain amount, of the 1.8 billion we received it was my recommendation that 45% of the 1.8 billion be reserved for local government. The house went more or less with that, but then did fund $300 million for the Main Street program, and then a smaller allocation for Front Line Workers. We believe that will be completely exhausted and I do not know if money will be left in the Mainstreet Program. I haven't received a report yet and I think it would premature to guess. They will not begin to issue checks until Aug 15, and I do not know how many applications they received, nor how many qualify. We will know by the end of the month, and it could potentially be there at the end of the month. But even if it is there that money would not tie us over for very long. So the assistance we need in Phase 4 of the Coronavirus Relief that is currently being negotiated is critically important for us. We are communicating this with our Congressional Delegation and there have been a number of conversations with the Speaker discussing multiple ways we could replenish that trust fund. On August the 3rd we put $12 million dollars in the trust fund from taxes fro the quarter. It is just not enough to meet the demand with the claims we have.
Other states have banned smoking in casinos because they are concerned people are taking their masks on and off, has that been discussed here?
I believe that was first discussed in Louisiana as far as I know right now when you just brought it up. My first impression is that makes some sense, but I hate to think out loud because sometimes you get in trouble. I think New Orleans and East Baton Rouge may be the only places where smoking is banned in casinos. That is something I will give some consideration to, but I am not making an announcement today.
You've been hesitant to discuss football, have you had a discussion with their administration?
I have. I have had discussions with their athletic director and most people love LSU football but we have football programs across the state. I have had an opportunity to discuss with Scott Woodward, the LSU Athletic Director, and they are planning for multiple contingencies with what they will be able to do safely in regards to the number of people they can put in the stands for a football game. They do not know what that will look like yet, and I do not know what that will look like yet. Obviously you cannot wait to make that discussion until game day, we will meet with other schools to determine how far in advance they need to know. They are looking at ways to get people in and out of the stadium in and out of restrooms, receive concessions, without having people grouping together. Will need to see where we are in terms of the data to inform what we can safely do here in Louisiana when football resumes. The good news is we have some additional time because they backed up the return of the season.
A number of local bars are applying for temporarily conditional restaurant licenses so they can continue to operate and keep their doors open and a reduced capacity. Can you explain from a public health standpoint why a bar with a newly acquired temporary conditional restaurant license is safer than a bar that does not
Because they have to operate as a restaurant. All the rules that apply to restaurants today will apply to them in terms of the 50% occupancy limit, the need to social distance people who are not in the same household, more than 1/2 of the income must be derived from food sales and not alcohol sales. So they would function like a restaurant which would make them safer. Another indication of the efforts we are making is to allow as many of these bar owners as much flexibility as possible so we are not just leaving them the option of pick up or drive-thru sales. Or allowing them to have 2 video poker machines open if they had inside, but it also allows them to function as a restaurant if they are able to do that. They are receiving these permits very quickly so they can get into operation and realize some income as soon as possible. It will be safer because all of their patrons will have to be seated, to distance, and so forth... its something we are doing in an effort to allow as many of these establishments to remain open as possible, but to do so in a safe manner.
Is there a recommendation/protocol about how many cases college and university campuses can have without having to reduce people from campus?
They are working hard with the Department of Public Health and the CDC to work with education leaders both K-12 and higher education, to determine what to do when there is a case and if there are multiple cases and so forth. We can all assume there will be cases. You cannot have the cases we have across Louisiana, resume school, and not have some of these cases show up in your universities or K-12 schools. It really depends on how many cases, if they are in the same classroom, same dormitory, etc. All of these things are being looked at. I can tell you just recently our higher education community completed tabletop exercises, and a result of lessons learned there they have now gone back and revised their plans and will continue to do that as they learn from one another, and as guidance from the CDC changes.
Will you report data based on outbreaks/cases on educational campuses?
I don't know. I am not sure what means we have to capture that information, but certainly, what we have we will share. We are not going to hide it from anyone. Before I say yes I want to make sure we can capture that through the means we have in place to update you every day, or if additional things need to go into place. I do not know if it will be a situation where I ask you to direct those questions to the particular educational systems and universities while we report the universal numbers. We will get back to you on that.
Is there a point you will use your authority as governor to limit on-campus instruction
I do not intend to have to do that because we know K-12 are doing everything they can to deliver an education that goes along with CDC guidelines. So it is not something I believe I will have to do. Higher educational students, especially vulnerable, will do online or hybrid education. So with everything, they plan to do and oversee.... what they are doing came up they from the Department of Health in consolation with the CDC guidelines. So I do not believe it will be necessary for me to step in.
Shreveport reports its third death of MIS-C?
The medical community trying to determine if that is just what COVID looks like in certain kids, or whether it is a separate medical condition that is tangental to COVID. We've had a number of deaths, but not like the 4,000 from COVID from around the state. So we are obviously concerned about that. It is further evidence that children are not immune to this disease. They are much less likely to have a serious illness, but it does still happens. We see sometimes a young person will get COVID-19 and have a bad result even though there is no identifiable co-morbid condition. It is not the rule, it is very much the exception, but it is evidence that children are not immune. This is why we must make certain the kids are as safe as possible which is one of the reasons why the CDC guidelines are important --- that kids socially distance, have masks, do no co-mingle, they stick to their cohort. That this starts form the moment they get on the bus to the moment they get home. It is critically important we do this if we are going to get children safely back in the classroom.

Closing Remarks

submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

Happening Soon around Shreveport: Happy Thanksgiving --- Rockets over the Red + Christmas markets + holiday theatre

Happening Soon around Shreveport: Happy Thanksgiving --- Rockets over the Red + Christmas markets + holiday theatre


Thru Dec 8: Rainbow City - Common Park, FREE/open
Nov 30: Rockets Over the Red - Riverview Park & Louisiana Boardwalk, FREE/open

Christmas in Shreveport-Bossier Guide

Today - Dec 23: Christmas in Roseland - American Rose Center, $
Today - Dec 22: Red River Express to the North Pole - Riverview Plaza, $$
Weekends until Christmas: Le Marche de Noel Christmas Market - Shreveport Aquarium
Dec 5: A Country Christmas Carol - BPCC Theatre, FREE/open
Dec 5: A Christmas Carol - The Strand Theatre, $$
Dec 6: Christmas Candlelight Service - Brown Chapel at Centenary College, FREE/open
Dec 6: A Charlie Brown Christmas Live - Shreveport Municipal Auditorium, $$
Dec 6: Tinsel - Line Ave. shopping district
Dec 7: 20th Benton Christmas on the Square Festival and Parade - Benton
Dec 9: KCS Holiday Express - KCS Yard Gate 5, FREE/open
Dec 13: Centenary Christmas Carnival - Centenary College, FREE/open
Dec 13: Fa La La Fest & Makers’ Fair - Broadmoor Baptist Church
Dec 14: Meadows Museum Holiday Makers Market - Centenary College
Dec 21: James Burton’s Louisiana Rockin’ Christmas - Paradise Theatre, $$


Nov 30: East Bank Golf Cart Parade - East Bank District, FREE
Dec 4: December Artwalk - Downtown, FREE
Dec 5: PUBlic Theology - Flying Heart Brewing & Pub, $
Dec 6: Girls Night Out: Holiday Cookie Decorating - Norton Art Gallery, $


Wednesdays at lunch: Healthy Food Trucks in Common Park, $
Nov 27: Thanksgiving Hoorah! - The Remington Hotel, $$
Nov 27: Weird Wednesday: Blood Dinner - Bear’s, $
Nov 29: Pitch-Black Friday - Twisted Root Burger Co., $
Nov 29: Black Friday Bash - Great Raft Brewing Co., $
Dec 5: Speakeasy Prohibition Party - Fatty Arbuckles, $$
Dec 6: Making Spirits Bright: a Sipping & Tasting Experience - Hilton Shreveport, $$
Dec 7: Whimsical Waffles & William Joyce - Common Park, $/tickets
Dec 8: Balderas Brunch - The Common Park, $$


Thursday evenings: Drum Circle in Common Park, FREE/open
Friday evenings: Live Music Dance Nights in Common Park, FREE/open
Nov 26: Tom Carter + PHAT Brothers + Tom Fashho & Ray Sprague (indie) - Minicine, $
Nov 27: Jeremy Hurst (acoustic) - The Remington Hotel
Nov 27: Josh Love (Jimi Hendrix tribute) - Red River Brewing Co., $
Nov 29: Goth Nite V: Holy Witch (post punk/death rock) - Bear’s, $
Nov 30: Justen Jackson + Zay Spade + Mack Swans + Isaiah Polk + Moni (hip-hop) - Bear’s, $
Nov 30: Local Music Showcase Extravaganza - Minicine, $
Dec 1: Home Free (Christmas a capella) - The Strand Theatre, $$
Dec 5: The La-Di-Das (folk) - The Port Grill, $
Dec 5: Luke Combs (country) - CenturyLink Center
Dec 5: PONCE (rock) - Ki’ Mexico, $
Dec 7: Haley Brooke (pop/soul) - The Port Grill, $
Dec 8: Point of Grace (contemporary Christian) - First Bossier, FREE/open
Tuesday: Ernie's; Ki’ Mexico; Noble Savage Tavern; Twisted Root
Thursday: 2Johns; Noble Savage Tavern
Friday: Beauxjax Crafthouse; Haze on Texas; Ki’ Mexico; Noble Savage Tavern; The Three Dons
Saturday: Chicago Night Club


Nov 29-30: Kris Gardner (stand-up) - LOL, $
Nov 30: Reginald Ballard (stand-up) - Shreveport Convention Center, $$
Nov 30: Ha Ha Holiday Comedy Show (comedy team) - Great Raft Brewing, $
Dec 6-7: C.J. Starr (stand-up) - LOL, $
Dec 7: Socks & Undies Comedy Show (stand-up) - The Queue Tavern 2.0, cover is new socks, undies, or hygiene products for the homeless


Weekends until Christmas: Le Marche de Noel Christmas Market - Shreveport Aquarium
Nov 30: Small Business Saturday - Downtown
Dec 1: Holiday in South Highlands Christmas Market - First Baptist Church Shreveport
Dec 6: Tinsel - Line Ave. shopping district


Thru November: 1999: The Best Movie Year Ever series - Robinson Film Center
Nov 29: Movies Under the Stars: The Polar Express - Provenance, FREE
Dec 3: Heels & Reels: Just Friends - Robinson Film Center, $$


Nov 29: Michael Carbonaro (stage magic) - DiamondJack’s Casino, $$
Dec 4-5: A Country Christmas Carol - BPCC Theatre, FREE/open
Dec 5: A Christmas Carol - The Strand Theatre, $$
Dec 6: A Charlie Brown Christmas Live - Shreveport Municipal Auditorium, $$
Dec 7: J.D. - East Bank Theatre, $


Dec 8: Taproom Trivia - Red River Brewing Co., $
Sunday: Rotolo’s
Monday: Twisted Root; What’s on Tap II; Ivan’s
Tuesday: The Port Grill; Central Station; Pizza Rev; Daq’s (Southern Loop)
Wednesday: Bar Chord; Chimi V’s; Fully Stacked; Habanero’s; Whiskey Roadhouse
Thursday: Sundance Cantina; Bear’s; Windrush Grill; Retro 521 Coffee & Cafe
Saturday: Rotolo’s


Nov 28: Turkey Trot (5K/half mile) - Common Park, $$
Nov 30: Renee’s Run (5K/1 mile) - Stoner Skate Park, $$
Dec 6: Dashing Thru the Glow (5K/1 mile) - Haughton, $$
Dec 7: Dash Around the Square (5K/1 mile) - Benton, $$
Dec 8: Log Jammer Half Marathon & 5K - Festival Plaza, $$
Saturday mornings: Exercise in Common Park, FREE
Sunday afternoons: Yoga in Common Park, FREE


Dec 6: New Mexico IceWolves @ Shreveport Mudbugs - George’s Pond Hirsch Coliseum, $
Dec 7: New Mexico IceWolves @ Shreveport Mudbugs - George’s Pond Hirsch Coliseum, $


Nov 29 - Dec 22: Red River Express to the North Pole - Riverview Plaza, $$
Nov 30: Sno-Port: The Science and Wonders of Snowflakes - Sci-Port, $
Dec 9: KCS Holiday Express - KCS Yard Gate 5, FREE/open
Shreve Memorial Library
Bossier Parish Libraries
Shreveport Aquarium
Sci-Port Discovery Center


Open Now: Nekter Juice Bar (Camp Forbing Marketplace)
Open Now: Fat Calf Brasserie (3030 Creswell Ave.)
Open Now: Glow Alchemy Kitchen (955 Pierremont Rd.)
Open Now: Sauvage (608 Absinthe Court, outside of Twelve Oaks)
Open Now: Zuzul Coastal Cuisine (1370 E. 70th St.)
submitted by tylerlanemoore to shreveport [link] [comments]

[1,659] "Saving Death" Chapter 1

Here's my critique. Bit old, but I DID IT! Here's another one. To catch up to word count
Looking for unbiased, honest critiques about this first chapter in my first 'serious' story I'm writing. Previously only written in RPs on reddit, short stories, and a fanfiction story. I feel I need to work on both sentence flow (actions transitioning to exposition/past specifically) as well as the length of my descriptions and tendency to ramble. So, any tips on those, and anything else you notice, would be much appreciated!
Sorry for Reddit submission, I'm not able to make a Reddit-specific google account at the moment. :( I tried to make it easier, a new paragraph/line is color coded with gray.
EDIT: In terms of what I'm going for, first chapter is to establish Wallace as a character, what life he lives, etc. Tonally I'm going for a mostly serious with some humor splashed in, Wallace is intended to be pretty light hearted (already messed that up, I realize) and is supposed to go through a major change over the course of the book to 'hardened badass'. I'm mainly looking for critiques to make sure everything flows nicely, if it's a nice intro chapter, easy to read, and tone. Plot isn't really showing up until the end and even then it's a line of it so I don't really worry about that.
This is obviously part of a bigger story. Glenn/Dog is, obviously, the dog at the end. He's the demon Glasya-Labolas with a little twist, he is a total addict to drugs and a huge amnesiac so he doesn't know he turns into a dog.
Mainly concerned with spelling and paragraphing. Not too worried over grammar. This is still a rough draft so changes can obviously be made. Thanks in advance! If you have questions, let me know!
Wallace McKnight was nothing if not stubborn. He had hit the snooze on his alarm clock a few too many times already. The digital clock reading 4:08 PM and casting a small, green glow on his freckle ridden face. A nose a bit too big sat above thin lips, that seemed to be in a perpetual state of discomfort, and between two bright blue eyes peeking from behind obsidian-like hair. Eventually, after the third alarm buzz, his eyes shot open to glance around his messy room as his hand snaked from under the covers to power off the clock.
He had already missed his afternoon class, unfortunately. Wally had already read the assigned chapters, done the worksheet, and studied. His main reason for attending class was because he hated missing anything...also because today was the day he was going to ask out Samantha Burnes. However, missing class also meant he could visit his mom before she went to bed!
With a pep in his step, despite being groggy from over sleeping, he dressed in his nicer clothes; only the best for his mom. Although, the best of his clothes consisted of a black jacket with small holes in right sleeve accompanied by jeans that were still wet from the rain and a maroon shirt that could have passed for a senior citizen with how many wrinkles it had. All in all, he looked like a normal teen working full time with no money.
Leaving his humble apartment, located in what was known as The Dog's Den in the city of Shreveport, Louisiana, Wally nearly tripped over Glenn. The druggie that always seemed to be locked out of his apartment.
"Hey man, what're you doing in my room?" Glenn's speech was slurred, his blond hair, pointing every which way, went just past a nose that looked like it had been punched, "I thought I locked the door...." He voice trailed away as his eyes slowly closed.
Wally had a soft spot for him, sure he was an addict but he was never a bother; more like his floor's mascot. Plus, Wallace had convinced his landlord to give Glenn the home of a recently evicted person. He'd stumbled upon Glenn on the street, curled up like a stray dog on a piece of cardboard in The Dog's Den. When Glenn moved next door to Wallace, the other residents learned where he came from and soon Glenn was known as Dog...in an endearing way. Soon, Wally became a sort of caretaker for Dog, the friend always looking out for him.
"Come on, big guy, let's get you to your bed." He lifted the dazed man, slinging Glenn's arm over his own shoulder to help keep the addict upright.
The door wasn't locked, even if they wanted to lock it the door frame and knob would resist since they were busted to hell from the previous renter. Getting the door opened all the way proved difficult, for some reason Dog had stacked empty boxes by the door like cardboard sky scrapers that toppled over almost instantly when Wallace entered. Whilst dragging his friend to his couch, Wally had done this several times before, he took notice of just how much Glenn's apartment had changed since he was last here.
The contents of the cardboard boxes were evident by what lied in the living room. A square table with two legs screwed in and on its side, the underside of the table had been scribbled on with bright markers. The words PLAGUE and ZAZES were written above what looked like an elementary child's drawing of a woman getting stabbed by the devil. Below the murder scene was a symbol, a cross made to crucify someone with four arms, the strange cross planted firmly into a sideways eight.
Image of symbol, it shows up centered on a new line in my evernote doc
"That's my easel...." Glenn muttered, lazily pointing to the table as he walked away from Wally to plop down on a couch with flattened cushions. Wally could then see that Dog had somehow gotten on Ebay as the room was littered with busted knick knacks, likely bought at a discount, as well as torn up history books that ranged from The French Revolution to subjects as obscure as whatever The Shroud of Turin was. Dog had always been pretty big on reading, but he had a mini library in his living room now as opposed to the same five books he was reading a few months ago. Wallace hadn't had to put Glenn to sleep for weeks, he'd been so busy with school and work that when he finally got home Glenn was nowhere to be found.
"Are you going to be alright, Glenn?" Wally asked, looking at a stack of envelopes on one of Dog's easels, which were just any flat surfaces he could find.
"Just bring me back some dinner." Dog, face buried in the cushions of his sofa, waved at Wally as he fell asleep; leaving his friend to question if he was able to breath properly in that position.
Shaking his head with smile, Wally agreed to bring back some food as he closed the apartment door, "Sure, bud." Having taken care of Dog, Wallace was able to finally head downstairs, pulling his hood over his head, and head outside to the chilly, winter winds of Louisiana.
He had no car but he did own a bike. Sadly, riding one in the rain wasn't smart since the sidewalks and roads looks like they experienced a major tectonic plate shift. So he opted to just walk to his mom's place but stopped just a block away from his apartment. He'd forgotten his wallet and watch.
With a sigh, he made his way back up to his apartment, shutting Glenn's door as he passed, and went into his apartment to get his wallet and watch. Of course, he had no money in his wallet but he would need his ID to see his mom and he never liked to leave his house without his watch. It had fallen off his nightstand during his sleep, probably caught in the crossfire of his wild attempt to hit the snooze on his alarm clock, but he gripped the silver pocket watch in his hand. It had stopped working when he was six, around May 2002, but Wallace had held onto it anyways; it was the last thing he or his mother owned of his dad's.
Wallace's database on his dad was practically nonexistent, his mom didn't talk about his dad much nor did she own any pictures of him. She simply stated that he was a musician that traveled around a lot. It had taken years to learn that much about his dad, getting a straight answer from Wally's mom was much akin to climbing up a mountain without any gear. But, with his broken pocket watch in hand, he was now ready to go see her. Maybe he could pry some info from her about his dad or they'd just play dominoes as they always did. After opening the door and locking it his legs buckled as he fell to the ground. A scruffy looking dog had bolted past, or in this case through, him and was heading towards the stairs in a blur of gold.
"Damn dog..." He cursed to himself, it showed up every so often and as far as he could find out it didn't belong to anyone. It had matted, golden hair, looking like it spent a lot of time in dumpsters and mud puddles, and stood at about Wally's upper waistline. Standing up he saw that Glenn's door was open again, it usually blew open if Glenn had a window even cracked just a smidge so it wasn't unusual. Pulling the door shut, Wallace went downstairs, yet again, to his mother's.
The walk was uneventful despite being downtown. With it being a Wednesday evening, traffic of people leaving work filled the streets and people were walking all around; the city was like a mini New York. Wallace could look up and see the big bank skyscraper that used to be for a phone company standing just above The Building on Fire. It was a big casino that had weird windows and glass all around it that distorted the sunsets and sunrises to make the gold-ish, horseshoe shaped building look like it was lit aflame. He stepped over a sleeping homeless person, who mumbling, and passed several shops that were going out of business. Shreveport had seen better days. Even during the market crash a few years ago it was still somewhat up and running, but now was worse than ever. People were losing their jobs, shops were closing down, gangs were growing and the mayor died just last week.
Wally liked to call it Gotham City.
It wasn't too long of a walk to his mom's, about fifteen minutes if he took shortcuts down some alleys; which he did. Normally people wouldn't dare walk down the alleys near Dog's Den, which was right next to the Red River and stretched for several blocks into downtown, but Wallace knew enough people to where no one would jump him. He'd made friends with a few gang members, not intentionally of course, a cop that frequented the diner he worked at, and even a few homeless people; one less now that Glenn had a home.
So, he was caught off guard being ambushed in the middle of an alley one block from his mom's place.
The first thing he heard was a trash can falling over, clanking loudly as a rat scurried away from out of it. Next came a big puff like someone just threw a bag of flour on the ground hard enough to make it explode like a grenade, followed by an intense odor of rotten eggs and a flash of yellow clouding his vision. That was the fifth time Wallace McKnight had been jumped but the first time he'd been kidnapped.
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Six casinos in Shreveport-Bossier City, ... will keep its 1,400-room casino hotel open, as well as an RV park, golf club and golf academy. ... Noticias en Español Obituaries Today's ePaper ... The Reno-based regional casino operator with 23 casinos in 11 states, including Nevada, will reopen in Louisiana after closing because of the COVID-19 pandemic. SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – Four of the Shreveport-Bossier casinos are back open after being closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Margaritaville Resort Casino, Horseshoe Bossier City, and H… SHREVEPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT The Shreveport Police complex is limiting access to the public. Visitors will only be able to access the building at the patrol desk or in the records division until further notice. All citizens are requested to contact police by phone or email. The Detective Bureau will be open, but on a limited basis. Citizens ... Shreveport, LA (71104) Today. Partly cloudy. Low 39F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Make Eldorado Your Stop for Gambling in Shreveport. Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Mini Baccarat- no matter your gaming pleasure, the Eldorado is the perfect destination for you. And that’s not all. The Eldorado also offers a wide variety of hotel, casino, entertainment, spa and dining options to make your stay one-of-a-kind for Shreveport casinos. 20×49 is the official blog of the Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau. Please visit www.Shreveport-Bossier.org or contact our Downtown Shreveport Visitor Center for more information. 629 Spring St., Shreveport, LA 71101 Phone: 318.222.9391 Casinos in Shreveport-Bossier City will reopen their doors to patrons beginning the week of May 18 following closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. The following casinos are scheduled to reopen on ... According to the most current information we have, the gaming floor at all Shreveport-Bossier casinos and the racino have reopened with the exception of DiamondJacks Casino and Hotel, which has permanently closed. Many of the shops, restaurants, spas, etc., at the casinos remain closed. Restrictions will apply. Check with the casino before you ... Most casinos remain open in some respect, but that will likely change. Though many gamblers will turn to horse betting, online casinos and online poker, our staff at PlayUSA wants to keep you up to date with a list of casino properties that have suspended operations in the wake of this global pandemic.

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